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E.B. Saganov1, post-graduate student of the Aviation and Rocket Constructions Strength Department
E-mail: saganoff@yandex.ru
1 Moscow Aviation InstituteIn this paper there is considered the torsion problem of thin-walled tubes made from shape memory alloy (SMA) at different temperature modes. In particular, behavior of SMA tubes at such isothermal processes, as martensitic non-elasticity and superelasticity has being studied. Moreover, anisothermic problem of the direct and reverse thermoelastic martensitic phase transitions under constant torque is discussed. Set problems were solved for the model of the non-linear SMA deformation at phase and structure transitions. The dimensionless stresses – total deformations curves corresponding to superelasticity and martensitic non-elasticity loops are shown. Graphic dependences of «volumetric part of martensite phase – total deformation» for various torque values, under which direct and reverse transitions occur, have been derived.
Keywords: shape memory alloys, torsion, tube, superelasticity, martensitic non-elasticity, direct phase transition, reverse phase transition.
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- Constitutive model for the numerical analysis of phase transformation in polycrystalline shape memory alloys / D. Lagoudas, D. Hartl, Y. Chemisky, L. Machado, P. Popov // International Journal of Plasticity. 2012. Vol. 32-33. P. 155–183.
- Movchan А.А., Movchan I.А., Sil’chenko L.G. Micromechanical model for shape memory alloys nonlinear deformation at phase and structural transitions // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. МТТ. 2010. No 3. P. 118–130.
- Movchan А.А., Movchan I.А., Sil’chenko L.G. Influence of the structural transition and nonlinear deformation on resistance of a bar from the shape memory alloy // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. МТТ. 2010. No 6. P. 137–147.
- Movchan А.А., Sil’chenko L.G., Sil’chenko Т.L. Responsiveness of martensitic non-elasticity at the reverse phase transition in shape memory alloys // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. МТТ. 2011. No 2. P. 44–56.
- Mishustin I.V., Movchan А.А. Modeling the phase and structural transitions in shape memory alloys at nonmonotone variable strains // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. МTT. 2014. № 1. С. 37–53.
- Mishustin I.V., Movchan А.А. Analogue of incremental plasticity for description of martenisitic non-plasticity deformation in shape memory alloys // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. МТТ. 2015. No 2. P. 78–95.
- Saganov Е.B. Solution of the problem of the direct martensitic transition in a bar from shape memory alloy under even turning moment // Mechanics of Composite Materials and Constructions. 2014. V. 20. No 3. P. 454–468.
- Saganov Е.B. Solution of the problem of the reverse martensitic transition in a bar from shape memory alloy under even turning moment // Mechanics of Composite Materials and Constructions. 2014. V. 20. No 4. P. 663–674.
- Saganov Е.B. Analysis of stress-strain state for the torsion actuator from shape memory alloy at operating stroke in conditions of restrained deformation // MAI Herald. 2014. V. 22. No 1. P. 109–116.
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- An experimental study of the superelastic behavior in NiTi shape memory alloys under biaxial proportional and non-proportional cyclic loadings / X. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Lu, Z. Yue// Mechanics of Materials. 2010. Vol. 42. No. 3. P. 365–373.
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- Saganov Е.B. Twice associated problems solution for torsion of thin-walled tubes from shape memory alloy under super-elasticity mode // Mechanics of Composite Materials and Constructions. 2015. V. 21. No 4. P. 548–562.
- Movchan А.А., Kazarina S.А. Experimental study of torsional buckling caused by thermoelastic phase transitions under compression stress // Mechanical Engineering and Machines Reliability Issues. 2002. No 6. P. 82–89.
- TiNi bars resistance under loading at the martensitic non-elasticity mode / А.А. Movchan, L.G. Sil’chenko, S.А.Kazarina, S.I. Zhavronok, Т.L. Sil’chenko // Mechanical Engineering and Machines Reliability Issues. 2012. No 3. P. 72–80.
- Sil'chenko L.G., Movchan A.A., Sil'chenko O.L. Stability of cylindrical shell made from shape-memory alloys // International Applied Mechanics. 2014. Vol. 50. Issue 2. P. 171–178.
