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Konstantin P. Mandrovskiy 1, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Road-Building Machines Dpt., e-mail: effectmash@mail.ru
Yana S. Sadovnikova1, Engineer of Road-Building Machines Dpt., e-mail: jana.sadovnikova@yandex.ru
1 Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI)
The object of the analysis presented in the article is a disk distribution equipment for working with a liquid reagent. The subject of analysis is the design and operating parameters of hydraulic injectors. The purpose of the presented work is to determinate the dependencies of the main characteristics of the liquid anti-icing reagents distribution process on the hydraulic injects structure and their operating parameters. As operating parameters there are a spreading pressure and a reagent discharge through an inject.
In the paper there are analyzed the connection an injector nozzle diameter with a drop velocity in free fall from a disk and a radius of a reagent treatment area. Numerical analysis was carried out for flat-jet, half-cone (screw-centrifugal) and full-cone types of injects at various working pressures. Recommendations for a choice of rational design and operating parameters of injects for road and airfield pavements were formulated on the basis of obtained results. The practical significance of the results obtained by the authors consists in the possibility of a reasoned choice of a inject type and an argued purpose of rational operating modes for hydraulic equipment at processing various coatings.Keywords: inject, design and operating parameters, nozzle diameter, pressure, treatment area, flow rate, anti-icing reagent.
1. AKMT Kominvest. Reagent dispensers Epoke. URL: http://www.cominvest-akmt.ru/files/download/catalogs/epoke.pdf (date of application: 15.03.2019).
2. Zemdikhanov М.М., Gabdullin Т.R. Basis for a scheme and parameters of a sand-reagent spinner plate // Bulletin of Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 2014. No 4 (30). P. 484–489.
3. Kireev I.М., Koval Z.М., Sesarev V.N. A method and an aid for modeling the technological process of liquid dispensers // Techniques and Equipments for Rural Areas. 2017. No 7. P. 28–31.
4. Chernovolov V.А., Kravchenko L.V. Mathematical Modeling of Liquids Dispersion in Agricultural Technologies: monograph. Zernograd: Azov-Blacksee Engineering Institute, Don State Agrarian University, 2016. – 208 p.
5. Ladosha Е.N., Cymbalov D.S., Yatsenko О.V. Information modeling of spraying and evaporating motor fuel in a diesel engine// Bulletin of Don State Agrarian University. 2010. Т. 10. No 4 (47). P. 509–519.
6. Experimental research of liquid dispersion by ejector nozzles / V.А. Arkhipov, S.S. Bondarchuk, М.Ya. Evsevleev, I.K. Zharova, А.S. Zhukov, S.V. Zmanovski, Е.А. Kozlov, А.I. Konovalenko, V.F. Трофимов // Engineering-Physical Journal. 2013. Т. 86. No 6. P. 1229–1236.
7. Pazhi D.G., Galustov V.S. Principles of Techniques for Liquids Spraying. М.: Chemistry, 1984. – 254 p.
8. Мarinichev D.V. Experimental Research of Fine Dispersion of Superheated Water: Ph.D. paper. М., 2013. – 116 p.
9. Khafizov F.Sh., Afanasenko V.G., Boev О.V. Development of a device structure for liquid dispersion and a calculation method of its basic parameters // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2008. No 3. P. 48–54.
10. Dobrovolski М.V. Liquid Rocket Engine. Design Principles. М.: Mechanical Engineering, 1968. – 394 p.
11. Principles of Theory and Analysis of the Liquid Rocket Engines / А.P. Vasiliev, V.М. Kudriavtsev, V.А. Kuznetsov, V.D. Kurpatenkov, А.М. Obelnitski, V.М. Poliaev, B.Ya. Poluian. М: Publishing House «Higher School», 1983. –703 p.
12. Zedgenizov V.G., Prostakova L.V., Siakin S.N. Results of experimental research of nozzles for spraying a anti-icing liquid // Bulleting of Irkutsk State Technical University. 2012. No 11 (70). P. 53–57.
13. Mandrovski K.P., Sadovnikova Ya.S. Characteristics correction of liquid reagent motion on disk at nozzle spraying // Proc. of XXI International Scientific-technical Conference Interstroymech –2018. Moscow, 2018. P. 110–114.
14. Mandrovskiy K.P., Sadovnikova Y.S. Characteristics of the droplet motion of a liquid antifreeze reagent // Magazine of Civil Engineering. 2018. No. 03. P. 14–26. doi: 10.18720/MCE.79.2
15. Mandrovskiy K.P., Sadovnikova Y.S. Influence of vehicle velocity on anti-icing reagents equitability // Mechanization of Building. 2018. Т. 79. No 4. P. 60–64.
