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Университет | Образование | Наука | Внеучебная жизнь |
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A.N. Romanov1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Head of the department «Constructional Material Science»
E-mail: alrom37@mail.ru
P.V. Tarakanov1,2, Postgraduate, Teaching Assistant of the department «Theory of Mechanisms and Machines»
E-mail: pashabeetle@yandex.ru
G.V. Shashurin1,2, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Dean of the Faculty «Robotics and Complex Automatization»
E-mail: goshasuper1@rambler.ru
1 Institute of Machine Science named after A.A. Blagonravov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
2 Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityThe paper presents a model of assessment the speed of crack growth in the structure component containing defects under the influence of static loading and aggressive hydrogen environment. The developed model introduces a multiparameter strength criterion connecting material fracture strength with hydrogen in it. On the basis of a new multiparameter strength criterion the crack propagation model in the structure components subjected to constant loading and aggressive hydrogen environment is proposed. The results of the carried out numerical analysis of the influence of the developed strength criterion parameters on the crack propagation in the metallic materials allows to specify the durability of structure metal elements subjected to continuous aggressive hydrogen environment and static loading. The calculations done have shown the adequacy of the developed model under the change of parameters of multiparameter criterion.
Keywords: hydrogen cracking, durability, fracture.
- Vainman A.B., Melekhov R.K., Smiyan O.D. Hydrogen embrittlement of elements of high-pressure boilers. Kiev.: NaukovaDumka, 1990. – 272 p.
- Bubnov S.A. Finite element modeling of deflected mode and damage of tube structure components under the effect of high temperature hydrogen corrosion: PhD thesis (01.02.04): Saratov, 2011. – 165 p.
- Hardie D., Charles E.A., Lopez A.H. Hydrogen embrittlement of high strength pipeline steels. Corrosion Science. 2006. Vol. 48. P. 4378–4385.
- Archakov Yu. I. Hydrogen corrosion of the steel. M.: Metallurgia, 1985. – 192 p.
- Briottet L., et. al. Recommendation on X80 steel for the design of hydrogen gas transmission pipelines. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012. Vol. 37. P. 9423–9430.
- Kharin V.S. Crack growth in metals under hydrogen environment influence and static loading: PhD thesis (01.02.04): Lvov, 1984. – 210 p.
- Andreikiv A.E., Panasyuk V.V., Kharin V.S. Theoretical aspects of the kinetics of hydrogen embrittlement of metals. Fiz.-Khim. Mekh. Mater. 1978. Vol. 3. P. 3–23.
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- Boellinghaus Th., Hoffmeister H. A numerical model for hydrogen assisted cracking. Corrosion. 2000. Vol. 56. No. 6. P. 611–622.
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- Lynch S.P. Mechanisms of hydrogen assisted cracking. Metals Forum. 1979. Vol. 2. No. 3. P. 189–200.
- Zapffe C.A., Sims C.E. Hydrogen embrittlemen, internal stress and defects in steel. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. 1941. Vol. 1307. P. 1–37.
- Asviyan S.B. Safe conditions for the use of constructional steels at high hydrogen-containing media temperatures and pressures. Physico-Chemical Mechanics of Materials. 1984. Vol. 20. No. 3. P. 255–259.
- Baranov V.P. Kinetic of the delayed fracture and prediction of the durability of high-strength steels in hydrogen environment: PhD thesis (01.02.07): Tula, 2007. – 298 p.
- Toribio J., Kharin V. Review of hydrogen diffusion models for the analysis of hydrogen embrittlement of materials. Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Fracture (ICF-13), Bejing, Curran Associates, 2014. P. 1362–1371.
- Matvienko Yu.G. Local fracture criterion to describe failure assessment diagrams for a body with a crack/notch. International Journal of Fracture. 2003. Vol. 124. P. 107–112.
- Meliani H.M., Matvienko Yu.G., Pluvinage G. Two-parameter fracture criterion (Kρ,c-Tef,c) based on notch fracture mechanics. International Journal of Fracture. 2011. Vol. 167. P. 173–182.
- Toribio J., Kharin V. Evaluation of hydrogen assisted cracking: the meaning and significance of the fracture mechanics approach. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 1998. Vol. 182. P. 149–163.
- Anderson T.L. Fracture mechanics. Fundamentals and application. Third edition, NY.: CRC Press. 2011. – 640 p.
- Matvienko Yu.G. A theoretical estimation of fracture toughness of zirconium hydride. Journal of Materials Science. 2000. Vol. 19. P. 1697–1699.
- Sobotka J.C.,Dodds R.H. Jr., Sofronis P. Effects of hydrogen on steady, ductile crack growth: Computational studies. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2009. Vol. 46. P. 4095–4106.
