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Rivner F. Ganiev, an outstanding scientist in Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, is eighty years of age in April 2017. R.F. Ganiev is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a scientific adviser of the A.A. Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Institute, a founder of non-linear wave mechanics of multiphase systems and wave technology. Series of significant studies in dynamics of machines and devices, the theory of non-linear oscillations, the wave and vibration processes and techniques were fulfilled under his direction.
Keywords: R.F. Ganiev; A.A. Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Institute of the RAS; dynamics of machines; non-linear wave mechanics; wave technologies; the theory of non-linear oscillations
Anton Dolzhikov1, Postgraduate Student of Low Temperature Department, e-mail: DolzhikovAS@mpei.ru
Vladimir Mogorychny1, Doctor of Technical SCiences, Associate Professor of Low Temperature Department, e-mail: MogorychnyVI@mpei.ru
1 National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”
The paper is devoted to the study of multicomponent working fluids (MWF) boiling which have being used in refrigeration and cryogenic engineering. The description of the method for heat transfer coefficient determination at boiling of zeotropic mixtures in horizontal heated channel is given, as well as the construction of the experimental stand allowing making such measurements. This stand is designed on the basis of a refrigeration unit operating on the Joule-Thomson throttle cycle and enables to measure the heat transfer coefficient with an accuracy of 15 %. Simultaneously the calculated values of the heat transfer coefficient, obtained using a homogeneous model, are compared with the existing experimental data. In some experiments there is good match and in some there is not, that indicates the need to accumulate more experimental data and the making of appropriate corrections to the homogeneous model on the basis of the data analysis.
Keywords: low temperature, boiling, heat exchange, mixture, multicomponent working fluids, two-phase flow, throttle system
- Lunin A.I., Mogorychny V.I., Kovalenko V.N. The use of multicomponent working fluids in the low-temperature technique. M.: Publishing House of MPEI, 2009. – 100 p.
- Boyarsky M.Yu., Lunin A.I., Mogorychny V.I. Characteristics of cryogenic systems working on mixtures. M.: Publishing House of MPEI, 1990. – 87 p.
- Boyarsky M. Yu. The basis for calculation of phase equilibria in multicomponent systems. M.: Publishing House of MPEI, 1984. – 87 p.
- Labuntsov D. A., Yagov V.V. Mechanics of two-phase systems. M.: Publishing House of MPEI, 2007. – 384 p.
- Isachenko V.P., Osipova V.A., Sukomel A.S. Heat transfer. M.: Energoatomisdat, 1981. – 416 p.
- Kirillin V.A., Sychev V.V., Sheyndlin A.E. Engineering thermodynamics. M.: Publishing House of MPEI, 2008. – 496 p.
- Butterworth D., Hewitt G.F. Two-phase flow and heat transfer. L.: Oxford University Press, 1977. – 328 p.
- Nellis G., Hughes C., Pfotenhauer J. Heat transfer coefficient measurements for mixed gas working fluids at cryogenic temperatures // Cryogenics. 2005. Vol. 45. P. 546–556.
- Baek S., Lee C., Jeong S. Investigation of two-phase heat transfer coefficients of argon-freon cryogenic mixed refrigerants // Cryogenics. 2014. Vol. 64. P. 29–39.
- Greco A., Vanoli G. P. Flow boiling heat transfer with HFC mixtures in a smooth horizontal tube // Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2005. Vol. 29. P. 189–208.
- Hsieh Y.Y., Lin T.F. Saturated flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop of refrigerant R-410A in a vertical plate heat exchanger // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002. Vol. 45. P. 1033–1044.
- Barraza R., Nellis G. Measured and predicted heat transfer coefficients for boiling zeotropic mixed refrigerants in horizontal tubes // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2016. Vol. 97. P. 683–695.
