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Московский политехнический университет

2018 year → Issue 4

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Machines and Machine Systems
G.S.Filippov, V.A. Glazunov, M.M. Laktionova, A.N. Terekhova, L.V. Gavrilina
Engineering of 5dof parallel-sequential structure mechanisms for vertebral and additive technologies
Machines and Machine Systems
S.G. Voronin, A.I. Sogrin, K.V. Romanov
Selection of parameters of the quick-operating electric drive
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
K.V. Krestnikovskii, G.Y. Panovko, A.E. Shokhin
Determination of elastic characteristics of the vibrator anti-weight self-regulated debalance
Technologies for Mechanical Industry
A.I. Siritsyn, E.V. Shirokikh, A.A. Popov, N.N. Adamushko
Design of a replaceable spindle head of the machine using rapid analysis of stiffness and vibration resistance
Constructional Materials
A.N. Polilov, N.A. Tatus
Estimation of composite shaped equistrong leaf springs effectiveness
