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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2018 year → Issue 1

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Machines and Machine Systems
A.А. Klenov, A. Kilin
Experimental research of dynamics of the screwless above-water robot
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
V.N. Skopinsky, S.A. Gavrenkov
Definition of Burst Pressure for Vessel with Nozzle Using Finite Element Analysis
Technologies for Mechanical Industry
V. Martishkin, S. Zaytsev, Yu. Sepeseva
Quality determination of technical products. Part 2. Determination of technical products quality by the «defining details» principle
Constructional Materials
O. Skvortsov, V. Stashenko, O. Troitskiy
Elastic deformation of semiconductors at current pulses
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
D.A. Maslov
Identification and errors compensation methods for wave solid-state gyroscope with electrostatic control sensors
