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Andrey Nikolaenko1, Dr. of Science in Economics (habil.), Associate Professor, Rector, Professor of Science and Technology Management Dpt., e-mail: rector@mospolytech.ru
1 Moscow Polytechnic University
In the article there is analyzed a number of main directions in development of modern engineering education. On the basis of the context approach analysis – both in A.A Verbitskiy’s version and in E. F. Crowley’s understanding, the author emphasizes its characteristics related to practical orientation of educational programs. The author proves that a today’s professional must be able not only to interact with specialists in other profile areas, but also to know how to implement competences in various professional and social contexts. A concept of metacontext approach is introduced and justified, its main features are explained.
Keywords: metacontext approach, practice-oriented engineering education, CDIO (CDIO – Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate), context approach
1. Dynkin B.Е., Krasovsky P.S. Bologna Process: Ideas and Principles for European Higher Education Area. Khabarovsk: DVGPS Paublishing Hous, 2006. – 98 p.
2. The European higher education area. The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999 // URL:http://media.ehea.info/file/2010_Budapest_Vienna/65/2/IndependentAssessment_executive_summary_overview_conclusions_598652.pdf (date of reference: 15.12.2016).
3. Karataeva N.G. Expertise-context approach for design of educational content in Higher School of Engineering Education // Proc. of Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities. Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences. 2012. No 3. P. 43–47.
4. Verbitskiy А.А. Expertise-context approach for education modernization // Russia’s Higher Education. 2010. No 5. P. 32–37.
5. Verbitskiy A.A., Iliazova M.D. Invariants of Professionalism: Formation Problems: monograph. M.: Logos, 2011. – 288 p.
6. Barbedo De Magalhães A., Estima M., Almada-Lobo B. PUKHA: a new pedagogical experience // European Journal of Engineering Education. 2007. Vol. 32. No. 6. P. 711–719.
7. Rethinking Engineering Education. CDIO Approach / E. F. Crowley, J. Malmquist, S. Ostlund, Doris R. Brodeur, K. Edstrem. Translated from English by S. Rybushkina. M: Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2016. – 504 p.
8. Johnson Е.В. Contextual Teaching and Learning. What it is and why it is here to stay. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, 2001. – 208 p.
9. Zdanovich O.V., Kholodkova Yu.E. A Multi-context Approach and its Role in Development of a Researcher Competence for Bachelor – Future Mathematics Teacher // The Almanac of modern science and education. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. No. 1(80). P. 41-43.
10. Shobonova L.Yu. Essence and Structure of the Multi-professional Competence for a Foreign Language Teacher in a Non-language University // Vestnik KGU named after N. A. Nekrasov. 2010. Vol. 16. P. 69-73.
11. Kazakova N.E. Multi-professionalism in Activities of the Prominent Psychologist and Acme Researcher K. K. Platonov / Ed. By N. V. Kuzmina. Shuya: Vest: The Shuya State Pedagogical University.2002. P. 91-101.
12. Pachina N.N. Acme Science of Multi-professional Competence Development: synopsis of dissertation…Dr. of psychology. Kostroma: 2013. – 52 p.
13. Nikiforov V.I., Chernenkaya L.V. “The CDIO World Initiative” in the Russian education// Alma Mater (Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly). 2015. No. 3. P. 8-12.
Valeriy Kuznetsov1, Dr. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Hydromechanics, Hydraulic Machines and Hydro-Pneumatic Control Components, e-mail: kuznecovbmstu@mail.ru
Valeriy Yarots1, Dr. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Hydromechanics, Hydraulic Machines and Hydro-Pneumatic Control Components, e-mail: vyaroz@yandex.ru
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University
The experimental research of the working fluid expiration through the cylindrical throttle channel to the atmosphere at changing the absolute pressure at the channel from 221 to 240 kPa in the mode of «blockage effect» existence. The experimental results showed that the absolute pressure in the vapor space around the flow in the throttle channel remains constant and equal to 4 kPa. The flow rate depended only on the absolute pressure drop at the inlet to the throttle channel and at a vapor cavity, i.e. there was a «blockage effect». Changing the experimental flow rate values determined under the same absolute pressure drop at voucher and unseparated expiration modes, is not more than 0.5%. Consequently, the liquid flow rate value in zone of «blockage effect» existence can be determined by known data for the liquid outflow from the holes in the thin wall.
