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Anatoliy I. Klenov1, Post-graduate student, junior researcher of Mobile systems laboratory, е-mail: tolik-klenov@mail.ru
Aleksander A. Kilin, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (habil.), Associate Professor, Professor of Theoretic Physics2, leading researcher of Non-linear analysis and development of new means of locomotion laboratory 2, leading researcher 3, chief programmer of Non-linear dynamics math methods Dpt.4 , е-mail: lab@ics.org.ru
1Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov
2Udmurt State University
3Mathematic Institute named after V.A. Steklov of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the RAS, Ural Branch
This paper is devoted to experimental research of the motion of a screwless above-water robot set in motion by rotating two unbalanced internal masses. The study presents the overview of the methods of movement in a liquid. The results of experiments confirm the possibility of motion by this method. The experimental results are compared with mathematical models of movement in the ideal and viscous liquids.
Keywords: mobile robot, screwless above-water robots, self-promotion
1. Anderson J.M., Chhabra N.K. Maneuvering and Stability Performance of a Robotic Tuna // Integ. and Comp. Biol. 42: 118–126 (2002).
2. Chernousko F.L. Controlled horizontal motions of a torque link // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2001. V. 65. I. 4. P. 578–591.
3. Chernousko F.L. Horizontal motion of a three-link mechanism // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2001. V. 65. I. 1. P. 15–20.
4. Bionic floating robot for monitoring natural and technology-related objects in hydrosphere / B.V. Lushnikov, S.I. Savin, K.G. Kazaryan, А.S. Yatsun, А.V. Malchikov // Controlled vibration technologies and machines: proceedings: in 2 parts. P. 2. / S.F. Yatsun (main editor). – Kursk: SWSU, 2012. P. 107–111.
5. Designing a screwless underwater robot / Е.V. Vetchanin, Yu.L. Karavaev, А.А. Kalinkin, А.V. Klekovkin, Е.N. Pivovarova // Proceedings of Udmurt University. 2015. V. 25. No 4. P. 546–553.
6. Chernousko F.L. Analysis and optimization of body motion controlled by the moving internal mass // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2006. V. 70. I. 6. P. 915–941.
7. Chernousko F.L. Optimal periodic movements of a dual-mass system in resisting medium // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2008. V. 72. I. 2. P. 202–215.
8. Patent No 92646 the Russian Federation, MPK B62D57/00. Yatsun S.F., Klimov G.V., Savin S.I. Vibration water robot; applicant and patent owner is Kursk State Technical University; appl. 26.10.2009; published 27.03.2010.
9. Kozlov V.V., Ramodanov S.М. Moving of changeable body in ideal liquid // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2001. V. 65. I. 4. P. 592–601.
10. Kozlov V.V., Onischenko D.А. Movement in ideal liquid the body consisting inside a moving point mass // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2003. V. 67. No 4. P. 620–633.
11. Galper A., Miloh T. Dynamical equations for the motion of a rigid or deformable body in an arbitrary potential nonuniform flow field // J. Fluid Mech. 1995. Vol. 295. P. 91–120.
12. Kilin А.А., Vetchanin Е.V. Movement control of a solid body in liquid by means of two moving masses // Nonlinear Dynamics. 2015. V. 11. No 4. P. 633–645.
13. Vetchanin Е.V., Kilin А.А. Controlled movement of a solid body with internal mechanisms in ideal incompressible liquid // Proc. of Mathematic Institute named after V.A. Steklov of the RAS. 2016. V. 295. P. 321–351.
14. Patent for a useful model No 153711 the Russian Federation, MPK B62D57/04. Borisov А.V., Kilin А.А. Screwless Above-water Robot; applicat and patent holder is Izhevsk State Technical University named after М.Т. Kalashnikov»; appl. 03.10.2014; published on 27.07.2015.
15. Klenov А.I., Vetchanin Е.V., Kilin А.А. Experimental definition of added masses of a body with a towing method// Proc. of Udmurt University. Mathematic and Mechanical Computer Sciences. 2015. V. 25. I. 4. P. 568–582.
16. Klenov А.I., Kilin A.A. Influence of vortex structures on the controlled motion of an above-water screwless robot// Regular and Chaotic Dynamics. 2016. Т. 21. № 7–8. P. 927–938.
17. Klenov А.I., Kilin A.A., Tenenev V.А. Body movement control with internal masses in viscous liquid // Computer Research and Modelling. 2018. No. 11 (passed for printing).
