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M.B. Komolov, post-graduate student of the department “Steam and Gas turbines (Hydromechanics and hydraulic machines)” of the National Research University "MEI"; Leading engineer of the Center for the creation of new equipment of the Production Company Borets (Russia, Moscow). E-mail: komolovmb@gmail.com
In the article there is considered a multistage impeller axial polyline pump (PN) of a triple scheme energy-efficient submersible unit designed to oil production with a nominal capacity of 100 m3/day. Usually, pumps of this unit size are made with the centrifugal or mixed (centrifugal-diagonal) types of tools. Rated capacity of this type of pumps is practically exhausted itself by now. The pump designing will allow creating a polyline hydromechanical scheme corresponding to the significant progress of high-energy efficient electrical impeller pumps. The computer designing of tools for the peripheral and middle rows of the polyline pump individually is performed using the programme complex ANSYS CFÕ. Creating the blades of the impellers and blades of guiding devices of the indicated rows of the pumps helps to show the technique of designing the axial pump blade systems. The pressure-energy indexes of the energy-efficient execution of the pump as a whole are calculated on the basis of results of the computer designing of the model analysis and optimization of stages. The pressure-energy indexes allow proving the prospects of creating the polyline pump able to compete with serial high energy-efficient pumps with a single-row scheme.
Keywords: сomputer experiment, axial polyline multi-stage pump, electric impeller pump unit, oil production, pressure, energy efficiency.
1. Ivanovskiy V.N., Darishchev V.I., Sabirov A.A., Kashtanov V.S., Pekin S.S. Downhole pumping units for oil production. Moscow, Publishing House of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin, 2002. 824 p.
2. Ivanovsky V.N. Analysis of the current state and prospects of development of downhole pumping units for oil production. Equipment and Technologies for Oil and Gas Complex. 2007. No. 6. P. 12-16.
3. GOST 56624-2015. Energy efficiency. Submersible vane pumps and electric motors for oil production. Classes of energy efficiency. Moscow: Standartinform, 2016.
4. Bogdanov A.A. Submersible centrifugal pumps for oil production. Moscow, Nedra, 1968. 272 p.
5. Ageev Sh.R., Zlatkis A.D, Karelina N.S, Labinsky Yu.G., Filippov V.N. Prospects for the development of submersible centrifugal pumps for oil production. (OKB, BN). Moscow, TsINTIhimneftemash. Series XM-4, Nasosostroenie, 1987. 60 p.
6. Pat. 81265 Russian Federation, IPC F 03 B 3/04, F 03 B 3/10. Blade machine (options). G.M. Morgunov, K.G. Morgunov. Publ. 10.03.09. Bul. № 7.
7. Morgunov G.M. Vane machines for liquids and gases with increased density of useful energy used. Vestnik MPEI. 2007. No. 4. P. 5-13.
8. Morgunov G.M., Morgunov K.G. Elzarook Faraj Designing and design studies of the hydrodynamic properties of a high-pressure polyline pump for small feed. Vestnik MPEI. 2007. No. 6. P. 95-105.
9. Morgunov G.M. Submersible pumping unit for highly heterogeneous fluids. Vestnik MPEI. 2012. No. 1. P. 5-15.
10. Novomet Catalog 2013 July.
11. Baker Hughes Catalog 2013.
12. Ageev Sh.R., Grigoryan E.E., Makienko G.P. Russian systems of vane pumps for oil production and their application. Encyclopedic reference book. Perm: Press-Master, 2007. 645 p.
13. Stepanov A.I. Centrifugal and axial pumps. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 463 p.
14. Lomakin A.A. Centrifugal and axial pumps. 2nd ed., Mechanical Engineering, 1966. 365 p.
15. Ivanov M.N. Machine parts: Textbook for machine-building special universities. 4th ed., Higher School, 1984. 336 p.
A.S. SMIRNOV1, Student of the department «Mechanics and control processes». E-mail: smirnov.alexey.1994@gmail.com
B.A. SMOLNIKOV1, Cand. Ph.-M. Sci. (Eng.), professor of the department «Mechanics and control processes». E-mail: smolnikovba@yandex.ru.