Ruslan Guchinskiy1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, researcher of the Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Deformation and Damage of Materials and Constructions, e-mail: ruslan239@mail.ru
Sergey Petinov2, 1, Doctor (habil.) of Technical Sciences, Professor of Material Strength Department; Head of the Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Deformation and Damage of Materials and Constructions, e-mail: sergei.petinov@gmail.com
1 Institute of Mechanical Engineering Issues of the RAS
2 San-Petersburg Politechnical University of Peter the Great
The approach is developed for modeling the fatigue process in a structural component from initiation of service until onset of the critical state based on the application of the compound failure criterion. The fatigue failure stages are considered as a united process of the damage accumulation and the fracture under action of force field at the crack tip. The proposed procedure is based on the successive calculation of damages in the nodes of the finite-element model lying in the direction of the crack propagation. Damages associated with two mechanisms of fracture are calculated by the Coffin - Manson strain-life criterion and Paris’ equation by the linear model. The damages accumulated at the in moving plastic strain field near the crack tip are also considered. The approach allows modeling the fracture process accompanied with advanced plastic strain near the initial stress raiser, as well as at the tip of growing crack. According to the approach the test data of standard specimens - parameters of the cyclic stress-strain curve and the failure criterion - are sufficient for the structural element design. Application of the approach is illustrated by modeling the fatigue process in a plate fabricated from steel 09G2 covering the crack initiation at the stress raiser and its propagation. The results of modeling are in accord with the experimental data.
Keywords: finite element method, crack, fatigue, fracture, failure criterion, compound criterion, damage accumulation
1. Hobbacher A. Recommendations for Fatigue Design of Welded Joints and Components. International Institute of Welding, IIW-Doc. (XIII-2151r1-07/XV-1254r1-07) (2007). - Cambridge: Abington Publishing, 2007. - 143 p.
2. Petinov S.V., Guchinsky R.V. Fatigue Assessment of Ship Superstructure at Expansion Joint // Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Part A: International Journal of Maritime Engineering. 2013. Vol. 155. No. A4. P. A201-209.
3. May M., Hallett S.R. An advanced model for initiation and propagation of damage under fatigue loading. Part I: Model formulation // Composite Structures. 2011. Vol. 93. No. 9. P. 2340-2349.
4. Paris P.C., Erdogan F. A Critical Review of Crack Propagation Laws // J. Bas. Eng. Trans. ASME. 1963. Vol. 85. P. 528-534.
5. Ding F., Feng M., Jiang Y. Modeling of fatigue crack growth from a notch // Int. J. Plasticity. 2007. Vol. 23. P. 1167-1188.
6. Sehitoglu H. Fatigue Life Prediction of Notched Members Based on Local Strain and Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Concepts // Eng. Fract. Mech. 1983. Vol. 18. No. 3. P. 609-621.
7. Allery M.B., Birkbeck G. Effect of notch root radius on the initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks // Eng. Fract. Mech. 1972. Vol. 4. P. 325-331.
8. Boljanovic S., Maksimovic S., Belic I. Total Fatigue Life of Structural Components // Proc. of the 2nd WSEAS Int. Conf. on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics. Venice, Italy, 2006. P. 1-6.
9. Rudolph J., Schmitt C., Weis E. Fatigue lifetime assessment procedures for welded pressure vessel components // Int. J. Pres. Ves. Pip. 2002. Vol. 79. No. 2. P. 103-112.
10. Hayakawa K., Nakamura T., Tanaka S. Analysis of Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation in Cold Forging Tools by Local Approach of Fracture // Materials Transactions. 2004. Vol. 45. No. 2. P. 461-468.
11. Dowling N.E. Notched member fatigue life prediction combining crack initiation // Fat. Eng. Mater. Struct. 1979. Vol. 2. P. 129-138.
12. Panasyuk V.V., Ostash O.P., Kostyk E.M. Fatigue crack initiation at stress raisers // Mater. Sci. 1985. Vol. 21. No. 6. P. 507-513.
13. Kewein X., Jiwen H. Prediction on notched fatigue limits for crack initiation and propagation // Eng. Fract. Mech. 1992. Vol. 41. No. 3. P. 405-410.
14. Shang D.-G., Yao W.-X., Wang D.-J. A new approach to the determination of fatigue crack initiation size // Int. J. Fatigue. 1998. Vol. 20. No. 9. P. 683-687.
15. Navarro C., Garcia M., Dominguez J. A procedure for estimating the total life in fretting fatigue // Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 2003. Vol. 26. No. 5. P. 459-468.