Keywords: cylindrical throttle channel, modes of liquid outflow, the «blockage effect», the pressure drop, flow coefficient
1. Altshul А.D. Hydrodynamical resistances. М.: Nedra, 1982. – 224 p.
2. Hydraulics, Hydraulic Machines and Hydraulic Gears: manual for Higher Schools of Mechanical Engineering / Т.М. Bashta, S.S. Rudnev, B.B. Nekrasov et al. М.: Alyans Publishing House, 2010. – 423 p.
3. Charru F. Hydrodynamic Instabilities. Cambridge University Press, 2011. – 391 p.
4. Hibbeler R.C. Fluid Mechanics. P. 2: Pearson Pumtke Hall, 2015. – 904 p.
5. Siov B.N. Liquid outflow through straps. М.: Mechanical Engineering, 1968. – 140 p.
6. Kuznetsov V.S., Shablovsky А.S., Yarots V.V. Influence of shamfer on the hole leading edge in a cylindrical scrap on its flow coefficient // Proc. of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Mechanical Engineering. 2014. No 5. P. 46–52.
7. Kuznetsov V.S. Determination of a designed intake area into the cylindrical choke canal // Machines and plants: design, development and exploitation. of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Electronic Journal. 2015. No 6. P. 40–53. DOI: 10.7463/aplts.0615.0822739 (date of reference 05.11.2015).
8. Kuznetsov V.S. Studying liquid flows in choke canals at cavitation // Proc. of DGTU. 2011. Т. 11. No 1(52). P. 57–62.
9. Cavitation flows of viscous fluid in choke devices / D.N. Popov, P.V. Otroshko, А.G. Bocharov, V.S. Kuznetsov // News of Mechanical Engineering. 1980. No 2. P. 5–8.
10. Shablovsky А.S., Kuznetsov V.S., Yarots V.V. Comparison of theoretical and experimental results of contraction coefficient research for the liquid flow in the flat slotted canal // Proc. of MAMI Moscow State Technical University. Natural Sciences. 2013. Т. 3. No 1(15). P. 135–138.
Aleksander Munitsyn1, Dr. of Technical Sciences (habil.), Associate Professor, Professor of Robotics, Mechatronics, Dynamics and Strength of Machines Department, e-mail: munitsyn@rambler.ru
Maria Munitsyna2, Dr. of Physic-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Theoretical Mechanics Department, e-mail: munitsynа@gmail.com
1 National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”
2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
The solution for the problem of the solid parallelepiped oscillation on the horizontal base is presented. It is assumed that the base harmonically moves in a horizontal direction. The force of dry friction is acted at the line of contact between the body and the base, also energy dissipation during impact within Newton’s hypothesis is taken into account. We consider small-angle deviations of the box from the vertical, considering its height substantially greater than its width. The forced oscillation modes of the parallelepiped corresponding to the main resonance are found by using the averaging method. The results are shown in the form of amplitude-frequency characteristics.
Keywords: supported plane, dry friction, nonlinear oscillations, averaging method
Viktor Ovchinnikov1, Dr. of Technical Sciences (habil.), Academician of International Academy of Informatization, Professor of Material Science Department, e-mail: vikov1956@mail.ru;
1 Moscow Polytechnic University
The main features of friction stir welding aluminium and magnesium alloys have been described. There are presented constructions of a working tool for the implementation of friction stir welding, peculiarities of compounds formation and the principles for a choice of friction stir welding parameters for various aluminium alloys, fields for using the friction stir welding, equipment for friction stir welding different constructions, joints quality control, specific defects and methods for their elimination. Main advantages of joints formation in solid phase as a result of plastic deformation at friction stir welding aluminium alloys are described. Joints structure, softening degree, strength, strength resistances under simples tension and levels of residual stresses and deformations in friction stir welded joints of high-strength aluminium alloys are analyzed.
