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Andrei V. Passar 1, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher of Numerical Methods of Mathematic Physics Laboratory, е-mail: passar_av@mail.ru
1Computational Centre of Far-East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Khabarovsk)
The paper deals with the choice of the angle of gas flow outlet from the impeller of a centripetal turbine when it is operated as part of a compound engine. For this purpose, a new approach of design and calculation of the turbine operating as a part of a compound engine is proposed to use. There are presented impellers of the centripetal turbine, designed with different angles of flow output, as well as the turbine characteristics in stationary flow and at operating as a part of a compound engine. The analysis of turbine characteristics in stationary flow shows that a decreasing the angle of flow outlet from the impeller leads to an increasing the efficiency and effective power of the turbine. The analysis of the turbine characteristics as a part of the compound engine shows that a decreasing the angle of flow outlet from the impeller leads to increasing the efficiency of the pulse response and the effective power of the turbine. The comparison of the calculated pressure pulse with the experimental one, as well as the calculated turbine characteristic with the experimental one shows the adequacy of the applied method.
Keywords: efficiency of the turbine, the efficiency of the pulse response, the angle of flow output from the impeller, a new design method
1. Tsiplenkin G.Е. Review of reports on supercharging and turbocompressors represented at SIMAK-1998 Congress // Engine Building. 1998. No 4. P. 42–45.
2. Nikolaev N.I., Ginda О.P., Zhuk А.N. Influence of the gas turboblower nozzle box area on efficiency of the main marine engine at operation // Engine Building. 2009. No 1 (235). P. 45–47.
3. Tinsley D. Racking up engine performance // Shipping world & shipbuilding. Propulsion: turbochargers, 2007, June. P. 10–15.
4. Tsiplenkin G.Е., Iovlev V.I. Improvement of engine fuel economy due to supercharging system optimization // Engine Building. 2014. No 2 (256). P. 16–22.
5. Tsiplenkin G.Е., Iovlev V.I. Improvement of engine fuel economy due to supercharging system optimization // Engine Building. 2014. No 4 (258). P. 19–28.
6. Mitrokhin V.Т. Parameters Selection and Centripetal Turbine Design at the Fixed and Transient Conditions. М.: Mashinostroenie, 1974. – 227 p.
7. Chumakov Yu.А. Theory and design of transport gas turbine engines. М.: Infra-М; Forum, 2012. – 448 p.
8. Design efficiency optimization of one-dimensional multi-stage axial flow compressor / L. Chen, J. Luo, F. Sun, C. Wu // Applied Energy. 2008. № 85. P. 625–633. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2007.10.003.
9. Bayomi N.N., Abd EI-Maksoud R.M. Two operating modes for turbocharger system // Energy Conversion and Management. 2012. № 58. P. 59–65. DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2012.01.003.
10. Binder N., Garcia B.J., Carbonneau X. Dynamic response in transient operation of a variable geometry turbine stage: Influence of the aerodynamic performance // International Journal of Rotating Machinery. 2013. Article ID 735321. pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.1155/2013/735321.
11. Ghasemi S., Shirani E., Hajilouy-Benisi A. Performance prediction of twin-entry turbocharger turbines // Turbo Expo 2002: ASME. V. 1. P. 1087–1095. DOI: 10.1115/GT2002-30576.
12. Rotor-blades profile influence on a gas-turbine’s compressor effectiveness / B.T. Lebele-Alawa, H.I. Hart, S.O.T. Ogaji, S.D. Probert // Applied Energy. 2008. № 85. P. 494–505. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2007.12.001.
13. Numerical simulation of air flow through turbocharger compressors with dual volute design / K. Jiao, H. Sun, X. Li, H. Wu, E. Krivitzky, T. Schram, L.M. Larosiliere // Applied Energy. 2009. № 86 (11). P. 2494–2506. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2009.02.19.
14. Characterization of a radial turbocharger turbine in pulsating flow by means of CFD and its applications to engine modeling / J. Galindo, P. Fajardo, R. Navarro, L.M. Garcia-Cuevas // Applied Energy. 2013. № 103. P. 116–127. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.09.013.
15. Abdelmadjid C., Mohamed S.A., Boussad B. CFD analysis of the volute geometry effect on the turbulent air flow through the turbocharger compressor // Energy Procedia. 2013. № 36. P. 746–755. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2013.07.087.
16. Numerical investigation of the influence of variable diffuser vane on the performance of a centrifugal compressor / K. Jiao, H. Sun, X. Li, H. Wu, E. Krivitzky, T. Schram, L.M. Larosiliere // Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2009. № 223 (8). P. 1061–1070. DOI: 10.1243/09544070JAUTO1202.