- Matsumoto R., Taketomi S., Matsuoto S., Miyazaki N. Atomistic simulations of hydrogen embrittlement. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2009. Vol. 34. P. 9576–9584.
- Romanov A.N., Tarakanov P.V., Shashurin G.V. Engineering model of crack development in metals and alloys under corrosion hydrogen media. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2014. Vol. 43. No. 6. P. 503–207.
- YokoboriA.T.Jr., Chinda Y., Nemoto T., Satoh K., Yamada T. The characteristics of the concentration around a crack tip concerned with hydrogen embrittlement. Corrosion Science. 2002. Vol. 44. P. 407–424.
- Romanov A.N., Tarakanov P.V., Shashurin G.V., Berchun Yu.V., Rezchikova L.A., Sokolnikov P.S. Fatigue crack propagation modeling of hydrogenating high-strength steels under cyclic loading. Journal of Manufacturing and Automatization. 2014. No. 4. P. 87–93.
- Shashurin G., Tarakanov P., Rezchikova L. Crack growth features in hydrogenating high-strength steel AISI 4340. Advanced Materials Research. 2014. Vol. 960-961. P. 22–26.
- Andreikiv O.E. Mathematical modeling of hydrogen-assisted fracture in metals. Journal of Materials Science. 1997. Vol. 33. No. 4. P. 450–464.
- Holobut P. Fatigue crack growth model for a thin sheet plate containing hydrogen. International Journal of Fatigue. 2010. Vol. 32. P. 1895–1903.
- Panasuk V.V., Andreikiv A.E., Parton V.Z. Fracture mechanics and strength of materials. Handbook in 4 vols. Vol. 1. Basis of fracture mechanics of materials. Kiev: NaukovaDumka, 1988. – 488 p.
- Kantorovich L.V., Krilov V.I. Approximation methods of the principle analysis. M.: Fizmatlit, 1962. – 709 p.
- Murakami Y., Kanezaki T., Sofronis P. Hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steels: Determination of the threshold stress intensity for small cracks nucleating at nonmetallic inclusions. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2013. Vol. 97. P. 227–243.
- Matvienko Yu.G. Models and criteria of the fracture mechanics. M.: Fizmatlit, 2006. – 328 p.
- Matvienko Yu.G., Morozov E.M. Strength analysis according to fracture mechanics criteria. Strength of Materials. 1987. Vol. 19. No. 4. P. 435–440.
- Panasyuk V.V., Panko I.N., Vaskiv I.V. Using the method of the boundary interpolations in approximate solution of the elastoplastic problems of the crack theory. FKHMM. 1984. No. 20. P. 61–66.
E.A. Gladkov1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of department “Technologies of Welding and Diagnostics”
E-mail: 123777@bk.ru
R.A. Perkovskiy1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor of department “Technologies of Welding and Diagnostics”
E-mail: proman@bmstu.ru
Yu.O. Toloknov1, Senior teacher of department “Technologies of Instrument Making”
E-mail: y.toloknov@mail.ru
P.S. Demidov1, Six-year student of department “Technologies of Instrument Making”
E-mail: paveldem1992@mail.ru
1 Bauman Moscow State UniversityMethod of tracking the longitudinal and circumferential joints of important products under argon arc welding using television module for detecting the relative position of the joint and the electrode and issuing control signal to the position correction actuator of the welding head is suggested. Mathematical model for calculating the relative luminance distribution in the weld zone and the calculation of the optical system with filter is described. Optical system based on the mathematical model is proposed to reduce the contrast of the image of the fusion zone. The hardware for input video signal into the computer and connection with welding equipment is described. The purpose and principles of software algorithms at module’s work are described.
Keywords: television module, optical sensor, servo system, automatic welding.
- Gladkov E.A. Management of processes and equipment for welding. Moscow: Academy, 2006. – 432 p.
- Gladkov E.A., Perkovskiy R.A. Video-computer module (VCM-1) for tracking joint path and weld formation in pipe welding. Ferrous Metals. 2000. No. 1-2. P. 60–63.
- Gladkov E.A., Perkovskiy R.A., Danilov A.V. Noise filtering in the optical tracking system for arc welding seam. Welding and Diagnostics. 2010. No. 1. P. 44–47.
- Gladkov E.A., Perkovskiy R.A., Nevzorov V.A. Digital seam tracking system on the CCD line during arc welding. Engineering Technology. 2009. No. 4. P. 47–51.
- Gladkov E.A., Perkovskiy R.A., Vaskin D.S., Sholokhov M.A. Optical systems for controling position of electrode in the joint grooving during MIG/MAG welding. Welding and Diagnostics. 2012. No. 6. P. 36–40.