16. Spraying systrems Co. URL: https://www.spray.com/v1/cat70/cat70pdf/ssco_cat70_f.pdf (date of application: 13.03.2019).
17. Lebedev А.Е. Scientific basis and improvement of technological processes and equipment for recycling the dispersed materials on the principle of rationally formed jet flows interaction: Ph.D. paper. Yaroslavl, 2014. – 257 p.
Evgenii A. Maksimov1, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Head of the Caterpillar and Agricultural Machinery Repair Division, e-mail: maksimov50@mail.ru
Roman L. Shatalov2, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences (habit.), Professor of Metal Forming and Additive Techniques Dpt., e-mail: maksimov50@mail.ru
1Intray JS Co., Scientific-technological Production Co., Chelyabinsk
2Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow
In the article there are a new mathematical model of a frame sidemember channel on stability under transverse load which can result from a load weight, weight of knots and car mechanisms is offered. At the analysis of critical compression stress of a channel wall the technique considering the resultant module Ep (T. Karman’s module) can be recommended to use, which allows to take into account elastic-plastic properties of channel metal. Application of Karman’s dependence allows to gain the limit stresses values which well present experimental data.
Keywords: calculation of a channel, car frame sidemember, stability, concentrated load, T. Karman’s module.
1. Chernov S.A. Result of a numerical analysis of alternatives of modeling the car frame knots // Bulletin of Ulyanovsk State Technical University. 2019. No 1. P. 39-42.
2. Kudriavtsev A.P. Design model choice and justification for studying a deformation mode of thin-walled rod structures // Automobile Industry. 1980. No 3. P. 15–17.
3. Eremin V.I., Semennikova L.Ju. Durability Prediction for Mechanical Transport // Lorry. 2007. No 6. P. 45–50.
4. Zakharov A.A., Belokurov V.N., Zaks M.N. Use of the link modeling technique at car frame design// Automobile Industry. 1979. No 11. P. 8–12.
5. Lapshin А.А., Zhdanov S.A. Determination of the reduced cross-sectional area of a thin-walled roll-formed section // Privolzhsky Scientific Journal. 2012. No 4. P. 41–46.
6. Shatalov R.L., Maksimov E.A., Kalmykov A.S. Refinement of a design procedure of the critical stresses and deformations at strip rolling in universal stand vertical rolls // Metallurgist. 2018. No 6. P. 42–45.
7. Lozovski N.T., Tsareva A.D. Operating durability of the car // Transport Systems. 2018. No 2. P. 56–62.
8. Vikhrenko D.V. Design, testing and predication of lorry frame durability // Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering. 2018. No 11. P. 19–20.
9. Volmir A.S. Stability of Deformable Systems. М.: Science, 1967. – 984 p.
10. Timoshenko S.P., Voinovski-Kriger S. Plates and shells. M.: Science, 1966. – 636 p.
11. Tretiakov A.V., Ziuzin V.I. Mechanical Properties of Metals and Alloys. М: Metallurgy, 1973. –178 p.
Aleksander M. Murzin1, Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Aircraft Dpt., е-mail: murzinam47@mail.ru
Andrei V. Panfilov1, Senior Lecturer of Aircraft Dpt., е-mail: panfilovav@susu.ru
Yulia L. Siuskina1, Senior Lecturer of Aircraft Dpt., е-mail: siuskinayl@susu.ru
1 South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk
In the paper there are described issues related to the determination of the total time estimated for optimization process of dynamic spatial structures with different degrees of freedom. Structures constitute the systems of rigid bodies elastically connected with each other and the base of with tree-like structure. An algorithm is presented to simplify the analytical expressions for calculating the triple sum included in the differential equation for determining the generalized coordinates. The algorithmic programming language is chosen, the problem of parametric optimization of constructions is set. Time graphs for a single numerical integration of systems of differential equations depending on the dynamic process duration and the maximum natural frequency of systems oscillations for structures with different degrees of freedom are obtained. The analysis of possibility for determination of the same local minima of the generalized criterion at consecutive and parallel computing processes of structure optimization is carried out, reduction of calculation time is defined at parallel calculations with use of multi-core processors of PC.
Keywords: spatial construction, tree-like structure, optimization, parallel computing.
1. Belousov I.R. Elaborating the dynamic equations of robots-manipulators. M.: Applied Mathematic Institute named after M.V. Keldysh of RAS, 2002. – 31 p.2. King Sun Fu, Rafael C. Gonzalez, C.S. George Lee. Tutorial on Robotics: in Russian M.: Mir, 1989. – 624 p.
