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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2019 year → Issue 4

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Machines and Machine Systems
A.V. Passar
Influence of the angle of gas flow outlet from an impeller on turbine efficiency as a part of a compound engine
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
I.P. Popov
Forced oscillations of mechanical systems in steady state
Technologies for Mechanical Industry
O.N. Grinyuk, O.V. Aleksashina, O.F. Vyacheslavova, N.V. Maslova
Increase of efficiency of technological operations during the metal product manufacturing for small interprises on the base of special software
Technologies for Mechanical Industry
E.A. Chekalova, A.V. Zhuravlev
Increasing the productivity of a complex profile tool from high-speed steels due to discrete diffusion hardening
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
I.N. Filonenko, G.A. Ulitsky, N.A. Shindyapkin
The cooler design automation for power semiconductors