1 St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia)The problems of optimal control of the vibrational state of a linear conservative system with a finite number of degrees of freedom are discussed in the article. It is proposed to use collinear control as a damping control. It takes into account the dynamic features of the system and simulates general inertia forces. It is shown that such a control does not disturb the free oscillation forms, but only reduces their amplitudes. This makes it possible effectively to use the collinear control for damping the oscillations of multidimensional mechanical systems. The designed control contains in its structure a gain factor. Its best choice should be made at the condition of optimizing the damping. The optimal values of this coefficient are determined based on the integral and local quality criteria, the differences between them are not significant. The results obtained allow to estimate what control parameters should be recommended for practical use. The study shows that there is a uniform optimal mode of free oscillations damping for linear systems by means of active collinear control.
Keywords: collinear control, multidimensional linear mechanical system, active oscillations damping, optimization criterion.
1. Magnus K. Vibrations: introduction to the study of vibrational systems. Moscow, Mir, 1982. 304 p.
2. Bolotnik N.N. Optimization of depreciation systems. Moscow, Nauka, 1983. 257 p.
3. Kolovsky M.Z. Nonlinear theory of vibration protection systems. Moscow, Nauka, 1966. 320 p.
4. Biderman V.L .The theory of mechanical vibrations. Moscow, Vyshaya Shkola, 1980. 408 p.
5. Timoshenko S.P. Vibration problems in engineering. Moscow, Nauka, 1967. 442 p.
6. Strength, stability, vibrations. Vol. 3. Edited by Birger I.A., Panovko Ya.G. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1968. 567 p.
7. Smolnikov B.A. Problems of mechanics and optimization of robots. Moscow, Nauka, 1991. 232 p.
8. Merkin D.R., Smolnikov B.A. Applications of rigid body dynamics. Saint-Petersburg, St. Petersburg University. 532 p.
9. Fradkov A.L. Cybernetical physics: principles and examples. Saint-Petersburg, Nauka, 2003. 208 p.
10. Smolnikov B.A.., Yurevich E.I. About the problem of biomorphic motion control. Robotics and technical cybernetics. 2015. No. 1(6). P. 17-20.
11. Control of mechatronic vibration installations. Edited by Blekhman I.I. and Fradkov A.L. St. Petersburg, Nauka, 2001. 278 p.
12. Smolnikov B.A. Mechanics problems in advanced robotics. Robotics and technical cybernetics. 2016. No. 1(10). P. 3-6.
13. Voronov A.A. Fundamentals of the theory of automatic control. Automatic control of continuous linear systems. Moscow, Energia, 1980. 312 p.
14. Technical cybernetics. Automatic control theory. Book 1. Edited by Solodovnikov V.V. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1967. 770 p.
15. Afanasyev V.N., Kolmanovsky V.B., Nosov V.R. Mathematical theory of control systems designing. Moscow, Vischa Shkola, 2003. 614 p.
V. Ovchinnikov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences (habil.), Academician of International Academy of Informatization, Professor of Material Science Department, e-mail: vikov1956@mail.ru;
1 Moscow Polytechnic UniversityIn the article, the basic directions of improving high-tech aluminum alloy system of Al–Mg–Si are considered. Peculiarities of micro alloying calcium influence on the structure and properties of extruded semi-finished materials of Al–Mg–Si alloys. There are presented physical-mechanical properties and technological characteristics of sheets made from alloys mentioned before. Features of sheet-metal stamping, heat treatment and welding of Al–Mg–Si alloys workpieces are discussed. There are listed strength characteristics of welded joints obtained with various ways of welding, including the friction welding with mixing. Influence of heat treatment on structure and properties of welded joints is described.
Keywords: aluminum alloys, alloys of Al–Mg–Si, strength, plasticity, deformability, cold stamping, weldability.
1. Shamray V.F., Grushko O.E., Sheveleva L.M., Samsonov E.D. New System alloy Al–Mg–Si. Advanced materials. 2004. No. 5. P. 16-22.
2. Grushko O.E., Ovchinnikov V.V. Alekseev, V.V., Shamray V.F. Structure, the ability to deformation and weldability of sheets of alloys Al–Mg–Si alloy, calcium. Blanking production in mechanical engineering. 2006. No. 3. P. 9-15.