- Lucas B., Smith J. Keeping an electronic eye on automated Arc Welding. Welding and Metal Fabrication. 2000. No. 4. P. 6–11.
- Markus Heber, Martin Lenz, Matthias Ruther, Horst Bischof, Hartwig Fronthalen, Gerardus Croonen. Weld seam tracking and panorama image generation for on-line quality assurance. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2013. No. 65. P. 1371–1382.
- ZHANG Ting, LI Kai, YANG Jing. Research on the real-time tracking information of three-dimension welding seam in robotic GTAW process based on composite seam tracking control for mobile welding robot based on vision sensor. Journal of Central South University. 2010. No. 17. P. 1320−1326.
L.A. Shirokov1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor
E-mail: eduarlev@gmail.com
1 Moscow State Industrial UniversityIn the article, the construction of efficient algorithms for automatic iterative optimization of automatic control systems (ACS) is considered, in which the complex problem of formation of structures and parameters of reference models removed. The solution is based on the proposed methodology of quasi-asymptotic management to ensure the quality of processes in the ACS when structurally and parametrically optimized and adapted. Its essence is in the application of the integrated management of the control process as a whole by bringing it closer to a quasi-asymptotic configuration, defining the nature of the attenuation of the transition process in the ACS. The main function of quality indicators management of transient control process rests with the transformed optimization criterion. The effectiveness of the control process in the form of quasi-asymptotic management by quality indicators based on the Newton-type optimization algorithm with an ideal reference model is investigated. A particular example illustrates the high efficiency of the proposed approach in the optimization of the ACS object control with pure delay.
Keywords: automatic control system, reference model, optimization, structural, parametric synthesis, quality of transition process.
- Aleksandrov A.G. Optimal and adaptive systems. Moscow: E-book, 2003. – 278 p.
- Liptak B.G. Instrument Engineers' Handbook: Process control and optimization. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Pres, 2006. – 2304 p.
- Aleksandrov A.G. Adaptive management with reference model under external perturbations. Automation and Remote Control. 2004. No. 5. P. 77–90.
- Shchedrinov, A.V., Fedenko S.V. Adaptive control system with ID and an implicit reference model. Automation and Modern Technology. 2006. No. 3. P. 8–11.
- Kutsyy N.N., Ustalkov M.V. Application of reference models under parametric optimization of automated systems with pulse-length modulation. Proceedings of the Universities. Electromechanics. 2007. No. 1. P. 44–47.
- Bronnikov A.M., Bukov V.N. Terms of accurate tracking of a linear system output after reference model of reduced order. Automation and Remote Control. 2008. No. 3. P. 60–69.
- Eremin E.L., Kwan N.V., Semichevskaya N.P. Robust control of nonlinear object with a stationary observer and quick reference model. Informatics and control systems. 2008. No. 4. P. 12–130.
- Shpilevaya O. Ya. A formation of control actions in systems of direct adaptive control. Autometering. 2009. Vol. 45. No. 5. P. 94–103.
- Semichevskaya N.P. Robust control of nonlinear object with a delay, a quick reference model and an observer. Bulletin of the Amur State University. Natural and Economic Science. 2009. Vol. 47. P. 39–42.
- Chernorutskii I.G. Optimization techniques in control theory. SPb.: Peter, 2004. – 256 p.
- Shirokov L.A. Synthesis of sensitivity compact to automate parametric design of linear control systems. Mechanical Industry and Engineering Education. 2008. No. 3. P. 22–29.
- Klyuev A.S., et al. Design of process automation systems: Handbook. Ed. by A.S. Klyuev. Moscow, Energoatomizdat, 1990. – 464 p.
- Petrkov N.A. New approach for adaptive tuning of PI controllers. Application in cascade systems. Inf. Technol. and Contr. 2008. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 19–26.
A.V. Goroshko1, Cand. Sci (Eng.), assistant professor of physics and electrical engineering department
E-mail: iftomm@ukr.net
V.P. Royzman1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of engineering mechanics department
E-mail: royzman_V@mail.ru
1 Khmelnytsky National University (Ukraine)The paper formalizes the task of ensuring operability of technical systems as inverse problem of synthesis of acceptable values of the primary factors affecting the system. The task of finding nominal and allowable values of the primary factors is converted into the problem of multi-criteria optimization. It has been shown that the successful solution of this problem is connected with overcoming serious difficulties of mathematical modeling, statistical processing of empirical data, providing the sustainability of the solutions obtained. There has been proposed a method for the creation of hybrid statistical-deterministic models which can significantly reduce the number of required experiments in the method of active planned experiment, the method of statistical data processing with a multimodal law of parameters distribution, methods to improve the stability of the solution of linear ill-posed problems. The effectiveness of the approaches set out to ensure the efficiency of aircraft transponder has been partially demonstrated.