17. Kou H.J., Lin J.S., Zhang J.H. Numerical study on vibration stress of rotating fan blade under aerodynamic load at critical speed // Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2015. № 230 (6). P. 1044–1058. DOI: 10.1177/0954410015603071.
18. Newton P., Martinez-Botas R., Seiler M. A three-dimensional computational study of pulsating flow inside a double entry turbine // Journal of Turbomachinery. 2014. V. 137. P. 1–10. DOI: 10.1115/1.4028217.
19. Comparison between the steady performance of double-entry and twin-entry turbocharger turbines / A. Romagnoli, C.D. Copeland, R. Martinez-Botas, M. Seiler, S. Rajoo, A. Costall // Journal of Turbomachinery. 2013. V. 135. P. 1–11. DOI: 10.1115/1.4006566.
20. Aghaali H., Hajilouy-Benisi A. Experimental and theoretical investigation of twin-entry radial inflow gas turbine with unsymmetrical volute under full and partial admission conditions // Turbo Expo 2007: Parts A B, ASME. V. 6. P. 1099–1107. DOI: 10.1115/GT2007-27807.
21. A statistical approach to the analysis of the surge phenomenon / R. Bontempo, M. Cardone, M. Manna, G. Vorraro // Energy. 2017. № 124. P. 502–509. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2017.02.026.
22. Copeland C.D., Martinez-Botas R., Seiler M. Unsteady performance of a double entry turbocharger turbine with a comparison to steady flow conditions // Journal of Turbomachinery. 2012. V. 134. P. 1–10. DOI: 10.1115/1.4003171.
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24. Passar А.V., Timoshenko D.V. Complex method for design of a blading section of a radial-axial turbine of the TKR-14 turbocompressor // Automobile Industry. 2015. No 5. P. 31–35.
25. Passar А.V., Timoshenko D.V. Design of a blading section of a radial-axial turbine with use of Lagrangian multiplier method // Fundamental and Applied Issues of Equipment and Technologies. 2015. No 1 (309). P. 54–61.
26. Lashko V.А., Passar А.V. Method for design of a blading section of a radial-axial turbine of a hybride engine // Engine Building. 2011. No 3 (245). P. 13–19.
27. Lashko V.А., Passar А.V. Analysis of a dissipation factor of kinetic energy in a turbine blading section as one of complex approach realization problems // Bulletin of Pacific National University. 2011. No 1 (20). P. 79–90.
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30. Ris V.F. Centrifugal Compressor Machines. L.: Mashinostroenie, 1981. – 351 p.
31. Simson А.E. Gas Turbine Supercharging of Diesels. М.: Mashinostroenie, 1964. – 248 p.
Igor P. Popov1, Senior Teacher of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Metal Cutting Machines and Tools Dpt., е-mail: ip.popow@yandex.ru
1Kurgan State University
The classical solution of problems associated with the calculation of the speeds and reactions of elements of complex mechanical systems with harmonic force effects, consists in the compilation and integration of systems of differential equations and is rather cumbersome and time consuming. In most cases, interest is limited to the steady state. The purpose of the research is to develop essentially compact methods for calculating systems for steady-state modes. Methods for calculating electrical circuits have being used for the problem solution. The representation of harmonic quantities in the form of rotating vectors in the complex plane and the operation with their complex amplitudes makes it possible to repeatedly simplify the calculation of arbitrarily complex mechanical systems with harmonic effects in the steady state. Vector diagrams of the amplitudes of forces, velocities and their components in the complex plane for the zero time instant are constructed.
Keywords: reactance, resistance, impedance, sasseptance, conductance, admittance
1. Kholostova О.V. Periodic motions of a system closed to autonomic one at double parametric resonance // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2019. Vol. 83. Is. 2. P. 175‒201.
2. Sorochkin М.М. Oscillations of a tracer pin with an eccentric centre of gravity // Bulletin of RAS. Mechanics of Solids. 2019. No 4. P. 141‒148.
3. Mkrtchan K.Sh. Analysis of forced transverse vibrations of a resilient simply supported bar including rotary motion // Bulletin of RAS. Mechanics of Solids. 2019. No 1. P. 141‒153.
4. Kaliakin L.А. Painlevé equation II as a model of oscillators’ resonance coactions // Proc. of Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS. Начало формы 2017. Is. 23. No 2. P. 104–116.
5. Guzev М.А., Dmitriev А.А. Stability of coupled pendulums // Far-Est Mathematical Journal. 2015. Vol 15. No 2. P. 166–191.