Vadim N. Skopinskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences (habil.), Professor, е-mail: skopin-j@mail.ru
Sergei A. Gavrenkov1, Head of Production Equipment Dpt., е-mail: gavrenkov@gmail.com
1Gazprom 335, JSCo.
In this paper, the procedure of nonlinear analysis of a cylindrical pressure vessel with a nozzle for determining the plastic failure pressure is considered. A full nonlinear analysis was performed using the finite element method assuming large displacements and plastic deformations. Computer program ANSYS was applied for numerical analysis, finite-element modeling of a structure was performed by means of three-dimensional eight-node elements with 24 degrees of freedom. Nonlinear analysis was conducted by use of the Newton – Raphson iterative procedure. The calculated value of the burst pressure was determined as the maximum value of the load at which the convergence of the iterative process was achieved. As an example, the analysis of the experimental model of a pressure vessel with a radial nozzle was considered. The calculated characteristic loading curve as the relationship between the load (pressure) and the maximum intensity of plastic strain is given. Comparison of the calculated burst pressure with the experimental data showed that good agreement exists between them. The analysis of computational costs for a full nonlinear finite element analysis by use of the Newton – Raphson procedure was performed, and a graph showing the change in the calculation time with increasing pressure is given.
Keywords: pressure vessel, nozzle, plastic failure load, nonlinear analysis, finite element method
1. ASME. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Sections II and VIII. New York, 2004.
2. BSI. PD 5500:2006 Specification for Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels. London: British Standards Institution, 2006.
3. EN 13445. Unfired Pressure Vessels. Part 3: Design. European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), 2002.
4. National Standard Р 52857.3–2007 «Vessels and Devices. Norms and Methods for Strength Analysis. Holes Fixing in Shells and Tops at Internal and External Pressure».
5. Cottam W.J. and Gill S.S. Experimental investigation of the behavior beyond the elastic limit of flush nozzle in cylindrical pressure vessels // J. Mechanical Engineering Science. 1966. Vol. 8. No. 3. P. 330–354.
6. Kitching R., Lim C.C., Robinson M. Experimental limit and burst pressures for spherical shells with defects adjacent to nozzles // Int. J. Pres. Vessels and Piping. 1991. Vol. 46. Iss. 2. P. 167–194.
7. Limit and burst pressures for a cylindrical shell intersection with intermediate diameter ratio / Z.F. Sang, L.P. Xue, Y.J. Lin, G.E.O. Widera // Inter. J. Pres. Vessels and Piping. 2002. Vol. 79. No. 5. P. 341–349.
8. Xue L.P., Widera G.E.O., Sang Z.F. Influence of pad reinforcement on the limit and burst pressures of a cylinder-cylinder intersection // J. Pres. Vessel Technol. 2003. Vol. 125. Iss. 2. P. 182–187.
9. Xue L., Widera G.E.O., Sang Z. Application of FEM analysis methods to a cylinder-cylinder intersection structure // 18th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 18). Beijing, China, August 7–12, 2005. Paper # F07-4. P. 1329–1340.
10. Xue L., Widera G.E.O., Sang Z. Burst pressure prediction of cylindrical shell intersection // Transactions. SMiRT 19 Conference. Toronto, Canada. August 12–17 2007. Paper # F01/5. P. 1−8.
11. Limit and burst pressures for a cylindrical vessel with a 30 deg-lateral (d/D≥0,5) / Z.F. Sang, Y.J. Lin, L.P. Xue, G.E.O. Widera // J. Pres. Vessel Technol. 2005. Vol. 127. Iss. 1. P. 61–69.
12. Burst pressure of pressurized cylinders with hillside nozzle / H.F. Wang, Z.F. Sang, L.P. Xue, G.E.O. Widera // J. Pres. Vessel Technol. 2009. Vol. 131. Iss. 4. P. 041204 (13 pages).
13. Xue L.P., Widera G.E.O., Sang Z.F. Parametric FEA study of burst pressure of cylindrical shell intersections // J. Pres. Vessel Technol. 2010. Vol. 132. Iss. 3. P. 031203 (7 pages).
14. LIU Peng-fei, ZHENG Jin-yang, MA Li, MIAO Cun-jian, WU Lin-lin. Calculations of plastic collapse load of pressure vessel using FEA //
J. Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. 2008. Vol. 9. No. 7. P. 900–906.15. Dwivedi N., Kumar V. Burst pressure prediction of pressure vessel using FEA // Inter. J. Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT). 2012. Vol. 1. Iss. 7. P. 1–5.