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А.S. Stepanov1, Student of Master’s degree programme at the Theoretical Mechanics and Mechatronics Department
E-mail: steepanov@mail.ru
Е.S. Sbytova1, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Theoretical Mechanics and Mechatronics Department
E-mail: sbytovaes@ya.ru
V.V. Podalkov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences (habil.), Professor of the Theoretical Mechanics and Mechatronics Department
1 National Research University «MPEI»A small oscillation mathematical model for a micromechanical tuning fork gyroscope with a resonator in the form of four elastic and inextensible rods at smooth varying frequency of the pedestal angular vibration is designed. The linear integral-differential equations of motion are obtained with the Hamilton – Ostrogradsky variational principle for simulating the sensor dynamics. The differential equations for generalized system coordinates have being constructed with the use of Bubnov – Galerkin method. The system of linear differential equations with a slowly varying parameter as a frequency of vibration is obtained by the averaging method, and an exact solution for slow variables has given. The effect of slowly varying frequency of angular vibration on the oscillation amplitude is investigated. It is shown that the smooth varying in time frequency of pedestal angular vibration leads to the oscillation amplitude distortion of the resonator.
Keywords: micromechanical gyroscope, vibrating pedestal, slowly varying parameter.
- Stepanov A.S., Sbytova E.S., Podalkov V.V. Dynamics of micromechanical gyroscope with a resonator in the form of elastic rods on vibrating pedestal // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2015. № 2 (43). P. 15–21.
- Sbytova E.S. Dynamics of micromechanical gyroscope with a resonator in the form of elastic plates: PhD paper. M., 2014. – 456 p.
- Dzhashitov E.V., Pankratov V.M. Superminiature micromechanical inertial sensor data in a variable and constant mechanical stress // Nano and Microsystem Technology. 2011. №6 (131). P. 39–43.
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- Philippov A.P. Oscillations of Deformable Systems. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1970. 733 p.
- Strutt J.W. (Baron Rayleigh) The Theory of Sound. T. 1. M.: GITTL, 1955. – 484 p.
- Merkuriev I.V., Podalkov V.V. Dynamics of the Micromechanical Gyroscope and of the Gyroscope Based on Elastic Waves in Solids. M.: FIZMATLIT, 2009. – 228 p.
- Nayfeh A.H. Perturbation Methods: trans. from English. M.: Mir, 1976. – 456 p.
A. Khokhlov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Elasticity and Plasticity
E-mail: andrey-khokhlov@ya.ru
1 Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityThe general equation and basic properties of theoretic creep curves generated by the linear integral constitutive relation of viscoelasticity for arbitrary piecewise-constant stress histories are studied. Their dependence on creep compliance function properties and loading steps parameters is analyzed for an arbitrary (increasing convex-up) creep function. The relations between stress and strain jumps, the creep curves asymptotic behavior at infinity, the fading memory criteria and the influence of stress steps permutation are considered. The governing role of a creep function derivative limit value at infinity is revealed. It is proved for any increasing convex-up creep function that non-zero value of its derivative limit implies accumulation of plastic (non-recoverable) strain and lack of fading memory property (e.g., the Maxwell or Burgers models). Therefore the creep function derivative limit value is one of the key parameters in classifying linear hereditary models. The expression for non-recoverable strain magnitude in terms of loading steps duration and stress values is derived, its invariance on stress steps permutation is shown. It is proved (for an arbitrary creep function) that, although the influence of the first two stress steps permutation is significant, the difference between two creep curves converges to zero with time tending to infinity (even in case of non-fading memory). This property of creep curves for piecewise-constant stress histories is termed “asymptotic commutativity”. The qualitative features of theoretic creep curves are compared to typical test creep curves of viscoelastoplastic materials in order to examine the linear theory abilities to provide an adequate description of basic rheological phenomena related to creep, recovery and cyclic step-wise loading and to indicate the field of its applicability or non-applicability considering creep test data of a material.
Keywords: viscoelastoplasticity; linear integral constitutive equation; creep curves at piecewise-constant loading; creep curves asymptotics; fading memory; loading steps permutation; asymptotic commutativity; regular and singular models.