16. Makkonen M. Predicting the total fatigue life in metals // Int. J. Fatigue. 2009. Vol. 31. P. 1163-1175.
17. Cameron A.D., Smith R.A. Fatigue life prediction for notched members // Int. J. Pres. Ves. Pip. 1982. Vol. 10. P. 205-217.
18. Martin W.S., Wirsching P. Fatigue Crack Initiation-Propagation Reliability Model // J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 1991. Vol. 3. No. 1. P. 1-18.
19. Petinov S.V., Letova T.I., Guchinsky R.V. Modeling of fatigue process by combining the crack initiation and growth // Proc. of XLII Int. Summer School-Conf. APM 2014. St.Petersburg, 2014. P. 133-139.
20. Ebi G., Neumann P. Closure Behavior of Small Cracks // Steel Research. 1990. Vol. 61. No. 10. P. 498-503.
21. Miller K.J. The Two Thresholds of Fatigue Behavior // Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. 1993. Vol. 16. No. 9. P. 931-939.
22. Guchinsky R.V., Petinov S.V. Numerical modeling for semielliptical fatigue crack propagation on the basis of damage accumulation evaluation // Calculated Mechanics of Continuous Medium. 2015. V. 8. No 4. P. 376-385.
23. Petinov S.V. Fatigue Analysis of Ship Structures. - New-York: Backbone Publishing Co., Fair Lawn, 2003. - 263 p.
24. Makhutov N.А. Deformation Criteria of Damages and Strength Analysis of Structural Members. М.: Mashinostroenie, 1981. - 272 p.
25. Gide of Stress Intensity Factors: in two volumes / ed. by Y. Murakami. М.: Mir, 1990. V. 2. - 568 p.
Dmitry Maslov1, Post-graduate student of Higher Mathematics Department, e-mail: dm_93@live.ru
1 National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”
The paper describes the wave solid gyro with a cylindrical resonator and an electrostatic sensor control., The identification parameters method for wave solid gyro is developed by using nonlinear mathematical model that is a result of the averaging deduced equations for resonator dynamics. Defined parameters include the following parameters: a nonlinearity coefficient, an uneven stiffness, a difference in Q-factors and external forcing parameters. These parameters are necessary for a quality control and an improvement of the production technology gyro as well as for its drift compensation. The signal to noise ratio being high enough, accounting of the nonlinear resonator oscillations allows testing under large oscillation amplitudes that improves the accuracy of determining the parameters. The proposed method increases accuracy of parameters identification due to taking into account impact of nonlinearity upon the amplitude of driving forces.
Keywords: gyro, cylindrical resonator, nonlinear oscillations, identification of the parameters
1. Peshekhonov V.G. Current state and development prospective of gyroscopic systems // Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2011. No 1. P. 3–17.
2. Miniature wave solid-state gyroscopes for small spacecrafts / М.А. Basarab, B.S. Lunin, V.А. Matveev, А.V. Fomichev, Е.А. Chumakin, А.V. Yurin // Herald of Bauman State Technical University. Is. Instrument Making. 2014. No 4. P. 80−96.
3. Strapdown inertial navigation system based on the solid-state wave gyroscope / G.I. Dzhandzhgava, K.А. Bakhonin, G.М. Vinogragov, А.V. Trebukhov // Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2008. No 1. P. 22–33.
4. Zhuravlev V.F., Klimov D.М. Wave solid-state gyroscope. М.: Nauka, 1985. − 125 p.
5. Zhuravliov V.F. Problem of the error identification of the generalized Foucault pendulum // Proceedings of Russian Academy of Sciences. Mechanics of Rigid Body. 2000. No 5. P. 186–192.
6. Zhbanov Yu.K., Zhuravliov V.F. Trim of the wave solid-state gyroscope // Proceedings of Russian Academy of Sciences. Mechanics of Rigid Body. 1998. No 4. P. 4−16.
7. Matveev V.А., Lipatnikov V.I., Alekhin А.V. Wave solid-state gyroscope design. – М.: Publishing House of Bauman State Technical University, 1997. – 167 p.
8. A Novel Vibration Mode Testing Method for Cylindrical Resonators Based on Microphones / Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, X. Wu, X. Xi, J. Wang // Sensors. 2015. No 15. P. 1954–1963; doi:10.3390/s150101954.