16. Skopinsky V.N. Stress in Intersectional. М.: PhysMatLit, 2008. – 400 p.
17. Gerdeen J.C. A critical evaluation of plastic behavior data and a unified definition of plastic loads for pressure components // WRC Bulletin. 1979. No. 254. P. 1–64.
18. Jones D.P., Holliday J.E., Larson L.D. Elastic-plastic failure analysis of pressure burst tests of thin toroidal shells // J. Pres. Vessel Technol. 1999. Vol. 121. Iss. 2. P. 149–153.
19. Vasidzu K. Variation Methods in Elasticity and Plastic Theory. М.: Мir, 1987. – 542 p.
20. Kogaev V.P., Makhutov N.А, Gusenkov А.P. Strength and Life Analysis of Machine Details and Constructions: guide. М.: Mashinostroenie, 1985. − 224 p.
21. Determination of a limit plastic bending moment for a vessel with a pipe / V.N. Skopinsky, N.А. Berkov, А.А. Zakharov, А.D. Emelianova // Factory Laboratory. Materials Diagnosis. 2011. No 11. P. 45–50.
22. Ansys Inc., «ANSYS Academic Research Mechanical and CFD», License Number 339001, Version 18.1, 2016.
Vladimir V. Martishkin1, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Standartization, Metrology and Sertification Department, e-mail: vmartishkin@mail.ru
Sergei A. Zaitsev1, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Standartization, Metrology and Sertification Department, e-mail: saz@mami.ru
Yuliia A. Sepeseva1, Postgraduate Student of Standartization, Metrology and Sertification Department, e-mail: sepeseva15@mail.ru
1Moscow Polytechnic University
Procedure for calculation of parts quality at the stage of working documentation development is determined on the principle of «defining details». There are identified engineering solutions that depend on the difference in the indicators of quality value and basic products, which can improve the quality of the evaluated product.
Keywords: quality technical products, the weighting factors, reliability, determining detail
1. Martishkin V.V. Algorithm for mechanical articles quality control on the stage of design engineering // Mechanical Engineering Technology. 2014. No 5 (143). P. 58–63.
2. Martishkin V.V, Zaytsev S.А., Sepeseva Yu.А. Determination of mechanical articles quality. Part 1. Usage of Gaussian distribution property at quality design of mechanical articles // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2017. No 4. P. 2–11.
3. Quality Control of Mechanical Engineering products/ М.М. Kane et al. М.: Mechanical Engineering, 2010. – 415 p.
4. Structural features of VAZ 21124 and Vaz 21126 engines// Internet City of AvtoVAZ. URL: priora-vaz.ru›2170/sravnenie-21124-21126.html (data of application: 25 may 2018 y.).
5. Common Methodic recommendations for evaluation of a technical level of industry products // Standards and Quality. 1990. No 9, 10.
Oleg B. Skvortsov, Ph.D. in Technical Science, Head of Electronic Systems Design Dpt. 1, Senior Researcher2 , e-mail: skv@balansmash.ru
Oleg A. Troitskiy1, Doctor of Technical Sciences (habil.), Professor, Senior Researcher, e-mail: oatroitsky@rambler.ru
Vladimir I. Stashenko1, Doctor of Physic-Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher, e-mail: vis20-11@rambler.ru
1Balancing Machine Factory
2Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Institute of RAS
Mechanical vibrations created by current pulses were at the first time measured and studied. A method for measuring multidimensional vibrations was developed. Mechanical action value of a current might be determine by means of multi-component piezoelectric convertors – accelerometers – with a high confidence. Mechanical action of pulse current of 200 ms can be used for nondestructive deformation control in electro-technical structures. It was found that vibration response of power electro-dynamic action of current pulse magnetic field significantly depends on current pulse edges. Experimental results should be taken into account in theoretical calculations of pinch-effect in conducting materials and at exploitation of conducting elements of equipment, for instance high power engines, power generators, transformers and welding equipment elements.
Keywords: current pulse, magnetic field, elastic vibrations, skin-effect, pinch-effect, vector accelerometer, Hall generator
1. Bataronov I.L., Roschupkin А.М. Electronic theory of dynamic pinch effect in metals // Proc. of Universities. Siderurgy. 1993. No 8. P. 61–64.
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3. Vlasov А.А. Macroscopic Electric Dynamics: 2nd ed. М.: Nauka. 2005. – 204 p.