3. Hollerbach J. A recursive Lagrangian formulation of manipulator dynamics and comparative study of dynamic complication complexity // IEEE Trans. on SMC, SMC-10. 1980. No 11. Р. 730–736.
4. Balaban I.Yu., Borovin G.K., Sazonov V.V. Programming Language of Equation Right Parts for Complex Mechanical Systems Moving. М.: Prepress of Applied Mathematic Institute named after M.V. Keldysh of RAS. 1998. No 62. − 22 p.
5. Vnukov А.А., Semikov М.V., Trenin D.А. Parallel algorithm development for a dynamic control system of a manipulative robot // Bulletin of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Engineering Research. 2008. No 4. P. 107−122.
6. Generalized math model of kinematics for a RV-2AО robot of MITSUBISHI ELETRIC / V.G. Khomchenko, V.V. Klevakin, I.V. Lazarenko, А.S. Gorbatykh // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Mechanical Engineering. 2012. No 1. P. 163−165.
7. Vorobiev E.I., Popov S.A., Sheveleva G.I. Mechanics of Industrial Robots. Book 1. Kinematics and Dynamics: handbook for technical universities: in 3 books: ed. by K.V. Frolov, E.I. Vorobiev. М.: Higher School, 1988.− 304 p.
8. Murzin А.М. One problem interpretation for speedup of a robot-manipulator // Bulletin of South Ural State University. Mechanical Engineering. 2002. No 6. Issue 2. P. 74−75.
9. Kuzmik P.K., Manichev V.B. Automatic Design Systems: in 9 books. Book 5. Automation of Functional Design: ed. by I.P. Norenkov. М.: Higher School, 1986. – 144 p.
10. Olenev N.N., Pechenkin R.V., Chernetsov А.М. Parallel Programming in MATLAB and SIMULINK with applications to modeling in Economics. М.: Computational Center named after А.А. Dobrodnitsyn of RAS, 2015. – 110 p.
Ilya G. Rukovitsyn1, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Dynamics, durability of machines and strength of materials Dpt., e-mail: irukovitsyn@mail.ru
1Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow
To meet the requirements for the levels of vibration of the elastic rotor rotating in active electromagnetic bearings, it is necessary to take into account the steady oscillations of the rotor from the action of external excitation forces. The article deals with the rotor of a turboexpander on electromagnetic bearings, which is studied for forced oscillations excited by the residual unbalance forces, depending on the balancing accuracy chosen for this rotor. As an example the developed mathematical model of the elastic rotor of the turboexpander was described, there have been studied steady-state oscillations of the rotor by means of modal and harmonic analysis, implemented in the form of the finite element method. There are presented resultes of forced oscillations study of a turbine expander rotor with an active magnetic suspersion system, the analysis of which gives the necessary understanding in the matter of vibrations of the elastic rotor rotating in electromagnetic bearings.
Keywords: rotary machines, magnetic bearings, harmonic analysis, unbalance forces, forced rotor oscillations.
1. Rotor dynamic analysis of 3D-modeled gasturbine rotor in ANSYS. URL: http://www.solid.iei.liu.se/Publications/Master_thesis/2009/LIU-IEI-TEK-A--0900654--SE_JoakimSamuelsson.pdf (date of appl.: 14.04.2019).
2. Rotor dynamic analysis of RM12 jet enginerotor using ANSYS // Department of mechanical engineering Blekinge institute of technology Karlskrona, Sweden, 2012. URL: https://ru.scribd.com/document/270818534/RotorDynamicAnalyis-of-Rm21-Enginer (date of appl.: 14.04.2019).
3. Kostiuk А.G. Dynamics and Durability of Turbomachines: 3rd edit. М.: MEI University Publishing House, 2007. – 476 p.
4. Bathe K-J., Wilson Е. Numerical Method in Finite Element Analysis. М.: Stroyizdat, 1982. – 395 p.
5. Erik Swanson, Chris D. Powell, Sorin Weissman. A Practical Review of Rotating Machinery Critical Speeds and Modes. URL: http://www.sandv.com/downloads/0505swan.pdf (date of appl.: 14.04.2019).
6. National Standards GOST ISO 1940-1-2007. Requirements for Balancing Quality.
7. Biderman V.L. Theory of Mechanical Oscillations. М.: Higher School, 1980. – 395 p.
8. Rukovitsyn I.G., Asadulin V.А. Features of the Dynamics of Turboexpander Rotor on Electromagnetic Suspension // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2018. No 3. P. 8–13.