9. Monolithic cylindrical fused silica resonators with high Q factors / Y. Pan, D. Wang, Y. Yanyan Wang, J. Liu, S. Wu, T. Qu, K. Yang, H. Luo // Sensors. 2016. No 16. P. 1185–1198.
10. Static Balancing of Metal Resonators of Cylindrical Resonator Gyroscopes / M.A. Basarab, V.A. Matveev, B.S. Lunin, E.A. Chumankin // Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2014. Vol. 5. No 4. P. 213–218.
11. Algorithms and Technologies for Surface Balancing of Hemispherical and Cylindrical Resonator Gyroscopes / M.A. Basarab, V.A. Matveev, B.S. Lunin, E.A. Chumankin // Proceedings of the 22nd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems. ICINS 2015. 2015. No 15. P. 383–386.
12. Jeanroy А., Bouvet А., Remillier J. Wave solid-state gyroscope and its using in marine instrument making // Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2013. No 4. P. 24−34.
13. Merkuriev I.V., Podalkov V.V. Dynamics of micromechanical and wave solid-state gyroscopes. М.: Fizmatlit, 2009. – 228 p.
14. Gavrilenko A.B., Merkuriev I.V., Podalkov V.V. Experimental methods for determination of viscous-elastic anisotropy parameters of wave solid-state gyroscope resonator // Herald of MEI. 2010. No 5. P. 13−19.
15. Maslov А.А., Maslov D.А., Merkuriev I.V. Identification of wave solid-state gyroscope parameters including non-linear resonator oscillations // Devices and Systems. Operating, Control, Diagnosis. 2014. No 5. P. 18−23.
16. Patent No 2544308 the Russian Federation. Method for determination of wave solid-state gyroscope parameters / Maslov А.А., Maslov D.А., Merkuriev I.V.; published 20.03.15. Bull. No 14.
17. Zhuravlev V.F. Controlled Foucault pendulum as a model of the free gyroscopes class // Proc. of Academy of Sciences. МТТ. 1997. No 6. P. 27−35.
18. Maslov A.A., Maslov D.A., Merkuryev I.V. Nonlinear Effects in Dynamics of Cylindrical Resonator of Wave Solid-State Gyro with Electrostatic Control System // Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2015. Vol. 6. No. 3. P. 224–229.
19. Martynenko Yu.G. Analytical Dynamics of Electro-mechanical Systems. М.: MEI Publishing House, 1984. − 64 p.
20. Nayfeh A.H. Introduction to Perturbation Techniques. М.: Mir, 1976. − 454 p.
Valentin Teraud1, Doctor of Technical Science, Senior Researcher, е-mail: ldrnww@gmail.com
1 Mechanics Research Institute of Lomonosov Moscow State University
The experimental values of some parameters obtained during testing of flat specimens under high-temperature creep are considered: the time life to the fracture, the lengths of specimens of the fracture, etc. Particular attention is paid to the times of the necking, obtained using various criteria. It is shown that dependence the necking time from time to failure is linear in almost all values of the parameters. The results of statistical data processing are presented, a distributions of these quantities are constructed in the plus-minus three sigma interval. Most of the samples fall within the interval from minus sigma to two sigma. The normal and lognormal distributions are used to describe the experimental distributions. It is shown that the data are better described by the lognormal distribution.
Keywords: experiments, creep, high temperature, flat specimen, deformation localization, necking, statistic, lognormal distribution
1. Hora P., Tong L., Reissner J. A prediction method for ductile sheet metal failure in FE-simulation // NUMISHEET’96 Conference. Dearborn, Michigan. USA. 1996. P. 252–256.
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P. 65–73.4. Malygin G. Influence of the grain size on the resistance of micro and nanocrystalline metals against the neck like localization of plastic deformation // Physics of the Solid State. 2011. Vol. 53. No. 2. P. 363–368.
5. Veklich N.А. Theoretical-probability modelling the process of specimen creep at uniaxial tension // Strength Issues. 2013. No 2. P. 80–90.
6. Doyar I.А., Poshivalov V.P. Option of probable estimation of time to failure at creep // Technical Mechanics. 2013. No 2. P. 99–108.