Keywords: aluminium alloys, magnesium alloys, friction stir welding (FSW), tool design, fields of using FSW, joints defects, joints properties, equipment
Gennadiy Nikishkov1, Dr. of Technical Sciences (habil.), Professor, Senior Specialist, e-mail: nikishkov@gmail.com
Yury Matvienko2, Dr. of Technical Sciences (habil.), Professor, Deputy Director for Science, e-mail: matvienko7@yahoo.com
Igor Razumovsky2, Dr. of Technical Sciences (habil.), Professor, Head of Fracture and Survivability Mechanics Department, e-mail: murza45@gmail.com
2 Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Institute of RAS
The concept of fracture index for elastic-plastic cracks is introduced on the basis of the two-parameter fracture criterion. The fracture index depends on the designed elastic-plastic stress intensity factor and fracture toughness corresponding to the current value of the constraint parameter. A corresponding criteria dependence for describing the crack extension is proposed. Designed fracture index distribution values along the front of an elastic-plastic crack in the sample for the three-point bending test were determined with the finite element method. The results show that damage force increasing leads to the more irregularity of the fracture index distribution along the crack front.
Keywords: elastic-plastic fracture mechanics, two-parameter fracture criterion, fracture toughness, constraint parameter
1. Cherepanov G.P. Crack extension in continuous medium // PММ. 1967. Т. 31. P. 476–488.
2. Rice J.R. A path independent integral and the approximate analysis of strain concentration by notches and cracks // J. Appl. Mech. ASME. 1968. Vol. 35. P. 379–386.
3. Hutchinson J.W. Singular behavior at the end of a tensile crack in a hardening material // J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 1968. Vol. 16. P. 13–31.
4. Rice J.R., Rosengren G.F. Plane Strain deformation near a crack tip in a power law hardening material // J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 1968. Vol. 16. P. 1–12.
5. Yang S., Chao Y.J., Sutton M.A. Higher-order asymptotic fields in a power-law hardening material // Eng. Fract. Mech. 1993. Vol. 45. P. 1–20.
6. Nikishkov G.P. An algorithm and a computer program for the three-term asymptotic expansion of elastic–plastic crack tip stress and displacement fields // Eng. Fract. Mech. 1995. Vol. 50. P. 65–83.
7. Nikishkov G.P., Bruckner-Foit A.D. Calculation of the second fracture parameter for finite cracked bodies using a three-term elastic-plastic asymptotic expansion// Eng. Fract. Mech. 1995. Vol. 52. P. 685–701.
8. Nikishkov G.P. Estimate of conservativity of elastic approach to elastic–plastic crack problems using two-parameter J–A fracture criterion // Eng. Fract. Mech. 2015. Vol. 138. P. 92–99.
9. Nikishkov G.P. Prediction of fracture toughness dependence on constraint parameter A using the weakest link model // Eng. Fract. Mech. 2016. Vol. 152. P. 193–200.
10. Anderson T.L. Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications. CRC Press, Boca Raton. 2005. – 640 p.
11. Sumpter J.D.G., Forbes A.T. Constraint based analysis of shallow cracks in mild steel. Shallow Crack Fracture Mechanics, Toughness Tests and Applications / Procs of the Int.
Conf. Cambridge. UK. 23–24 September, 1992. Paper 7.12. Sumpter J.D.G. An experimental investigation of the T-stress approach // ASTM STP 1171. 1993. P. 492–502.
Gennadiy Tovarnykh1, Dr of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Spacecraft and Mother Missile Department, e-mail: tovarnjx@yndex.ru
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University
In the article the problem of modeling the deformation of flat rectangular channel filled with liquid at its freezing to evaluate the stresses in the channel wall is considered. It is assumed that the freezing of the liquid due to the difference in density between solid and liquid phases produces the volume change that it occupies into the channel. Deformation of channel walls occurs due to the pressure difference between the external environment and the interior area. The theory of elastic cylindrical bending of the two-layer plate is used. At analysis of the continuous changing of heat-carrying agent aggregate state that leads to partial creation of its solid phase, there were determined relations for calculation of the displacements and bending stresses in the channel wall. An example of calculating procedure for a channel of the thermostating system radiator at freezing the heat-carrying agent (water) is presented, and stress diagram in the steel wall and the ice is shown to evaluate the development of stresses as far as the freezing of water.
