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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2016 year → Issue 4

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A.V. Nikolaenko
Metacontext approach in development of the project-oriented engineering education
Machines and Machine Systems
V.S. Kuznetsov, V.V. Yarots
Сalculation of parameters for liquid expiration through cylindrical throttle channels in the mode of «blockage effect» existence
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
A. Munitsyn, M. Munitsyna
Oscillation of the solid parallelepiped on the supported base with dry friction
Mechanical Engineering Technologies
V.V. Ovchinnikov
Technological features of friction stir welding aluminium alloys (review)
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
G.P. Nikishkov, Yu.G. Matvienko, I.A. Razumovsky
Distribution of fracture index along the front of an elastic-plastic crack
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
G.N. Tovarnykh
Stresses calculation for the flat channel wall of the thermostating system radiator at heat-carrying agent freezing
Brief Notes
A.N. Semenenko
Method for limit load analysis in bars under tension and bending