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- Khokhlov A.V. Determinant relation for rheological processes: theoretical creep curves characteristics and modeling the memory attenuation // Proceedings of Russian Academy of Sciences. Solid mechanics. 2007. No. 2. P. 147–166.
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- Khokhlov A.V. Main characteristics of creep curves family and limiting stress generated by Rabotnov non-linear heredity theory // Report No. 5288. MSU Mechanics Institute, M. 2015. –74 p.
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- Khokhlov A.V. Curves of reverse creep in frame of linear viscoelasticity and required limits for creep function // Issues of Strength and Elasticity. 2013. Iss. 75. No. 4. P. 257–267.
- Khokhlov A.V. Characteristics of the creep function and relaxation function conjunction under linear viscoelasticity // Issues of Strength and Elasticity. 2014. Vol. 76. No. 4. P. 343–356.
- Khokhlov A.V. Characteristics of relaxation curves at initial deformation stage and memory attenuation in linear theory of viscoelasticity // Contemporary Issues of Mathematics, Mechanics, Informatics. Proceedings of Intern. Scientif. Conf. Tula: Izd-vo TulGU, 2014. P. 443–445.
- Khokhlov A.V. General characteristics of deformation curves for linear viscoelasticity models under deformation with continues velocity // Issues of Strength and Elasticity. 2015. Vol. 77. No. 1. P. 60–74.
- Khokhlov A.V. Features of deformation curves family of linear viscoelastic models // Issues of Strength and Elasticity. 2015. Iss. 77. No. 2. P. 139–154.
- Khokhlov A.V. Qualitative analysis of determinant relations as basic stage of their attestation // Contemporary Issues of Mathematics, Mechanics, Informatics. Proceedings of Intern. Scientif. Conf. Tula: Izd-vo TulGU, 2014. P. 435–438.
- Khokhlov A.V. Characteristics of relaxation curves at initial deformation stage with continues velocity generated by linear integral relation of viscoelasticity, and procedure of its identification. Report No. 5305. MSU Mechanics Institute, M. 2016. – 62 p.
L.Sh. Shuster1, Doctor of Technical Sciences (habil.), Professor of the Principles for Mechanisms and Machines Design Department
E-mail: okmim@ugatu.ac.ru
Raf.F. Mamleyev1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Machines and Foundry Technology Department
E-mail: rafilmamleev@gmail.com
Rust.F. Mamleyev2, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director
E-mail: mircom@mail.ru
R.R. Kamaletdinova1, Post-graduate student of the Principles for Mechanisms and Machines Design Department
E-mail: regisha07.90@mail.ru
1 Ufa State Aviation Technical University
2 МАRОМА Technologies J.S.C.In the paper there are determined patterns of influence of the cermet composition, pressure and temperature on adhesive interaction characteristics under friction. Results of the work demonstrate, that enhancement of the cermet tribotechnical parameters might be related with decreasing plasticity and increasing the viscous flow activation energy in the arising friction contact zone.
It was found that using titanium carbide-based cermets TiC-ЖС6У and TiC-ВЖЛ14Н in ball cocks instead of the foundry heat-resistant nickel-based alloys ЖС6У and ВЖЛ14Н can increase the carrying capacity of a movable friction contact in 1,2–2 and decrease the molecular component of friction coefficient in 1,5–2. At the same time, when temperature increases up to 600 °C, carrying capacity of the contact does not significantly decrease.Keywords: cermets, contact pressure, shear strength, coefficient of friction, coefficient of hardening.
- Mamleyev Rustem F., Mamleyev Ramil F., Naushirvanov R.G. Products made of high-cermet TiC-Me for oil refining and petrochemical // Refining and Petrochemicals. 2010. No 4. P. 33–38.
- Magalif V.Ya., Itkina D.М., Korel’steyn L.B. Assembly Design of Chemical, Petrochemical and Petroleum Refining Manufacturing. М.: Infra-Inzheneria Publishing House, 2010. – 344 p.
- Mamleyev Rustem F., Mamleyev Ramil F. Valve bolting units for trying operating conditions // Armature Engineering. 2014. No 6(93). P. 47–52.
