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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2016 year → Issue 1

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Dynamics and Strength of Machines
E.B. Saganov
Modeling processes of phase and structure transitions of torsion thin-walled tubes from shape memory alloy
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
A.S. Stepanov, E.S. Sbytova, V.V. Podalkov
Effect of a slowly varying frequency of the pedestal angular vibration on dynamics of the micromechanical tuning fork gyroscope
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
A.V. Khokhlov
Asymptotic commutativity of creep curves at piecewise-constant stress in linear theory of viscoelasticity
Constructional Materials
L.Sh. Shuster, Raf.F. Mamleyev, Rust.F. Mamleyev, R.R. Kamaletdinova
Cermets using for locking fittings considering their tribotechnical characteristics
Material Science in Mechanical Engineering
I.A. Zyabrev, A. N. Kravchenkov, V.V. Poroshin, A.D. Shlyapin
Multifunctional scanning unit for additive laser technology
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
A.V. Aleksandrov, O.E. Litonov , E.V. Soboleva
Simulating non-linear oscillations of an elastic spatial structure under wave action
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
I.A. Zhukov
Longitudinal oscillations of rods in relation to impact systems of technological purpose
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
A.V. Passar
Studying influence of the radiality degree on the flow pattern in the francis turbine of the ТКР-18 turbosharger
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
A.M. Pokrovsky, A.V. Ryzhikov
Mathematical simulation of the temperature and phase-structural states at surfacing the bimetallic mill roll