7. Kriveniuk V.V., Uskov Е.I., Budinsky V.R. Interrelationship of the deformation and strength characteristics at short-term tension of high temperature materials // Strength Issues. 2003. No 5. P. 71–79.
8. Teraud V.V. Experimental criteria for location of creep deformations in rectangular specimens at high temperature // Herald of Mechanical Engineering. 2017. No 7 (in press).
9. Lokoschenko А.М., Teraud V.V. Studying location of deformation in cylinder specimens at high temperature creep // Deformation and Failure of Materials. 2013. No 11 (No 289/2013). P. 43–46.
10. Ventzel Е.S. Theory of Probability: 10th ed. М.: Akademia, 2005. – 576 p.
11. Wikipedia. Lognormal distribution. URL: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Логнормальное_распределение (date: 17.03.2017).
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15. Kuznetsov А.P. Creed curves’ spread for Д16Т and Амг6 allows // Strength Issues. 1976. No 6. P. 86–87.
Aleksandr Stroev1, Researcher of Welding and Brazing Laboratory, Department of Innovative materials and technologies for reactors , е-mail: aastroev@mail.ru
Vladimir Arzamasov2, Academician of the RF Academy for Electrotechnical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences (habil.), Professor of Material Science Department
Vitaliy Antipenko3, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Physics Department, e-mail: antipenkovs7@mail.ru
2 Moscow Politechnical University
3 Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT) �ерситет путей сообщения императора Николая II (МГУПС (МИИТ))
The paper presents the study results of thermal stability and thermoionic emission properties of tungsten cathodes for melting plasmotrons alloyed by various additives. The model of electrodes structural changes at their operation has being developed on the base of the classical principles of Lengmyur’s activated cathode theory. The phenomena have been considered occuring on the surface of melting plasmotron cathodes during their operation. The analysis of the diffusion and evaporation of the alloying elements in the course of electrodes’ long-term operation has been carried out. Regularities of solid-phase interaction between the basis and alloying elements, as well as the time of alloying elements de-enrichment of a matrix have been determined. The influence of tungsten base alloys deformation on their electrical resistance, porosity and other properties effecting the quality of their operation, as well as its influence on structure, properties and distributions of the alloying elements has been studied. The rates of deformation and concentration of alloying elements have been recommended in order to increase the service life of melting plasmotrons cathodes during their long period operation in argon atmosphere.
Keywords: electrode, deformation, diffusion, thermal stability, lectroresistance, density, alloying, thermoionic emission, erosion
1. Guide to structural materials / B.N. Arzamasov, Т.V. Solovieva, S.А. Gerasimov et al. : ed. by B.N. Arzamasov, Т.V. Solovieva. М.: Bauman State Technical University Publishing House, 2005. – 640 p.
2. Refractory Metals – their using and properties: textbook / V.S. Chelnokov, I.V. Blinkov, V.N. Anikin, А.О. Volkhonsky. М: MISiS Publishing House, 2011. – 114 p.
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4. Strelnikov I.V., Konovalov А.V. Optimal geometry determination for a tungsten electrode at spot constricted arc welding // Proc. of Higher Schools. Mechanical Engineering. 2011. No 6. P. 53–57.
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6. Fomenko V.S., Podcherniaeva I.А. Emissive and Adsorptive Capacity of Substances and Materials: guidebook / ed. by G.V. Samsonov. М.: Atomizdat, 1975. – 320 p.
7. Amosov V.М., Karelin B.А., Kubyshkin V.V. Electrode Materials on the Base of Refractory Materials. М.: Metallurgia, 1976. – 224 p.
8. Arzamasov V.B., Smirnova E.Е. Principle of heat-resistant allowing and thermoemission properties of allows // Physical Metallurgy. Thermal and Thermochemical Allows Processing: proc. ed. by B.N. Arzamasov. М.: Bauman State Technical University Publishing House, 2003. P. 226–231.
9. Ushakov B.А., Nikitin V.D., Emelianov I.Ya. Principles of Thermionic Energy Conversion. М.: Atomizdat, 1974. – 288 p.
10. Principles of Physical Processes in the Plasma and Plasma Units / S.K. Zhdanov, V.А. Kurnaev, М.K. Romanovsky, I.V. Tsvetkov: ed. by V.А. Kurnaev. М: MIFI, 2007. – 368 p.
