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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2016 year → Issue 3

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Dynamics and Strength of Machines
V.M. Agafonov, A.A. Pykhalov, E.S. Dolgikh
The comparative analysis of dynamic response of the aircraft pipe nipple connection
Mechanical Engineering Technologies
V.V. Ovchinnikov, A.M. Drits, R.N. Rastopchin, M.A. Gureeva
Current trends of welding technology development for aluminum alloys
Constructional Materials
K. Kolesnik
The edge effect in experimental identification of frp diffusion parameters
Material Science in Mechanical Engineering
S.G. Ponomarev, V.V. Rybalchenko, A.A. Vasin, O. A. Gordeeva
Influence of the granulometric properties of powders on the structure and size of the channels in the powder-base permeable ceramics
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
A.R. Miftakhova, I.G. Goryacheva
Modeling the rolling friction allowing for the intermediate agent properties and the relative slip in a contact interaction area
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
V.N. Skopinsky, N.A. Berkov
Inelastic analysis and determining the plastic limit loads for torispherical head with a nozzle
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
А.V. Khokhlov
The nonlinear Maxwell-type viscoelastoplastic model: properties of creep curves at piecewise-constant stress and criterion for plastic strain accumulation
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
L.A. Shirokov, P.D. Chelishkov, O.L. Shirokova
Modeling the non-search optimization system for automatic control system parameters with the modified Gauss – Newton algorithmus