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I. Zyabrev1, Head of Laser Additive Technologies Laboratory
E-mail: scanrise@mail.ru
A. Kravchenkov1, Doctor of Technical Science, Vice-Rector for Innovation Development
E-mail: akravchenkov64@yandex.ru
V. Poroshin1, Doctor of Technical Science (habil.), Professor, Rector
E-mail: vporoshin@mail.ru
A. Shlyapin2, Doctor of Technical Science (habil.), Professor, Head of Material Science Department
E-mail: ashliapin@list.ru
1 the Institute of New Educational Methods Development, Autonomous Non-commercial
2 Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)At the present moment particularly active works are carried out on creation of technological equipment for the additive laser technology. The performance capabilities of technological laser heads for using in additive technologies have been considered. The advantages of laser beam treatment using a scanning system for laser gas-powder surfacing have been demonstrated as well as its possibilities and modifications. Тhe effect has been studied of the laser beam scanning frequency and scanning trajectory on geometrical characteristics of deposited layers. The experiments have been carried out using a carbon dioxide and fiber lasers. According to the research results the multifunctional scanning unit, which allows the efficiency of laser gas-powder surfacing significantly increases, and powder dispensing device, designed specifically for laser additive technology have being proposed. Their advantages and opportunities for application in laser processing complexes have being described.
Keywords: laser surfacing, additive technology, scanner of laser radiation, the dispenser of powder materials.
- Kulish А.М. Using additive techniques for engineering parts production // Youth Scientific Technical Journal. Electronic Journal. El. No ФС77-51038, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. No 5. 2015. URL: http://sntbul.bmstu.ru/issue/774080.html (Date of Reference: 15.12.2015).
- Artushkin N.V., Sokolov V.G. High Power Laser Technological Using // Discussing the current issues of Physics sphere URL: http://www.physics-online.ru/PaperLogos/6357/6357.pdf (Date of Reference: 07.11.2015).
- Skripchenko А. Technological heads for fiber lasers // Rhythm. 2010. No 2 (50). P. 22–27.
- Bogdanov А.V. Evaluation features of industry laser source technological possibilities // Mechanical Engineering Technology. 2011. No 11. P. 34–36.
- Optic head development for technological equipment with high power fiber lasers / А.F. Shirankov, P.А. Nosov, А.G. Grigoryants, R.S. Tretyakov // Herald of Bauman University. Instrument Engineering. 2012. P. 53–66.
- Еrmolaeva А.S., Ivanov А.М., Vasilenko S.А. Laser techniques and processes at the production and repairing of gas-turbine engine parts // PNIPU Herald. Aerospace Technique. 2013. No 35. P. 49–53.
- Acoustic optic laser projective systems for television information representation / Yu.V. Gulyaev, М.А. Kazaryan, Yu.М. Mokrushyn, О.V. Shakin // Quantum Electronics. 2015. Т. 45. No 4. P. 283–300.
- Pat. 158543 the Russian Federation, МPK В23К26/00. Zyabrev I.А. Device for Gas-Powder Laser Surfacing: appl. 14.12.2015.
- Shlyapin А.D., Poroshin V.V., Zyabrev I.А. Laser surfacing with scanning the laser radiation // Proceedings of Inter. Scient. Conf. “Contemporary Research Conceptions”. Eurasian Scientists Union. 2015. P. 2. No 6(15). P. 89–91.
- Pat. 2227313 the Russian Federation, МPK В23К26/00. Мedvedev L.S., Brailko N.N., Karapetyan K.R. Technique and Device for Laser Scanning: appl. 29.10.2004 г.
- Pat. 152718 the Russian Federation, МPK В23К26/00. Zyabrev I.А. Scanner of Gas-Powder Stream Noozle: appl. 16.12.2014.
A. Aleksandrov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of 31 laboratory
E-mail: krylov@krylov.spb.ru
O. Litonov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences (habil.)
E. Soboleva1, engineer
E-mail: sobolewa.elena@gmail.com
1 Krylov State Research CenterThe performed work is dealt with evaluating wave-induced loads on a single cylindrical column by ANSYS software package. Wave action on a spatial structure being a jackup rig prototype is examined. Wave-induced loads were determined by means of ANSYS software package based on Morison equation. Velocity and inertia components of wave-induced impacts were estimated according to the fifth-order Stokes wave theory. Support column interaction with the soil was conditionally simulated by springs. The heading angle effects on the spatial structure were investigated. Natural oscillation frequencies of the structure were calculated. Numerical computing methods were verified.