9. Goldin А.S. Rotor Machine Vibration. М.: Mashinostroenie, 2000. – 344 p.
10. Rao J.S. History of Rotating Machinery Dynamics. New York: Springer, 2011. – 377 p.
Vladimir A. Smirnov1, Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Mechatronics and Automation Dpt., e-mail: smirnovva@susu.ru
Lina N. Petrova1, Senior Lecturer of the Mechatronics and Automation Dpt., e-mail: petrovaln@susu.ru
1South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk
The issue of incremental forming efficiency improvement for equipment with parallel kinematics of hexapod structure is considered. Feature of such equipment is non-linear connection among input and output coordinates that is leading to a dependence of power consumption by actuators on a billet position. This factor may be used for minimization of power consumption. Computer simulation has shown possibility for decreasing twice and more power consumption. Extra decreasing the power consumption can be realized with optimal actuator control, when output angular coordinates vary according to laws ensuring power consumption decrease.
Keywords: incremental forming, equipment with parallel kinematics, hexapod, power efficiency increase.
1. Emmens W.C., Sebastian G., van den Boogaard A.H. The technology of incremental sheet forming – a brief review of the history // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. № 210 (2010). P. 981−997.
2. Karbowski K. Application of incremental sheet forming // Management and Production Engineering Review. 2015. Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 55−59.
3. Tisza M. General overview of sheet incremental forming // Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering. 2012. Vol. 55. No 1. P. 113−120.
4. Theory of single point incremental forming / P.A.F. Martins, N. Bay, M. Skjoedt, M.B. Silva //
CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology. 2008. No 57. P. 247–252.5. Perspectives of using incremental forming technologies in modern production / V.А. Krivoshein, А.А. Antsyfirov, Yu.V. Maystrov // Bulletin of Higher Schools. Mechanical Engineering. 2014. No 11 (656). P. 84‒89.
6. Patel Ketul, Kalaichelvi V., Karthikeyan R., Bhattathiri Sriparvathi Modelling, simulation and control of incremental sheet metal forming process using CNC machine tool // Procedia Manufacturing. 2018. No 26. P. 95‒106.
7. Krivoshein V.A., Rukavichko E.A., Antsyfirov А.А. Technology Development for semi spherical items production with the incremental forming method // Science of Science Internet journal. 2017. Т. 9. No 3. URL: http://naukovedenie.ru/PDF/74TVN317.pdf (date of appl.: 01.03.2019).
8. Jackson K., Allwood J. The mechanics of incremental sheet forming // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2009. 209. P. 1158‒1174.
9. Memicoglua P., Musicb O., Karadogan C. Simulation of incremental sheet forming using partial sheet models // Procedia Engineering. 2017. 207. P. 831‒835.
10. Oraon M., Sharma V. Predicting force in single point incremental forming by using artificial neural network // IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics. 2018. Vol. 31. No. 1. P. 88‒95.
11. Kyung Hee Koh, Jae-Gwan Kang, Jong-Yun Jung. The analysis of forming forces in single point incremental forming // MATEC Web of Conferences 81, 05004 (2016) ICTTE 2016. URL: https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/20168105004 (date of appl.: 01.03.2019).
12. Force prediction for single point incremental forming deduced from experimental and FEM observations / R. Aerens, P. Eyckens, A. Van Bael, J.R. Duflou // International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2009. No 46 (9). P. 969‒982.
13. Numerical Study of Incremental Sheet Forming Processes/ H Kim1, T Park1, R Esmaeilpour1 and F Pourboghrat // IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series Volume 1063 (2018) 012017. URL: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/ 012017. (date of appl.: 01.03.2019).
14. Kumar Y., Kumar S. Design and development of single point incremental sheet forming machine // 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014). 2014. P. 94-1‒94-4.
15. Finding the best machine for SPIF operations –
a brief discussion / S. R. Marabuto, D. Afonso, J.A.F. Ferreira, F.Q. Melo, M. Martins, R.J. Alves de Sousa // Key Engineering Materials. 2011. Vol. 473. P. 861‒868.16. SPIF-A: on the development of a new concept of incremental forming machine / R.J. Alves de Sousa, J.A.F. Ferreira, J.B. Sá de Farias, J.N.D. Torrão, D.G. Afonso, M.A.B.E Martins //
Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 2014. Vol. 49. No. 5. P. 645‒660.17. Smirnov V.А. Scientific principles and control algorithms of equipment with the shunt packages. Cheliabinsk: South-Ural State University Publishing House, 2009. – 164 p.
18. Smirnov V.А. Kinetic-static modelling the power-efficient control of equipment with parallel kinematics // Bulletin of South-Ural State University. Mechanical Engineering. 2010. Issue 16. No 29 (205). P. 65–70.
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