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Университет | Образование | Наука | Внеучебная жизнь |
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Vladimir Agafonov1, a Postgraduate Student of the Strength of Materials and Structural Mechanics Dpt., e-mail: mr_Agafo@mail.ru
Anatoly Pykhalov2, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor, Professor of the Department of Physics, Mechanics and Instrument Engineering, e-mail: pikhalov_aa@irgups.ru
Evgeniy Dolgikh1, Ph. D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Mining Machines and Electro-Mechanical Systems, e-mail: dolgih.es@istu.edu
1 Irkutsk National Research Technical University
2 Irkutsk State Railway University
The article presents the results of analyzing the dynamic response of a prefabricated single-span pipeline with nipple tube connection under of kinematic excitation. Two versions of the prefabricated tube connection were studied: the tube connections on external and internal cones. The results have been obtained by solving the contact problem of the deformable solid mechanics using the finite element method. The amplitude-frequency characteristics for the considered models of the pipeline were constructed and their comparative analysis was conducted. During research it was found that the lowest resonance frequency of the span pipeline of the same size with the two tube connection options has very closed values. The article describes the ability of a nipple tube connection to keep the sealing capability under dynamic impact. The research led to the conclusion: at approximation of the pipeline oscillations to the resonance region for the tube connection on external cone, strong change in the distribution of the contact pressure takes place, that can lead to the seal failure of the tube connection; at the same time there is no such effect in case of the tube connection on internal cone.
Keywords: the hydraulic system, aircrafts, dynamics of pipelines, tube connection on external cone, tube connection on internal cone, finite element method, the contact problem of elasticity theory, frequency response, finite element model
- Hydraulics, Hydraulic machines and Hydraulic gears: manual/ Т. М. Bashta et al.: the 2nd issue, revised. М.: Alyans, 2013. – 423 p.
- Sapozhnikov V.М.,Lagosiuk G.S. Reliability and tests of aircraft hydraulic systems pipelines: monography. М.: Mashinostroenie, 1973. – 248 p.
- Bashta Т.М. Analysis and constructions of aircraft hydraulic devices: the 3rd issue, revised and add. М.: Oborongiz, 1961. — 475 p.
- Komarov А.А., Sapozhnikov V.М. The pipelines and connections of hydraulic systems. М.: Mashinostroenie, 1967. – 234 p.
- Gurevich D.F. Analysis and design of valves: Valves Analysis: the 5th issue. М.: LKI, 2008. – 480 p.
- Timoshenko S.P., Yang D.Kh. Oscillations in Engineering. М.: Nauka, 1967. – 244 p.
- Bezborodov S.А., Ulanov А.М. Method of calculating vibrations in a pipeline with damping supports made of MR material// Vestnik SGAU. 2014. No 1(43). P. 91–97.
- Mironova Т.B. Finite element model for curved pipeline dynamics with pulsing working fluid flow // Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2009. Т. 11. No 5. P. 131–137.
- Швецов А.В. Modeling of aviation engine pipelines dynamics // Vestnik SGAU. 2012. No 5-2(36). P. 219–223.
- Blinov А.V., Maksimov P.V. Development and verification of the non-stationary finite element model for the pipeline wave process analysis // Current Issues of Science and Education. 2015. No 1-1. – URL: www.science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=17097 (data of reference: 10.06.2016).
- Zhang K., Li Y., Han B., Wang Zh. Numerical simulation on spanning pipeline’s vibration characteristics and safety in flood // International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology. 2013. P. 986–996.
12. Agafonov V.М., Pykhalov А.А. Studying the sleeve connection of the aircraft pipeline under the influence of dynamic loading // Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. 2015. Т. 14. No 2. P. 20–28.
13. Pykhalov А.А. Contact problem of the static and dynamic analysis of prefabricated turbomachine rotors: the habilitation paper in technical sciences. Moscow, 2006. – 428 p.