11. Low-temperature Plasma. V. 10. Theory and Analysis of Near-electrode Processes / I.G. Panevin, V.I. Chvesiuk, I.P. Nazarenko, А.М. Zimin, V.N. Anikeev, А.S. Koroteev; chief editors: I.G. Panevin, V.I. Chvesiuk. Novosibirsk: Nauka, Sib. Publishing House, 1992. – 197 p.
12. Bokshtein B.S., Yaroslavtsev А.B. Diffusion of atoms and ions in solids. М.: MISiS, 2005. – 362 p.
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15. Physical Metallurgy. V. 3. Research Methods for structural-phase state of Materials / N.V. Volkov, V.I. Skrytny, V.P. Filippov, V.N. Yaltsev: ed. by B.А. Kalin. М.: MIFI, 2008. – 808 p.
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Oleg Troitskiy1, Doctor of Technical Sciences (habil.), Professor, Senior Researcher, e-mail: oatroitsky@rambler.ru
Mikhail Khruschev1, Doctor of Physic-Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher, e-mail: michel_x@mail.ru
Vladimir Stashenko1, Doctor of Physic-Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher, E-mail: vis20-11@rambler.ru
Ivan Levin2, Doctor of Physic-Mathematical Sciences, Junior Researcher of Physics Faculty, e-mail: is.levin@physics.msu.ru
The change of the phase composition on the content of the martensitic and austenitic phase of steel 12KH18N10T under the influence of pulse current and microwave radiation in the conditions of plastic deformation of samples. The estimation of the size of the ROC of the austenitic and martensitic phases formed during plastic deformation and high energy intense current and microwave exposure, which indicates a significant grain refinement
of γ’-phase austenite. It is established that the external energy impacts lead to grinding grain structure of steel 12KH18N10T. Installed, a significant drop in the loads on the samples (30 %) in the process of stress relaxation under the action of current and microwave radiation from the longitudinal orientation of the vector E relative to the axis of the sample. The results indicate the presence of additional mechanisms of electroplastic deformation of spin origin in crossed fields own magnetic field current and microwave radiation.Keywords: pulse current, microwave radiation, steel 12Х18N10T, deformation, interdirectorate
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Andrey Khokhlov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Elasticity and Plasticity, e-mail: andrey-khokhlov@ya.ru
1 Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
The analytic study of the nonlinear Maxwell-type constitutive relation with two arbitrary material functions is continued in order to find out qualitative properties of its basic theoretic quasi-static curves and to reveal the capabilities, applicability scope and techniques of identification and tuning of the model. The constitutive equation is aimed at adequate modeling of the rheological phenomena set which is typical for non-ageing rheonomic materials exhibiting non-linear hereditary properties, positive strain rate sensitivity, secondary creep, yielding at constant stress and tension compression asymmetry. Under minimal primary restrictions on two material functions, the general equation of theoretic stress-strain curves produced by the model at constant stress rates is derived and analyzed in uni-axial case. The main properties of the stress-strain curves and their dependence on stress rate and material functions are examined. Intervals of monotonicity and convexity of stress-strain curves, existence of inflection points, the instantaneous and long-term equilibrium moduli and their independence of stress rate, the stress-strain curves family convergence to limit curve as stress rate tends to zero or infinity and shapes of the equilibrium and the instantaneous stress-strain curve are considered. The qualitative features of stress-strain curves family generated by the constitutive equation are compared to typical test stress-strain curves of viscoelastoplastic materials at constant stress rate in order to examine the model abilities to provide an adequate description of basic rheological phenomena, to find necessary phenomenological restrictions which should be imposed on material functions and to indicate the field of applicability or non-applicability of the model.
Keywords: elastoviscoplasticity, stress-strain curves, stress rate, tension compression asymmetry, rate sensitivity, instantaneous modulus, equilibrium stress-strain curve, creep curves, relaxation curves, superplasticity, polymers
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5. Khokhlov А.V. Nonlinear Maxwell-type viscoelastoplastic model: properties of creep relaxation curves and limitation on material functions // Bauman State Technical University. Natural Sciences. 2017 (in print)
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