6. Anikonov D.S., Kipriianov Ya.А., Konovalova D.S. Inverse problem for a membrana oscillations equation // St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. Physics and Mathematics. 2017. Vol. 10. No 3. P. 84‒94.
7. Popov I.P. Free harmonic oscillations in systems with homogeneous elements // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2012. Vol. 76. Is. 4. P. 546–549.
8. Smirnov А.S., Smolnikov B.А. Resonance oscillations control of non-linear mechanic systems on the base of biodynamics principles // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2017. No 4 (53). P. 11–19.
9. Popov I.P. Differential equations of two mechanical resonances // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2019. No 2. P. 37–40. DOI: 10.25791/pfim.02.2019.599.
10. Popov I.P. Antiresonance ‒ resonance of velocities // Mechatronics, Automation, Control. 2019. Vol. 20. No 6. P. 362–366. https://doi.org/10.17587/mau.20.362-366.
Olga N. Grinyuk2, PhD. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Automation Production Processes Dpt., e-mail: olgrinyuk@mail.ru
Olga V. Aleksashina1, PhD. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Standardization, Metrology and Certification Dpt., e-mail: Svirukova@yandex.ru
Olga F. Vyacheslavova1, Doctor in Technical Sciences (habil.), Professor, Professor of Standardization, Metrology and Certification Dpt., e-mail: vyache-smis@mail.ru
Natalia V. Maslova2, PhD. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of Cybernetics Faculty, e-mail: nmaslova@nirhtu.ru
1Moscow Polytechnic University
2 Novomoskovsk Institute (branch) of D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
In the article there are presented the classification of technological operations of production of steel products, a short description of the basic shearing, shaping and stamping assembly operations. The developed software package allows the user to design various stages of metal products manufacturing, such as efficiency of metal usage, shaping operations, bucking at an extract. Also it enables the calculations for bending operations and energy-power characteristics.
Keywords: production of metal products, technique of metal constructions manufacturing, software, quality control of metal structures, efficient use of metal, metal processing
1. Kazantseva N.K., Tkachuk G.A., Smirnova Yu.O. Analysis of changes in the interrelated requirements of standards after the adoption of the interstate standard GOST 31447-2012 “Welded steel pipes for gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil products. Technical conditions”// Rolling Products Manufacturing. 2015. No. 11. P. 42-47.
2. Kazantseva N.K., Tkachuk G.A., Smirnova Yu.O. About the standards for pipe products // Rolling Products Manufacturing. 2015. No. 2. P. 43-48.
3. Grinyuk O.N., Aleksashina O.V. Effective technologies for the manufacture of metal products // Rolling Products Manufacturing. 2016. No. 4. P. 38-42.
4. Grinyuk O.N., Aleksashina O.V. Automation of metal structures production // Bulletin of the International Academy of System Research. Computer Science, Ecology, Economics. 2016.Vol. 18. No. 1. P. 115-123.
5. Averkiev Yu.A., Averkiev A.Yu. Cold Stamping Technology. M.: Machinostroenie, 1989. ˗ 304 p.
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9. Metals and alloys: reference book / V.K. Afonin, B.S. Ermakov, E.L. Lebedev et al.: ed. by Yu.P. Solntseva. St. Petersburg: Professional, 2007. ˗ 1092 p.
10. Arendereleva S.I. Technological operations. Calculation of power parameters: textbook. V. Novgorod: Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, 2011. ˗ 67 p.
Elena A. Chekalova1, PhD. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Equipment Dpt., e-mail: alenka.2019@inbox.ru
Andrei V. Zhuravlev1, Engineer of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Equipment Dpt., e-mail: andrei-3x@mail.ru
1Moscow Polytechnic University
Comparative studies were carried out on the performance of regrind burnished taps from R6M5K5 high-speed steel followed by discrete diffusion hardening in comparison with regrind burned taps from R6M5K5 high-speed steel followed by application of burnishing. It has been established that the discrete oxidation technology allows to increase the productivity of a sophisticated cutting tool by 80–85 % compared to the burnishing technology.
Keywords: complex-profile tool, high-speed steels, oxidation, microstructure, productivity, wear resistance
1. Lakhtin, Yu.M., Arzamasov B.N. Chemical-thermal Metal Processing: textbook for Higher Schools. M.: Higher School, 1985. - 256 p.
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4. Tabakov V.P. Forming the wear-resistant ion-plasma coatings of the cutting tool. M.: Machinostroenie, 2008. - 311 p.
5. Chekalova, E.A., Abraimov N.V. Increasing the wear resistance of a high-speed cutting tool by applying a local diffusion mesh coating // Electrometallurgy. 2015. No. 8. P. 36-42.