14. NX Nastran Advanced Nonlinear Theory and Modeling Guide. Siemens PLM Software Publ., 2014. – 488 p.
Viktor Ovchinnikov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences (hab.), Academician of International Informatization Academy, Professor of Material Science Department, e-mail: vikov1956@mail.ru
Aleksander Drits2, Ph.D. in Technical Science, Director for Business Development, e-mail: Alexander Drits@gmail.com
Ruslan Rastopchin3, Principal Manufacturing Engineer, e-mail: Ruslan15@mail.ru
Marina Gureeva4, Ph.D. in Technical Science, Academician of International Informatization Academy, Associate Professor, Technical Director, e-mail: mag1706@mail.ru
1 Moscow Polytechnic University
2 Alkoa-SMZ Ltd
3 Becema, Machine-building Company
4 Luch, Scientific-production Company
In the article analysis of the present state and trends of plasma welding development for aluminum alloys is described. There is noted that creation of combined plasma technologies using several power supplies connected to the plasmatron is the main direction of the development for plasma welding technologies with the consumable and nonconsumable electrode as well. Regarding nonconsumable electrode welding, the closed compressed arc welding circuit with a hollow anode carried out by DC power is more interesting. Additional reserves for enhance the penetration depth and quality of the seams are programmable pulsed alternately submitting two different plasma gases – argon and helium. At aluminium alloys welding with a consumable electrode the proportion of the base metal in the weld formation substantially increases that should be taken into consideration at developing
the willing wire compound for aluminium alloys welding. The use of combined plasma technologies allows aluminium alloys welding efficiency increase and product quality enhance as well.Keywords: plasma arc welding with consumable electrode, welding with nonconsumable electrode, combined technology, aluminium alloy, mechanical properties
1. Shitsyn Yu.D., Tytkin Yu.М. Сonsumable electrode plasma welding of aluminum alloys // Welding. 1986. No 5. P. 1–2.
2. Grushko О.Е., Ovsyannikov V.V., Ovchinnikov V.V. Aluminum-lithium alloys: metallurgy, welding, metal science. М.: Nauka, 2014. – 298 p.
3. Dediukh R.I. Features of the consumable electrode plasma welding (review) // Welding. 2014. No 5. P. 34–39.
4. Bohme D., Cramer H. Plasma welding – current status // Institutului in Sudura si Incercari De Materiale – Bid Isim. 2013. No. 2. P. 8–14.
5. Gladkiy P.V., Perepliotchikov E.F., Ryabtsev I.А. Plasma hard-facing (review) // Welding. 2007. No 2. P. 32–40.
6. Gvozdeckiy V.S., Makarenko N.А. Plasma welding (review) // Automatic Welding. 2000. No 12. P. 26–30.
7. Development of a system for plasma welding with consumable electrode of aluminum / Kohei Ono, Zhongjie Era et al. // Journal of Light Metal Welding and Construction. 2008. Vol. 46. No. 11. P. 1–5.
8. Toshlyuki Hasegwa. Development of new methods for plasma welding // Journal of Light Metal Welding and Construction. 2010. Vol. 48. No. 4. P. 1–4.
9. Hidden Constricted arc welding / B.А. Matiushkin, V.I. Denisov, А.А. Tolkachev, D.V. Chavdarov et al. // Welding. 2016. No 6. P. 13–16.
10. Paton B.Е. Welding issues at the turn of the century // Automatic Welding. 1999. No 1.
P. 4–14.11. Shitsyn Yu.D., Tytkin Yu.М. Features of the consumable electrode plasma welding // Proc. of National Scientific Conf. «Material and Human Resources in Welding Economy». Chelyabinsk. 1986. P. 138–139.
12. Ovchinnikov V.V., Redchits V.V., Redchits А.V. Increasing the plasma arc penetration at aluminum alloys welding // New Materials and Techniques. М.: МАТI, 1997. – 160 p.
13. RF Patent No 2292256. Plasma Welding Method / V.V. Ovchinnikov, V.V. Alekseev. Published on 25.01.2007, bull. 46.
14. Ovchinnikov V.V., Redchits V.V., Redchits А.V. Increasing the plasma welding power efficiency // Welding. 2004. No 8. P. 21–23.
15. Tatarinov Е.А., Kiseliov G.S. About VI characteristic calculation for plasma welding at argon and helium pulsating // Welding and Diagnostics. 2009. No 5. P. 11–15.
16. Vinokurov V.А., Kurkin S.А., Nikolaev G.А. Welded Constructions. Fracture Mechanics and Workability Criteria. М.: Mashinostroenie, 1996. – 576 p.
17. Ovchinnikov V.V., Drits А.М., Rastopchin R.N. Features of 1565чМ Al alloy sheet for petrol tanker production // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2013. No 4. P. 24–36.
18. Ovchinnikov V.V., Ignatyev Yu.Е., Ryazantsev V.I. Pulse and pulsating welding for aluminum alloys // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2007. No 3. P. 12–28.
