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For authors |
Mechanical engineering and engineering education
Basic Journal Topics
Machines and Machine Systems
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Materials Science in Mechanical Engineering
Constructional Materials
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
1. General Information
1.1. Editorial Board takes into consideration the manuscripts of following categories: research article, review article, topical articles on the subject of journal, technical notes, technical comments, book reviews.
Publication of articles is free of charge.
1.2. The journal publishes articles that were not previously published and are not submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles should be of proper scientific level and contain original research results.
1.3 All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are subjected to peer review. Review period is once month. A final decision to accept or reject the manuscript is taken by Journal Editors according to the results of the review. If in the reviewer's opinion the manuscript requires revision, then the revised manuscript is re-submitted to the journal and considered by a reviewer again.
1.4. Selected manuscript is edited by the scientific editor; an edited version of the article is agreed upon with the author(s). Before publishing an article, typeset proofs will be sent to the designated Corresponding Author of the article by e-mail (as a PDF file). The corrected typeset proofs should be returned to the scientific editor as soon as possible.
2. Manuscript Submission
2.1. Manuscripts with the necessary information (abstract, keywords, information about author) are sent to the Editorial staff by e-mail (e-mail addresses are indicated in "Contacts").
2.2 In accordance with the requirements to the journals included in the list of the leading periodicals recommended by the VAC, the following information should be submitted in English: title of an article, information about authors, abstract, keywords and references.
2.3 An expert conclusion must be submitted to the journal for an article to be published.
3. Requirements to Mauscripts
3.1. Manuscript length should be from 6 to 20 printed pages (format A4), including figures, tables, and other illustrative material.
3.2. Index UDK should be written before the title of the article.
3.3. Each article must be provided with an Abstract of about 100-150 words, reporting concisely on the purpose and results of the article, and keywords (not more than 10).
3.4. The text should be typed in the wordprocessor Word (2003 version, XP or later versions) with 14 point size font and 1.5 line spacing. A paragraph marker is removed at one end of the paragraph. Use Times or Times New Roman font for normal text and Symbol font for all symbols. Formulas are typed in the Word Equation editor.
3.5. The mathematical part of the article (formulas, equations, expressions) should naturally correspond to the text and does not overload it with unnecessary details, i.e. it should better be reduced to an acceptable minimum. Avoid cumbersome derivation of the equations and formulas where possible, try to present them in a simpler way.
Formulas (equations, expressions) which are referred to in the text should be numbered consecutively beginning with (1) to the end of the paper. The number should be enclosed in parentheses on the right side. Ii is necessary to define every variable used in formulas (equations or expressions) after its first mention.
3.6. Figures should be created using vector graphics editors (CorelDRAW, AutoCad, Adobe Illustrator, etc.) and photographs should be treated in a photoeditor like Adobe Photoshop and similar. All images are placed in the electronic version of the article in the format *.cdr, *.tif (*.tiff) with 300 dpi resolution in the right positions in the text with the corresponding captions. In addition, it is desirable to provide all illustrations in separate files of the original format, the file name indicating the number of the figure in the text (e.g., 5_14.tif).
All figures (graphs, line drawings, photographs, etc.) should be numbered consecutively and have a caption consisting of the figure number and a brief title or description of the figure. Information in the form of text or symbols should be placed in caption replacing it on the figures by numbers and letters.
3.7. All tables should be numbered consecutively and have a caption consisting of the table number and its brief title.
3.8. Use the international system of units (SI) in the article.
4. Article Structure
4.1. The title should be brief (no more than 12 words) and clear in accordance with the objectives of the study.
4.2. A manuscript should be carefully edited, grammatically correct and contain all necessary features of a scientific publication. A manuscript must have a certain structure: it must be divided into logical parts or sections to get a clear idea about the article subject, ways of solving the studied problem, obtained results and other relevant information.
Introduction, conclusion and references are indispensable structural elements of an article. The basic part of the article should be divided into logically interconnected sections with brief headings. For example, the article may have the following headings of sections (mandatory headings and parts are italicized):
Formulation of a problem
Method(s) of solution
Analysis of results
5. References
5.1. References should be arranged in numerical order according to the sequence of citations within the text. The numbered reference citation within the text should be enclosed in brackets, e.g. [1], [25], [6, 7].
5.2. Reference list is made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5. 2008. It is located at the end of the article and indicates author’s names, title, full name of the publication, place and year of publication, number of the issue or the volume, number of pages in the book or page numbers of the cited article, Web reference if a publication is on the Internet.
6. Author information
Basic information about the authors with an indication of the scope of research interests and the number of publications is provided at the end of the article, as well as their contact information (e-mail, telephone).
For example
Ivanov Ivan I.
E-mail: miu@yandex.ru
Tel: +7 (499) 677-29-19
Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor of "Information technologies and systems in economics and management" department of the Moscow Institute of Management. Scientific interests: the theory of optimal control, CAD, information technologies. Author of three monographs, more than 140 scientific articles, two inventions.
7. Contacts
Moscow State Industrial University, Avtozavodskaya ul. 16, Moscow, 115280 Russian Federation. Journal «Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education».
Editorial office telephone: +7 (495) 276-33-67.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Skopinsky Vadim N.
E-mail: skopin-j@mail.ru
Website address: www.mio.msiu.ru