3. Gureeva M.A.,, Grushko O.E., Ovchinnikov V.V., Shamray V.F. Shtampuemost alloy sheets Increase the system Al–Mg–Si used for cold stamping. Forging production. 2007. No 4. P. 20-27.
4. Saveliev A.V., Ovchinnikov V.V., Ermakov S.I. Structure and weldability of sheets of alloys Al-Mg-Si. Scientific reports of the VII international scientific-practical Conference "Young scientists – industry, science, technology and vocational education: problems and new solutions." Moscow, MOSCOW STATE INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY. 2007. P. 256-259.
5. Elagin V.I. Alloying aluminum alloys deformed transition metals. Moscow, Metallurgy, 1975. 248 p.
6. Grushko O.E., Ovsyannikov B.V., Ovchinnikov V.V. Aluminum-lithium alloys: metallurgy, welding, metallurgy. Moscow, Nauka, 2014. 296 p.
7. Kurdyumov A.V. Inkin S.V. Chulkov V.S. Shadrin G.G. Metal impurities in aluminum alloys. Moscow, Metallurgy, 1988. – 143 p.
8. Gureyeva M.A., Grushko O.E. Influence of microalloying calcium on the structure and properties of aluminium alloys Al–Mg–Si: monograph. Moscow, RUSAJNS, 2017. 258 p.
9. Klochkov G.G., Grushko O.E., Ovchinnikov V.V., Shamray V.F., Girsh R.I. The structure, formability and weldability of B-1341 Al–Mg–Si alloy sheets. Proceedings of the 11 ICAA. 2008. Vol. 1. P. 241–247.
10. Kolobnev N.I., Behr L.B., Hohlatova L.B., Ryabov D.K. Structure, properties and application of alloys Al-Mg-Si-(Cu). MITTOM. 2011. No. 9. P. 40-45.
11. Hyung-Won P., In-Sang J.g, Yeong-Hwa K., Su-Gun L. Effect of Ca Addition on Microstructure of Semi-Solid Al-Zn-Mg Al Alloys During Reheating. Proceedings of the 12 ICAA, 2010, Yokohama. P. 1726-1729.
12. Strigavkova E., Weiss V., Michna S. Study structure and zhidkotekuchesti system alloy Al–Mg–Si with different calcium content. Metallurg. 2012. No 9. P. 84-88.
13. Gureyeva M.A., Grushko O.E. Alloying calcium supplements as a factor regulating the structure and properties of alloys Al–Mg–Si. High Tech in Mechanical Engineering. 2013. No 7. P. 22-25.
14. Gureyeva M.A., Grushko O.E. Influence of alloying calcium additives on structure and phase composition of alloys ingots of Al–Mg–Si. Blanking Production in Mechanical Engineering. 2014. No 8. P. 36-40.
15. Moussa M.E., Walya M.A., El-Sheikh A.M. Combined effect of high-intensity ultrasonic treatment and Ca addition on modification of primary Mg2Si and wear resistance in hypereutectic Mg–Si alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014. Vol. 615. P. 576-581.
16. Drits A.M., Rokhlin L.l., Dobatkina T.V., Nikitina N.I., Tarytina I.E. Investigation of the influence of the additional doping on okisljaemost when heated with magnesium/aluminum alloy. Non-Ferrous Metals. 2011. No. 6. P. 67-71.
17. Aluminum-based alloy and product made from it: the RF patent № 2255133; Publishing 19-Dec-2003.
18. Kolobnev I.F. Heat treatment of aluminum alloys. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1961. 413 p.
19. Gureyeva M.A., Grushko O.E., Ovchinnikov V.V. Wieldable aluminum alloys in the construction of vehicles. Blanking Production in Mechanical Engineering. 2009. No 3. P. 11-21.
20. Klochkov G.G., Klochkova Yu.Yu., Romanenko V.A. Effect of temperature deformation on structure and properties of alloy extrusions B-1341 system Al–Mg–Si. Electronic Journal "Proceedings of the VIAM". 2016. No 9. P. 88-96.