Kirill Kolesnik, an engineer1, a six year student2, e-mail: kirill3754@gmail.com
1 Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovski
2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
This paper presents methods for the identification of the parameters governing Fickian moisture diffusion in composite materials. Edge correction factors take water uptake through all 6 faces (2 broad and 4 smaller faces) into account for 1D Fickian diffusion. Solution for 3D Fickian diffusion is presented. Methods based on 1D and 3D Fickian diffusion were applied to experimental results obtained from CFRP samples. Spatial distribution of samples fibers was taken into account. The analysis shows that edge correction factors are not accurate enough. On the other hand, diffusion coefficients and saturation level can be identified from gravimetric curves even obtained from unsaturated samples using solution for 3D Fickian diffusion, consequently the observed diffusion of moisture in the composite is Fickian.
Keywords: moisture absorption, identification of diffusion coefficients, Fick’s law, CFRP
1. Zamula G.N., Trunin Yu.P. Issues of reliability and weight sophistication of composite material constructions // Proceedings of Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. 2007. P. 31-45.
2. Kutinov V.F., Shevaldin V.N. Method for the accelerated experimental determination of diffusivity and equilibrium liquid concentration of composite materials // Research works of Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. 2001. No 1-2. Т. XXXII. P. 141-150.
3. Shen C.H., Springer G.S. Moisture absorption and desorption of composite materials // J. Comp. Mat. 1976. Vol. 10. P. 2-10.
4. Starink M.J., Starink L.M.P., Chambers A.R. Moisture uptake in monolithic and composite materials: edge correction for rectanguloid samples // J. Mater. Sci. 2002. Vol. 37. P. 287-294.
5. Crank J. The mathematics of diffusion. Oxford, UK: Univ. press, 1975. - 414 p.
6. Arnold J.C., Alston S.M., Korkees F. An assessment of methods to determine the directional moisture diffusion coefficients of composite materials // Composites. Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2013. Vol. 55. P. 120-128.
7. Hydroscopic aspects of epoxy/carbon fiber composite laminates in aircraft environments / HS Choi, KJ Ahn, JD Nam, HJ Chun // Composites. Part A: Applied Scienceand Manufacturing. 2001. Vol. 32. No 5. P. 709-720.
Sergey Ponomarev1, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher of Material Science Laboratory, e-mail: s.ponomarev@mami.ru
Viktor Rybalchenko1, Director of the Centre for Multiple Access "High Technology in Mechanical Engineering”, e-mail: v.rybalchenko@mami.ru
Aleksander Vasin1, Ph.D. in Technical Science, Head of Material Science Laboratory, e-mail: a.vasin@mami.ru
Olga Gordeeva1, Vice Rector for Administrative and Legal Affairs, e-mail: gordeeva@mami.ru
1 Moscow Politechnic University
In the article the structure of the network through channels of porous ceramics samples was studied. Ceramics samples were prepared using electrocorundum powders with a varied granulometric compound. It was achieved by powder grinding in a ball mill during different periods of time. The characteristic sizes of the through pore channels of the ceramic were determined. Also correlation among the powder granulometric compound and properties of a network through the channels of the porous ceramics was found. It is shown that most of the pore space of permeable ceramic made of monodisperse powders, are the coarsest pores. The size of pore channels monotonically depends on the average particle size of the powder. On the other hand, if the powder with polydisperse composition is used for ceramics production, there is a wide range of sizes of the pore channels, and the smaller the pores, the greater the contribution they make to the pore space of the ceramic. This information allows the purposeful design of material with the desired structure that is most appropriate for a specific product (filter elements, insulation materials, etc.).
Keywords: corundum, a permeable ceramic, through pore channels, liquid extrusion porosimetry, granulometric composition of the powder, filters
1. Krasny B.L., Tarasovsky V.P., Krasny А.B. Development of new pore permeable ceramic materials and technologies for products made from these materials is a real way for technological breakthrough in main industries // New Refractory Materials. 2008. No 11. P. 103-109.
2. Chemical Technology for Ceramic: manual for high school / ed. by prof. I.Ya. Guzman. М.: Stroymaterialy, 2003. - 496 p.
3. Galakhov А.V. Structure of the powder compact. Part 1. Irregularity of particles packing // New Refractory Materials. 2014. № 5. С. 22-32.
