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Московский политехнический университет

2019 year → Issue 3

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Dynamics and Strength of Machines
E.A. Kogan, A.A. Yurchenko
Sandwich plates non-linear oscillations adjusted for initial imperfection
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
S.V. Polyakov, A.E. Pushkarev
Determination of tension, torsion and flexure strains in the lifting rope of different geometric parameters and mechanical properties
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
A.S. Urnev, A.S. Chernyatin, Yu.G. Matvienko, I.A. Razumovskii, M.Yu. Gavrikov
Studying the destruction kinetics of a composite panel with a embedded fiber-optic sensors grid
Technologies for Mechanical Industry
Y.A. Morgunov, B.P. Saushkin, B.V. Shandrov
Role and place of engineering technology in the priority system of the domestic economy development
Technologies for Mechanical Industry
Yu. Sepeseva, V.V. Martishkin, I.S. Petukhov
Influence of die tooling parameters on the quality of forgings produced by gas assist moulding at material superplasticity