21. RWOS 92-1114-80 Welded Connection. General technical requirements. 100 p.
22. RWOS 92-1144-83 Spot Welding and seam contact. Welded connections. Constructive elements and basic dimensions. 14 p.
23. Gureyeva M.A., Ovchinnikov V.V. Polyimide adhesive joints of aluminum alloys: monograph. Moscow, RUSAJNS, 2016. 178 p.
24. Gureyeva M.A. Optimization for thermal processing of sheets of alloy AB doped with calcium. Modern Materials, Equipment and Technologies. 2015. No 3. P. 85-94.
25. Gureeva M.A., Grushko O.E., Klochkov G.G. Optimization of the mode of consolidating heat treatment alloy sheet system Al-Mg-Si doped with calcium. Sciences of Europe. 2016. Vol. 1. No. 3(3). Р. 54–62.
26. Gureeva M.A., Grushko O.E., Shamray V.F., etc. Structure, technological properties and weldability of alloy sheet system A1-Mg-Si alloys containing calcium supplements. Welding in Siberia. 2005. No 2. P. 66-71.
27. Gureeva M.A., Grushko O.E., Shamray V.F., etc. Structure, the ability to deformation and weldability of sheets of alloy type Avial, doped calcium. Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals. 2007. No 7. P. 15-21.
28. Gureeva M.A., Grushko O.E., Ovchinnikov V.V., Klochkov G.G. Pulse arc welding of aluminum alloy B-1341. Metal Technology. 2008. No 2. P. 13-21.
29. Gureeva M.A., Grushko O.E. Aluminum alloys in welded constructions of modern vehicles. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2009. No 3. P. 27-41.
30. Gureeva M.A., Grushko O.E., Klochkov G.G. Influence heat treatment after welding to the structure of the compounds system alloy Al–Mg–Si–Cu, performed by friction welding with mixing. Blanking Production in Mechanical Engineering. 2016. No 9. P. 5-10.
31. Gureeva M.A., Grushko O.E., Ovchinnikov V.V., Klochkov G.G. Effect of calcium on the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of aluminium alloy sheets type Avial. Blanking Production in Mechanical Engineering. 2017. No 5. P. 21-27.
V.P. Biryukov1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher. E-mail: laser-52@yandex.ru
A.A. Fishkov1, Researcher. E-mail: spsmetro@yandex.ru
1 Institute of Machine Science named after A.A. Blagonravov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaThe article is devoted to determination of the influence of the laser cladding modes on geometrical parameters of weld beads and impact of the nano copper oxide powder addition to Fe-B-Cr-6-2 powder stock on tribological properties of the coating deposited on samples of steel 20X. Geometric parameters of deposited layers and the depth of the heat affected zone (HAZ) have being studied by the metallographic method. Mathematical dependences of the geometrical sizes of the deposited layers on processing modes were developed with the method of full factorial experiment (FFE). Deviation of calculated values from experimental data is not more than 3 %. The application of the oscillation laser beam, normal to the vector of its longitudinal travel, with a fixed frequency of 220 Hz, allowed improving the performance of laser cladding in 1,3–1,9 times, depending on the processing modes. The surfaces demonstrate the advantages in the performance of the laser cladding beam oscillating in comparison with the processing of the unfocused beam depending on the speed of movement, power and the diameter of the laser radiation. It is shown that the introduction of nano copper oxide powder of the amount of 3–9 % into the surfacing charge increases the scoring resistance of the layers in 1,5–2 times and eliminates cracking in the coating at an optimal its content.
Keywords: laser cladding, powder on iron base, scoring resistance.
1. Pogodaev L.I., Ezhov Yu.E. Increase in longevity of workers of devices of courts of technical fleet wear-resistant surfacings. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2014. No. 6. P. 82-87.
2. Zabelin, A.M., Shiganov I.N., Chirkov A.M., et al. Hybrid technologies of laser welding. Moscow, Publishing House of MGOU, 2007. 126 p
3. Grigoryants A.G., Misyurov A.I. Possibilities and prospects of application of laser welding. Mechanical Engineering Technology. 2005. No. 10. P. 32-56.