4. Regulation of open porosity and reliability by variation of a grain composition of a ceramic on the base of electrocast corundum with porcellaneous sticker / А.V. Belyakov, Zaw Ye Maw Oo, Popova N.A, Ye Aung Min, Zhou Lwin Oo // New Refractory Materials. 2016. No 2. P. 34-37.
5. Galakhov А.V. Structure of the powder compact. Part 2. Methods for increasing the regularity of particles packing // New Refractory Materials. 2014. No 6. P. 33-37.
6. Krasny B.L., Tarasovsky V.P., Krasny А.B. Development of new pore permeable ceramic materials and technology of filter elements for candle filters // New Refractory Materials. 2009. No 1. P. 103-109.
7. Cuperus F.P., Bargeman D., Smolders C.A. Permporometry: The determination of the size distribution of active pores in UF membranes // Journal of Membrane Science. 1992. Vol. 71. P. 57-67.
8. Akshaya Jena, Krishna Gupta. Accuracy and reproducibility of pore size determined by flow porometry // Proceedings of the 14th Annual Technical Conference, The American Filtration & Separation Society, May 1-4, 2001, Tampa, Florida, 2001. P.112-116.
9. Akshaya Jena, Krishna Gupta. Use of multiple test techniques for evaluation of complex pore structures // Proceedings of the 15th Annual Technical Conference, April 9-12, 2002, Galveston. Texas, American Filtration & Separation Society, 2002. P. 98-103.
10. Quantitative analysis of pore ceramic structure with computer analysis of the electron-scan microscope picture / B.L. Krasny, V.P. Tarasovsky, А.B. Krasny,А.Yu. Omarov // New Refractory Materials. 2013. No 8. P. 40-44.
11. Khodakov G.S. Fine grinding of building materials. М.: Stroyizdat, 1972. - 239 p.
Almira Miftakhova1, Student of Applied Physics and Math Bachelor Programme, e-mail: mif-almira@yandex.ru
Irina Goryacheva2, Doctor in Physics and Math (hab.), Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Tribology Laboratory, e-mail: goryache@ipmnet.ru
1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
2 Institute for Mechanics Issues of the Russian Academy of Science
The 2D contact problem for a rigid cylinder rolling on a thin viscoelastic layer bonded to a rigid half-plane is considered. The Kelvin model is used to describe the viscoelastic properties of the layer. The contact area is assumed to be of two (stick-slip) or three (slip-stick-slip) zones. The method to calculate the normal and shear stresses within the contact area is presented. The contact stress distributions and the dependence of the traction coefficient on the relative slip are studied for various values of the coefficient of sliding friction and the layer viscosity parameters. The results can be used for modeling the friction force in rolling contact of polymer coatings.
Keywords: viscoelastic layer, Kelvin model, relative slip, rolling friction, friction coefficient, traction coefficient
1. Reynolds O. On rolling friction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 1875. Vol. 166. P. 155–163.
2. Dupuit J. Essai et expériences sur le tirage des voitures et sur le frottement de seconde espèce // Carilian – Goeury, 1837. – 167 p.
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4. Ishlinsky А.Yu. Rolling Friction // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 1939. Т. 2. P. 245–260.
5. Kalker J.J. Viscoelastic multilayered cylinders rolling with dry friction // ASME. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 1991. V. 58. P. 666–679.
6. Goriacheva I.G., Zakharov S.М., Torskaya Е.V. Influence of the relative slip and surface layer properties on the elastic solid stress at rolling friction // Friction and detrition. 2003. No 1. P. 5–15.
7. Goriacheva I.G. Mechanics of the friction interaction. М.: Nauka, 2001. – 480 p.
Vadim Skopinsky1, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of Spacecraft and Carrier-rockets Department, e-mail: skopin-j@mail.ru
Nikolay Berkov2, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics Department, e-mail: berkow@mail.ru
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University
2 Moscow Politechnic University
In this paper, applied technique of inelastic stress analysis of pressure vessel with torispherical heads and nozzle at the head is considered. Numerical analysis was performed using the finite element method, shell theory, plasticity theory and geometrically nonlinear shell theory in quadratic approximation. A procedure for determining the plastic limit loads characterized by a significant plastic deformation of shells as pressure vessel components is presented using a previously proposed criterion of maximum rate of relative plastic work. Developed special-purpose computer program SAIS and program module Load_PL in Microsoft Excel are used to realize the applied method. These software and applied method are demonstrated for a model of pressure vessel with torispherical heads and nozzle at the head. Tasks of determining the plastic limit loads in cases of internal pressure, bending moment at the nozzle and combined loading are considered.