Keywords: flat channel, liquid, solid phase, crystallization, two-layer plate, bending, stresses
1. Duffie J., Beckman W. Solar engineering of thermal processes. М.: Mir, 1977. – 420 p.
2. Malozemov V.V., Kudryavtseva N.S. Spacecraft Thermoregulation Systems. М.: Mashinostroenie, 1983. – 112 p.
3. Favorsky О.N., Kadaner Ya.S. Issues of Heat Exchange in Space. L.: Vysshaya shkola, 1972. – 280 p.
4. Kazakov V.А., Sigalayev S.K., Ermolayeva Yu.О. Analysis of a tubular cooler-radiator panel for solving a problem of its mass minimization // Proc. of International Youth Scientific Conference «XLI Gagarin Readings». Infra-M Publishing House, 2015. P. 143–145.
5. Tovarnykh G.N. Pressure increasing in flat canal at heat-transfer agent freezing // Proc. of Engineering (Bauman State Technical University). Electronic Journal. 2014. No 11. URL: http://engbul.bmstu.ru/doc/738625.html (date of reference: 11.09.2016).
6. Tovarnykh G.N. Pressure increasing in flat canal at heat-transfer agent freezing // Journal on Engineering: Science and Innovations. 2015. Issue 5(41). URL: http://engjournal.ru/catalog/arse/itae/1396.html (date of reference: 11.09.2016).
7. Dulkin А.B., Dulkin B.А., Golovanchikov А.B. Time estimation of water freezing in a pipeline // Proc. of Volgograd State Technical University. 2014. Issue 7. No 1(128). P. 19–22.
8. Timoshenko S.P. Material Resistance. Т. II. М.: Nauka, 1965. – 480 p.
9. Vasilyev V.V. Mechanics of Composite Constructions. М.: Mashinostroenie, 1988. – 272 p.
10. Feodosyev V.I. Selected Problems and Issues on Material Resistance. М.: Nauka, 1996. – 120 p.
11. Ice construction site, roads and crossings / ed. by N.N. Bychkovsky. Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 2005. – 260 p.
Aleksander Semenenko1, Dr. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Spacecraft and Space Carriers Department, e-mail: mes51@bmstu.ru
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University
In this article a method for limit load analysis in bars under tension and bending is presented. The method is based on the condition of equality of reduced modules taken for engineering stress-strain curve of the material. The schematized deformation diagram in the form of a rigid perfectly plastic material model with a linear strain hardening used for a problem solution. The load limit is calculated as the sum of loads obtained for individual solutions that correspond to each part of the schematized diagram, and its part corresponding to linear hardening.
Keywords: limit load, engineering stress-strain curve, schematized diagram, strain hardening, bending of beam
1. Hodge Ph.G. Plastic Analysis of Structures. М.: GNTI mashinostroitelnoy literatury, 1963. - 380 p.
2. Ilyushin А.А. Plasticity. М.: GITTL, 1948. - 376 p.
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4. Hoffman О., Sachs H. Introduction into the Theory of Plasticity for Engineers. М.: GNTI mashinostroitelnoy literatury, 1957. - 280 p.
5. Strength and Plasticity: collected articles / ed. by V.V. Sokolovsky. М.: Nauka, 1971. - 458 p.
6. Zakharov А.А. Extreme Limit State of Materials and Constructions. М.: MGIU Publishing House, 2012. - 102 p.
7. Gerdeen J.C. A critical evaluation of plastic behavior data and a unified definition of plastic loads for pressure components // WRC Bulletin. 1979. No. 254. P. 1–64.
8. Skopinsky V.N., Berkov N.A., Vozhova N.V. New criterion for definition of limit load in pressure vessels with pipes // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2011. No 3. P. 50-57.
9. Skopinsky V.N., Berkov N.A. New Criterion for the Definition of Plastic Limit Load in Nozzle Connections of Pressure Vessels // Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. 2013. Vol. 135. No. 2, 021206 (6 pages).
10. Developed schematization of true stress-strain curves / V.N. Skopinsky, А.А. Zakharov, А.B. Smetankin, А.А. Safronov // Proc. of MGIU. 2010. No 3 (20). P. 32–36.
11. Malinin N.N. Applied Theory of Plasticity and Creep. М.: Mashinostroenie, 1968. - 400 p.
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