4. Korsmik R.S., Turichin G.A., Babkin K.D. Laser cladding technological machine. Investigation of efficiency of various nozzles design. 13th International Conference on Films and Coatings IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 857 (2017) 012021. Р.1-5. doi :10.1088/1742-6596/857/1/012021.
5. Chernoivanov V.I., Lyalyakin V.P., Golubev I.G. Innovative projects and developments in the field of technical service. Moscow, FGNU "Rosinformagrotekh", 2010. 95 p.
6. Biryukov V.P., Dozorov A.V. Laser systems for hardening, surfacing details and accurate cutting of sheet material. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2006. No. 1. P. 60-66.
7. Pat. 2607278 Russian Federation, IPC C23C 4/06. The composition of the batch for slip coatings. V.P. Biryukov, E.G. Gudushauri, D.Y. Tatarkin, A.A. Fishkov, O.N. Churlyaeva. Publ. 10.01.2017. Bull. No. 1.
8. Fishkov A.A., Biryukov V.P. Modeling of the process of laser welding using full factorial experiment. XXVIII international innovation-oriented conference of young scientists and students (MIKAS - 2016): Conference Proceedings (Moscow, 7-9 December 2016). Moscow, Publishing House of IMASH RAN, 2017. P. 130-133.
9. Biryukov V.P., Fishkov A.A. The Influence of the modes of laser treatment on the size of the weld rollers. Computer science and technology. Innovative technologies in industry and computer science. ISTC, FTI-2017. Moscow technological University, Moscow University of technology, Institute of physics and technology. Issue 23 (XXIII). Edited by Prof. Bulatov M.F. Moscow, 2017. P. 416-418.
10. Evdokimov Yu.A., Kolesnikov V.I., Teterin A.I. Planning and analysis of experiments in solving problems of friction and wear. Moscow, Science. 1980. 226 p.
N.S. Vorob'eva1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), associate professor, e-mail: vorobva@inbox.ru
V.V. Dyashkin-Titov1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), associate professor. E-mail: c_43.52.00@mail.ru
V.V. Zhoga2, Dr. Ph.-M. Sci. (Eng.), professor, e-mail: dtm@vstu.ru
I.A. Nesmiyanov1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), associate professor, e-mal: ivan_nesmiyanov@mail.ru
1 Volgograd State Agrarian University, Volgograd, Russia
2 Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, RussiaIn the article there is considered a manipulator based on the parallel structure mechanism on the basis of a tripod with a tilt base to the horizon. A manipulator with three degrees of mobility and of serial configuration is used as the gripping device. Mathematical model of the parallel-serial manipulator dynamics with seven degrees of freedom was developed. The kinematic and dynamic analysis of spatial manipulator mechanism is given. Expressions for kinetic and potential energy of a manipulator with seven degrees of freedom were designed. The task of the positioning the manipulator’s working body at its moving from the initial position to a given final was solved. Models of manipulator’s partial motions allow determination of the driving forces and moments required to implement a given programmed motion of the working unit.
Keywords: manipulator, parallel-serial structure, kinetic energy, equation of dynamics, gripping device, positioning.
1. Glazunov V.A, Koliskor A.Sh, Krajnev A.F. Prostranstvennye mehanizmy parallel'noj struktury (Spatial mechanisms of parallel structure). Moscow, Nauka, 1991, 95 p.
2. Afonin V.L., Podzorov P.V., Slepcov V.V. Obrabatyvajushhee oborudovanie na osnove mehanizmov parallel'noj struktury (Processing equipment on the basis of mechanisms of parallel structure): Uchebnoe posobie. Pod obshh. red. V. L. Afonina. Moscow, Izdatel'stvo MGTU STANKIN, Janus-K, 2006. 448 p.
3. Bushuev V.V., Hol'shev I.G. Mehanizmy parallel'noj struktury v mashinostroenii (The mechanisms of parallel structure in mechanical engineering). STIN. 2001. No.1. P. 3-8.
4. Rybak L.A., Grinenko G.P. Innovacionnoe obrabatyvajushhee oborudovanie na baze parallel'nyh struktur: perspektivy i napravlenija kommercializacii (Innovative processing equipment on the basis of parallel structures: prospects and directions of commercialization). Naukoemkie tehnologii v mashinostroenii. 2013. No. 7(25). P. 32-39.