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11. Martin H.T., Martin M.L. LabVIEW for Telecom, Semiconductor, Automotive, Sound and Vibration and General Test and Measurement // National Instruments virtual instrumentation series. Prentice Hall. 2000. – 272 p.
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13. Surkaev L. Magnetohydrodynamic perturbations arising in metallic conductors under the action of the discharge current // Technical Physics. 2015. V. 60. No 7. P. 981.
14. Control of mechanical oscillations parameters generated in metals by current pulses / V.I. Stashenko, О.А. Troitsky, Е.А. Pravotorova, О.B. Skvortsov // State and Problems of Measures. Proc. of XIV National scientific-technical conference. Moscow, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. 2017. P. 98–101.
15. Skvortsov О.B. Vibration control with usage of National Instruments devices// Proc. of XII International Scientific-practical conf. «Engineering and scientific annexes on the base of tional Instruments 2013 technologies. NIDays XII annual conf. of National Instruments Co.», Moscow, DMK. 2013. P. 78–80.
16. Physic principles and techniques for processing modern materials (theory, technology, structure and performance) / О.А. Troitsky et al. V. 1., V. 11. Moscow, Izhevsk: ANO IKI Publishing House, 2004. – 563 p., 467 p.
Dmitry А. Maslov1, Post-graduate student of Higher Mathematics Department
1National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”
Wave solid-state gyroscope with the cylindrical resonator and the electrostatic control sensors is considered. The mathematical model of forced oscillations of the cylindrical resonator is used. This mathematical model takes into account the frequency difference, the quality factor difference, the cubic nonlinearity of the resonator oscillations and the quadratic nonlinearity of the control forces. Algorithmic compensation of gyroscope drift caused by nonlinearity of oscillations and errors of the resonator characteristics is suggested for the open-loop mode of gyroscope operation. The possibility of taking into account not only the cubic nonlinearity but also the quadratic nonlinearity of the control forces caused by electrostatic sensors is shown. The methods for eliminating the nonlinearity of control sensors and errors of gyroscope are suggested for the compensation feedback mode of gyroscope operation. The values of coefficients of the mathematical model of the gyroscope resonator dynamics are used in the proposed methods of errors compensation. Aforementioned coefficients of the mathematical model are identified by the special method of parameters identification.
Keywords: wave solid-state gyroscope, nonlinear oscillations, parameters identification, errors compensation
1. Miniature wave solid gyroscopes for small spacecraft / М.А. Basarab, B.S. Lunin, V.А. Matveev, А.V. Fomichev, Е.А. Chumankin, А.V. Yurin // Proc. of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Ser. Device Designing. 2014. No 4. P. 80−96.
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4. Zhuravlev V.F., Klimov D.М. Wave solid gyroscope. М.: Nauka, 1985. − 125 p.
5. Zhuravlev V.F. Controled Foucault pendulum as a model of one class of free gyroscopes // Proc. of the Russian Academy of Sciences. МТТ. No 6. 1997. P. 27−35.
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8. Matveev V.А., Lipatnikov V.I., Alekhin А.V. Design of a wave solid gyroscope. М.: Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 1997. – 167p.
9. Zhuravlev V.F. Problem of error identification of a generalized Foucault pendulum // Proc. of RAS. МТТ. 2000. No 5. P. 186−192.
10. Maslov А.А., Maslov D.А., Merkuriev I.V. Identification of wave solid gyroscope parameters taking into account non-linearity of resonator vibrations // Devices and Systems. Control and diagnosis. 2014. No 5. P. 18−23.
11. Maslov D.А. Identification of gyroscope parameters with a cylindrical resonator at non-linearity influence on forcing action amplitude // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2017. No 1 (50). P. 24−31.
12. Development of Theory for wave solid gyroscopes creation with metal resonator / V.А. Matveev, М.А. Basarab, B.S. Lunin, Е.А. Chumankin, А.V. Yurin // Proc. of Russian Found of Fundamental Research. 2015. No 3 (87). P. 84−96.
13. Maslov D.А., Merkuriev I.V. Error compensation and vibration non-linearity consideration of a circular microgyroscope in mode of an angular velocity sensor // Non-linear Dynamics. 2017. V. 13. No 2. P. 227−241.
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15. Maslov D.А., Merkuriev I.V. Vibrations linearization for a wave solid gyroscope and for control electrostatic sensor forces // Non-linear Dynamics. 2017. V. 13. No 3. P. 413−421.
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