6. Possibility of obtaining the nanostructured coatings on steel products by surface modification / L.G. Petrova, I.S. Belashova, V.A. Alexandrov, P.E. Demin, A.A. Brezhnev // Bulletin of Moscow Aviation Institute. 2014. Vol. 21. No. 2. P. 75-82.
7. Chudina O.V., Brezhnev A.A. Surface alloying of carbon tool steels using laser heating // Technology of Metals. 2014. No. 2. P. 19-24.
8. Belashova I.S., Shashkov D.P. Change in the mechanical and thermal characteristics of tool steels during laser alloying // Hardening Technologies and Coatings. 2007. No. 4. P. 39-43.
9. Chekalova, E.A. Improving the durability of cutting tools and heavily loaded parts by applying a diffusion mesh coating: monography. M.: Publishing House of the University of Mechanical Engineering, 2014. - 127 p.
10. RF patent 2548835 for the invention, IPC С23С8 / 36. Chekalova E.A., Chekalov P.D., Solomatina R.D. The method of forming a wear-resistant coating on the surface of a metal part; Patent holder: Chekalova E.A./ published in the Bulletin on April 20, 2015.
Irina N. Filonenko1, Senior Teacher of Production Automation and Information Technologies Dpt., e-mail: filonenkoin@mail.ru
Gleb A. Ulitskii1, 3d year student of Production Automation and Information Technologies Dpt., e-mail: gleb.ulitsky@yandex.ru
Nikita A. Shindyapkin1, 3d year student of Production Automation and Information Technologies Dpt., e-mail: hold.face@yandex.ru
1Kolomna Institute (branch) of Moscow Polytechnic University
Since the temperature range of operation limits the obtaining of high power in semiconductors, the use of heat sinks serves as a solution to this problem. The article is devoted to the analysis of the methodology for calculating the design parameters of the heat sinks of power semiconductors, automating their calculation, creating a database to search for analogues that correspond to the calculation and storage of the results of calculations. It was also realized the construction of the drawing of the cooler, which contains three of its projections and the creation of a 3D-model, based on the calculated geometric parameters. As a result, software was developed that fully meets the objectives. The development of the application was carried out in the Lazarus development environment, which in turn is a free software product that allows you to create cross-platform applications. Database development was conducted in MySQL DBMS, which is also a free software product and allows you to work under all modern operating systems. As a result, the developed product is also cross-platform.
Keywords: heat sink, natural cooling, power semiconductor, heat sink, transistor, calculation of overall and physical parameters, 2D-drawing, 3D-model, database, UML-diagram
1. Panfilov S.A. Efficient cooling of new high-power semiconductor devices// Proceedings of Higher Schools. Volga region. Technical Sciences. 2012. No 4 (24). P. 57-66.
2. Savanin A.S. Mathematical Modeling, Calculation and Parameters Estimation of Effective Coolers of Powerful Power Semiconductor Devices. Saransk, 2009. -175 p.
3. Semiconductor Devices. Transistors of Medium and High Power: reference book, 2nd ed., stereotype / А.А. Zaytsev, А.I. Mirkin, V.V. Mokryakov et al.: ed. by A.V. Golomedova. M.: Radio and Communication, KUBK-a, 1994. ˗ 640 p.
4. Galkin V.I., Bulychev A.L., Lyamin P.M. Semiconductor Devices: Diodes, Thyristors: reference book. Minsk: Belarus, 1994. - 347 p.
5. Aksenov A.I., Glushkova D.N., Ivanov V.I. Heat Removal in Semiconductor Devices. M.: Energy, 1971. 175 p.
6. Alekseev V.F., Piskun G.A., Bogatko I.N. Physical Basis of Radio-electronic Means Design. Minsk: BSUIR, 2017. ˗ 74 p.
7. Vasvani V. MySQL Use and Administration. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2011. ˗ 368 p.
8. Gurikov S.R. Programming in the Lazarus environment: handbook. M.: Forum, 2019. ˗ 336 p.
9. Troitsky D.I. Development of 2D Libraries for KOMPAS: ed. 2. Tula: Tula State University, 2007. ˗ 27 p.
10. Norseev S.A. Development of Applications for KOMPAS in Delphi: Practical guide, 2013. - 346 p.
11. Bondarenko S.P., Isachenko A.N. Data models and DBMS: handbook. Minsk: Belarusian State University, 2007. - 205 p.
12. Belov V.V., Chistyakov V.I. Information Systems Design. M.: Academy, 2013. ˗ 353 p.
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