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6. Nesmiyanov I., Zhoga V., Skakunov V., Terekhov S., Vorob’eva N., Dyashkin-Titov V., Fares Ali Hussein Al-hadsha. Synthesis of Control Algorithm and Computer Simulation of Robotic Manipulator-Tripod. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015: CIT&DS 2015, CCIS 535, 392-404 p.
7. Zhoga V.V., Dyashkin-Titov V.V, Dyashkin A.V., Vorob’eva N.S, Nesmiyanov I.A., Ivanov A.G. RF Patent 2616493, IPC В66С 23/44. Manipulator-tripod parallel serial structures. Bull. Izobret, 2017, No. 11.
8. Lur'e A.I. Analiticheskaja mehanika (Analytical Mechanics). Moscow, 1961. 824 p.
9. Zhoga V.V., Gerasun V.M., Nesmiyanov I.A., Vorob'eva N.S., Dyashkin-Titov V.V. Dinamicheskij sintez optimal'nyh programmnyh dvizhenij manipuljatora-tripoda (Dynamic Creation of the Optimum Program Motion of a Manipulator–Tripod). Problemy mashinostroenija i nadezhnosti mashin. 2015. No. 2. P. 85-92.
10. Zhoga V., Gavrilov A., Gerasun V., Nesmiyanov I., Pavlovsky V., Skakunov V., Bogatyrev V., Golubev D., Dyashkin-Titov V., Vorobieva N. Walking Mobile Robot with Manipulator-Tripod. Proceedings of Romansy 2014 XX CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators. Series: Mechanisms and Machine Science. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 2014. Vol. 22. P. 463-471.
11. Zhoga V.V., Dyashkin-Titov V.V., Nesmiyanov I.A., Vorob'eva N.S. Zadacha pozicionirovanija manipuljatora parallel'no-posledovatel'noj struktury s upravljaemym zahvatnym ustrojstvom (Manipulator of parallel-series structure with a controlled gripper positioning task). Mehatronika, avtomatizacija, upravlenie. 2016. Tom 17. No. 8. P. 525-530.
12. Nesmiyanov I.A., Zhoga V.V., Skakunov V.N, Vorob'eva N.S., Dyashkin-Titov V.V., Bocharnikov V.S. O neustojchivyh rezhimah raboty jelektroprivoda manipuljatora (On the unstable operating modes of manipulator electric drives). Problemy mashinostroenija i nadezhnosti mashin. 2017. No. 3. P. 18-25.
13. Gerasun V.M., Zhoga V.V., Nesmiyanov I.A., Vorob'eva N.S., Dyashkin-Titov V.V. Issledovanie optimal'nyh konfiguracij manipuljatora - tripoda s povorotnym osnovaniem (A study of optimal configurations of a manipulator - tripod with swivel base). Mehatronika, avtomatizacija, upravlenie. 2013. No. 6. P. 21-16.
14. Gerasun V.M., Zhoga V.V., Nesmiyanov I.A., Vorob'eva N.S., Dyashkin-Titov V.V. Opredelenie zony obsluzhivanija mobil'nogo manipuljatora-tripoda (Definition of the zone of the mobile manipulator-tripod). Mashinostroenie i inzhenernoe obrazovanie. 2013. No. 3. P. 2-8.
15. Kolovskii, M.Z. and Sloushch, A.V. Osnovy dinamiki promyshlennykh robotov (Foundations of Industrial Robot Dynamics). Moscow, Nauka. Gl. red. fiz._mat. lit, 1998, 240 p.
S.S. Gavriushin1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of Computer Systems of Manufacture Automation, E-mail: gss@bmstu.ru.
P.A. Skvortsov2, postgraduate student of the Department of Dynamics, Durability of Machines and Strength of Materials. E-mail: skvortsovpa@yandex.ru.