Keywords: jackup rigs, Morison equation, fifth-order Stokes wave theory, finite element analysis.
- Simakov G.V., Smelov V.А., Shkhinek K.N. Offshore Hydroengineering Structures on the Continental Shelf: handbook. L.: Sudostroenie, 1989. – 328 p.
- Self-lifting Floating Drilling Rigs: history, contemporaneity, prospects. Analytical review. – SPb.: Krylov State Scientific Centre, 2013. – 206 p.
- Offshore drilling rigs. URL: http://www.rig-s.ru/ (date of reference: 27.12.2015).
- Litonov O. E. Solution of Fundamental Issues of Strength, Reliability and Metal Consumption of Jackup Rig Structures: doctoral thesis. L.: Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute, 1983. – 453 p.
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Ivan Zhukov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting Chief of Theory and Principles for Machine Design Department
E-mail: tmmiok@yandex.ru
1 Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk)The article presents theoretical principles for studying longitudinal oscillations of the rods with variable geometric shapes occurring in the impact systems of technological purposes. Initial conditions for analysis of the anvil block shape influence on the shape of the impact pulse are given on the base of classical sources analysis in the sphere of the theory of impact, the theory of elasticity, deformable body mechanics, mathematical physics equations. There is described an example for analytically and experimental defining the form of impact pulse generated by the half-catenoidal anvil block in the waveguide. Research results proves the opportunity for studying the elastic deformation wave in long rods of the constant cross-section at impact on it by anvil blocks with the changing cross-section.
Keywords: impact, oscillations, impulse, deformation, anvil block, waveguide.
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A. Passar1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Numerical Methods of Mathematical Physics laboratory, Computer center
E-mail: passar_av@mail.ru
1 Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (city of Khabarovsk)In the paper problems at the choice of the radiality degree of the Francis turbine of the compound engine are described. Influence of the radiality degree on the Francis turbine performance has being analyzed. According to analysis of axially symmetric flow in impellers, distributions of meridian velocities dependent on the relative length of the normal are given, as well as the distribution of relative velocity along the lines of impellers’ meridian contours. The zone of reverse streams has being determined on the basis of these distributions. Results of the stream surfaces calculation are presented. Flow pattern analysis according to the model of Ja.A. Sirotkin demonstrated that reduction of a radiality degree leads to increase of the reverse stream zone, despite of high efficiency of the turbine analyzed at the average radius. Experimental and settlement distributions of absolute velocities and flow outlet angles from the turbine impeller are presented. Comparison of experimental data and analysis results axially symmetric flow with the method of Ja.А. Sirotkin shows that there is an insignificant divergence of experimental and settlement values of absolute velocities and flow outlet angles.
Keywords: radiality degree, Francis turbine, head coefficient, turbine setting, turbine performance, reactance degree, streamline.
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A.M. Pokrovsky1, Doctor of Technical Sciences (habil.), Professor, Deputy Head for Research of the Applied Mechanics Department
E-mail: pokrovsky@bmstu.ru
A.V. Ryzhikov1, the 4th year Postgraduate Student of the Applied mechanics Department
E-mail: t7454@yandex.ru
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityIn this paper, a mathematical model able to describe the temperature field and distribution of the phase and structural composition in the bimetallic roll during the entire surfacing process has being designed. Nonlinear nonstationary heat conduction problem was resolved on the basis of the finite element method. Boundary conditions of the third kind were used for heat transfer description. Modeling the austenite-to-pearlite transformation under isothermal conditions carried out on the basis of Avraami equation. The transition from isothermal kinetics of austenite to nonisothermal conditions was realized with the theory of isokinetic reactions using the additive rule. The results of calculations for temperatures and structures in a bimetallic cold roll for various surfacing stages are given. The developed software can be useful for the numerical analysis of the roll stress-strain state during surfacing.
Keywords: bimetallic mill rolls, surfacing, non-linear non-stationary problem of heat conduction, finite element method, kinetics of phase and structural transformations.
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