Keywords: inelastic analysis, pressure vessel, torospherical head, pipe, finite element method, plastic limit load, combined loading
1. Galletly G.D., Radhamohan S.K. Elastic-plastic buckling of internally pressurized torispherical shells // J. Press. Vess. Tech. 1979. Vol. 101. P. 216–225.
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13. Skopinsky V.N. Stresses in intersecting shells. – М.: FIZMATLIT, 2008. – 400 p.
14. Skopinsky V.N., Berkov N.А., Stoliarova N.А. Nonlinear analysis and determination for the pressure vessel with an elliptical head and a pipe at combined loading // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2015. No 1. P. 22-31.
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17. Skopinsky V.N. Plastic load limit issue for intersecting shells // Chemical and Gas-oil Engineering. 2010. No 6. P. 18-21.
18. Skopinsky V.N., Berkov N.A., Vozhova N.V. New criterion for definition of limit load in pressure vessels with pipes // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2011. No 3. P. 50-57.
19. Skopinsky V.N. and Berkov N.A. New criterion for the definition of plastic limit load in nozzle connections of pressure vessels // ASME J. Pres. Ves. Technol. 2013. Vol. 135. Iss. 2. P. 021206 (6 pages).
Andrey Khokhlov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Elasticity and Plasticity, e-mail: andrey-khokhlov@ya.ru
1 Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
The nonlinear constitutive equation with two arbitrary material functions is formulated for viscoelastоplastic multi-modulus materials and studied analytically in uniaxial case. The constitutive equation developed herein is aimed at adequate modeling of the rheological phenomena set which is typical for materials exhibiting non-linear hereditary properties, strong strain rate sensitivity, secondary creep, yielding at constant stress and tension compression asymmetry. It is applicable for simulation of mechanical behaviour of various polymers, solid propellants, sand-asphalt concrete, composite materials, titanium and aluminum alloys, ceramics at high temperature and so on. Under minimal primary restrictions on two material functions, the general equation and basic properties of theoretic creep curves generated by the constitutive equation for piecewise-constant stress histories are analyzed. The qualitative features of theoretic creep curves are compared to typical test creep curves of viscoelastoplastic materials under multi-step uniaxial loadings in order to examine the model abilities to provide an adequate description of basic rheological phenomena related to creep, recovery and cyclic step-wise loading, to find necessary phenomenological restrictions which should be imposed on material functions and to indicate the field of applicability or non-applicability of the model. The relations between stress and strain jumps and expressions for dissipation rate, creep rate and plastic (irreversible) strain are derived. Current strain invariance under permutation of previous loading steps and lack of the fading memory property are proved. The criteria for the Kohlrausch effect simulation is found. The formula for the rate of plastic strain accumulation under cyclic stepwise loading is obtained and ratcheting simulation is revealed to be immanent to the model.
Keywords: viscoelastoplasticity, nonlinear constitutive equation, creep curves at piecewise-constant loading, recovery, creep rate, plastic strain, cyclic loading, ratcheting, rate sensitivity, superplasticity
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Lev Shirokov1, Doctor of Technical Science (habil.), Professor of Automatics and Electric Supply Dpt., e-mail: eduarlev@gmail.com
Pavel Chelyshkov1, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of Automatics and Power Supply Dpt., e-mail: chelyshkovpd@mgsu.ru
Olga Shirokova1, Doctor of Economical Science, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of Informatics and Applied Mathematics Dpt., e-mail: ol.shirokova@gmail.com
1 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering National Research University
Modification of the Gauss - Newton algorithm is considered for simplification its implementation for non-search automated parametric optimization of control systems based on programmable logic controllers. Component models of non-search optimization systems for technological automatic control systems. Management of quality processes indicators in the control system is implemented on the basis of quasi-asymptotic approach. This allows you to avoid the problem of reference model synthesis. The automatic optimization system is synthesized, implementation of which is greatly simplified. Computing resources (memory and time) requirements for optimization process are reduced. This is especially important when programmable logic controllers are used in control systems. Simulation of the generated algorithm for automatically optimizing the control systems for a particular object confirmed its high efficiency.
Keywords: control system, optimization, algorithm, modification, evaluation of optimality, a programmable logic controller
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