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
2 Moscow Polytechnic University (Moscow, Russia)The paper is devoted to the study of the nonlinearity of the output signal of the pressure sensor on the silicon on sapphire structure (SOS). The authors constructed a mathematical model of the strain-gauge and carried out numerical simulation by using the ANSYS 12.1 software. For comparative analysis, the problem was solved both in a geometrically nonlinear and in a geometrically linear formulation. To account for the elastic-plastic properties of the silver solder, the Prandtl diagram was used. As a result, the maximum stresses and deformations in the sapphire crystal, solder, and titanium membrane under which the design successfully works were determined, and also the nonlinearity of the output signal was estimated in depending of the applied pressure. According to calculations, the nonlinearity of the output signal is 11,3 %. The received value is unacceptable for this type of sensor, and requires further tuning, which negatively affects the accuracy of the product and its cost.
Keywords: bi-membrane strain gauge, elastic element, strain gauges, silicon on sapphire structure (SOS), calculation, design.
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8. Gavriushin S.S. Numerical modeling of processes of nonlinear deformation of thin elastic shells. Mathematical modeling and numerical methods. 2014. Vol. 1. No. 1. P. 115-130.
9. Gavriushin S.S., Baryshnikova O.O., Boriskin O.F. Numerical analysis of structural elements of machines and devices. 2nd ed. Moscow, BMSTU Publ., 2014. 479 p.
10. Krivulin N.O., Pavlov D.A., Shilyaev P.A., Korotkov E.V. Gladisheva V.A. Bobrov A.I. Influence of defects on the mechanical properties of silicon epitaxial layers on sapphire. Bulletin of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, 2012, No. 3(1). P. 30-33.
11. Gavriushin S.S., Skvortsov P.A. Modeling of a bi-membrane pressure transducer on a "silicon on sapphire" structure. Materials of the XXII International Gorshkov Symposium "Dynamic and Technological Problems of Mechanics of Constructions and Continuous Environment" (Vyatichi, February 15-19, 2016): Thesis. report Vyatichi, 2016. P. 80-81.
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K.V. Ozhmegov1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Researcher. E-mail: kirillozhmegov@yandex.ru
M.I. Sergacheva1, Postgraduate student, engineer-technologist. E-mail: mrs.deetz@gmail.com
A.A. Kabanov1, Head of the department. E-mail: AAKabanov@bochvar.ru
1 JSC "VNIINM" them. A.A. BochvaraThe paper presents the results of investigation of the inner surface quality of Zr-1% Nb alloy tubes produced on a KPW-type pilger rolling mill with an elongation factor of 3.9. In order to analyze the effect of speeds and applied deformations on the variations in the magnitude of the flow stress of the investigated alloy, an experiment testing programme was carried out in industrial conditions and the physical modelling of the rolling process was performed. For the physical modelling of the process under examination, the metallurgical process simulator Gleeble 3800 was employed. The influence strain and strain rate on the flow stress have been obtained for the conditions of both intermittent and continuous cold deformation of the examined alloy.
Keywords: Pilger rolling, Zr-1%Nb alloy, tube inner surface defects, physical modelling.
- Ozhmegov K.V. Experimental modeling of multistage forging process of zirconium alloy E635 blanks. Collected abstracts of ONTK of young specialists of JSC "ChMZ". 2013. P. 31-32.
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A.S. Urnev1, Junior researcher and postgraduate student. E-mail: Urnev-AS@yandex.ru
A.S. Chernyatin2, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), associate professor. E-mail: cas@inbox.ru
Yu.G. Matvienko1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, Head of the Department "Strength, Survivability and Safety of Machines". E-mail: matvienko7@yahoo.com
I.A. Razumovsky1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, Head of the Laboratory of Fracture Mechanics and Survivability. E-mail: murza45@gmail.com
1 Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityMethodological approach and algorithm for delamination defect modelling in layered fiber composite panels have being proposed, that allow the further strain-stress state analysis and defect characteristics estimation. The approach is based on algorithm that provides for using 2D finite elements instead of 3D-models, allowing to create one less dimension of finite element model of structure while retaining all strain-stress state aspects. It is shown that this approach allows the significant increasing the speed of strain-stress state problems calculation at required accuracy of results. Developed algorithm can be used at creation of system for monitoring the composite material structures condition and estimating their residual life.
Keywords: layered composites, delamination, numerical simulation, stress-strain state, the two-dimensional modeling.
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