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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2018 year → Issue 2

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Machines and Machine Systems
N.S. Azikov, G.Y. Panovko, G.S. Filippov
IMASH RAS – The Science of Machines (History, Achievements, Prospects)
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
A. Gouskov, M. Guskov, Dinh Due Tung, G. Panovko
Analysis of nonlinear dynamics of the multi-tool turning process «on the track»
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
I.A. Razumovsky
Experimental methods of studying the stress-strain state: history, problems, prospects for development (to the 80th anniversary of the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute named after A.A. Blagonravov of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Technologies for Mechanical Industry
I.A. Burlakov, D.M. Zabelian, D.E. Gordin
Hole making in billets from VT20 high-temperature titanium alloy by thermal drilling
Constructional Materials
K.V. Ozhmegov, A.M. Galkin, A.S. Zavodchikov, A.S. Tataru
Thermal effect of deformation treatment conditions of ZR-NB alloy metal products
