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Московский политехнический университет

2020 year → Issue 1

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Dynamics and Strength of Machines
Ilia G. Rukovitsyn
Workability evaluation of the compressor units with flexible rotors on magnetic bearings
Technologies for Mechanical Industry
Mikhail V. Vartanov, Sergei L. Petukhov, Trung Ta Tran
Experimental research of the robotic assembly process of cylindrical joints based on the rotational movement and low frequency vibration
Constructional Materials
Oleg E. Korolkov, Vladimir V. Stoliarov, Anatolii D. Shliapin
Titanium alloys deformability under current influence
Constructional Materials
Liudmila P. Andreeva, Viktor V. Ovchinnikov, Gulnara R. Latypova
Study of the crack resistance of welding compounds from alloys 1420 and 01570
Constructional Materials
Olga E. Grushko, Marina A. Gureeva
Effect of calcium micro-emolation on the technological properties of B-1341 alloy sheets