Keywords: inverse problem, tolerance, hard work, mathematical modeling, statistics, sustainability, the aircraft transponder.
- Dendobrenko B.N. O vyibore sistemyi elektricheskih dopuskov radioapparaturyi // Izvestiya vuzov. «Priborostroenie». 1968. No. 3. P. 1–8.
- Dunaev P.F., Lelikov O.P. Raschet dopuskov razmerov. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1981. – 190 p.
- Shilo G.N., Voropay A.Yu., Gaponenko N.P. Raschet i naznachenie dopuskov metodom kasatelnyih // Izvestiya vuzov. «Radioelektronika». M.; 2006. No. 2. P. 43–52.
- Petrenko A.I. Osnovyi avtomatizatsii proektirovaniya. K.: TehnIka. 1982. – 295 s.
- Abramov O.V., Katueva Ya.V., Nazarov D.A. Optimalnyiy parametricheskiy sintez po kriteriyu zapasa rabotosposobnosti // Problemyi upravleniya. 2007. No. 6. P. 64–69.
- Abramov O.V. Parametricheskiy sintez stohasticheskih sistem s uchetom trebovaniy nadezhnosti. M.: Nauka, 1992. – 256 p.
- Nazarov D.L. Dvoichnaya mnogourovnevaya detalizatsiya elementov setochnogo predstavleniya oblasti rabotosposobnosti // Trudy Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma «Nadezhnost i kachestvo». 2010. Vol. 1. P. 337–341.
- Zaytsev G.N., Lyubomudrov S.A., Fedyukin V.K. Normirovanie tochnosti geometricheskih parametrov mashin: Ucheb. posobie dlya stud. vyissh. ucheb. Zavedeniy. M.: Izdatelskiy tsentr «Akademiya», 2008. – 368 p.
- Kofanov Yu.N., Shalumov A.S., Zhuravskiy V.G., Goldin V.V. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie radioelektronnyih sredstv pri mehanicheskih vozdeystviyah. M.: Radio i svyaz, 2000. – 226 p.
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- Goroshko A.V., Royzman V.P. Ways to improve the accuracy of the solutions of inverse problems. Bulletin of Khmelnytsky National University. 2013. No. 6. P. 60–69.
- Goroshko A.V., Royzman V.P. Presentation and statistical data processing not subject to the unimodal laws of distribution. Mechanical Industry and Engineering Education. 2013. No. 3. P. 56–77.
- Goroshko A.V., Royzman V.P., Bubulis A., Juzėnas K. Methods for testing and optimizing composite ceramics-compound joints by solving inverse problems of mechanics. Journal of Vibroengineering. 2014. Vol. 16. Issue 5. P. 2178–2187.
- Goroshko A.V., Royzman V.P. Study of dynamics and decreasing of the vibrational activity of turbopump assembly by solving inverse problem. Mechanical Industry and Engineering Education. 2014. No. 1. P. 29–35.
- Royzman V.P., Vayngortin L.D. The method for determining the dynamic characteristics of flexible rotors. AS MKI 01 M 1/24. 1980. №729457. Bull. No. 15.
- Goroshko A., Royzman V., Pietraszek J. Construction and practical application of hybrid statistically-determined models of multistage mechanical systems. Mechanics. 2014. Vol. 20. No. 5. P. 489–493.
V.A. Zagaynov1, Dr. Sci. (Ph.-math.), Professor
E-mail: vzagaynov@yandex.ru
V.V. Maksimenko1, Cand. Sci. (Ph-math.), Associate Professor
E-mail: wmaksim@mail.ru
A.B. Leontyev2, Cand. Sci. (Ph.-math.), Associate Professor of the department «Physics»
E-mail: lab2@mail.msiu.ru
N.V. Trubicina2, Cand. Sci. (Ph.-math.), Associate Professor of the department «Physics»
E-mail: carduelis@inbox.ru
D.V. Vodyanik3, Postgraduate student
E-mail: vzagaynov@yandex.ru
1 National Research Nuclear University MephI
2 Moscow State Industrial University
3 Research Physico-Chemical Institute named after L.Ya. KarpovThe paper presents the results of coagulation processes modelling in the mixed system of aerosol particles (both neutral and radioactive). The collisions between neutral and radioactive particles lead to inverse neutral particles into radioactive state. The examples of modelling are presented in the linear and logarithmic scales of particle sizes. Linear scale provides better accuracy of calculation results, while logarithmic scale gives the opportunity to advance along the size axis by several orders of magnitude by relatively small number of equations. The scenarios of real processes – free molecular collision mode (when particle size is much less than free path length) and brownian mode (when particle size is comparible with free path length) – are presented.
Keywords: coagulation processes, modelling, aerosol particles, radioactive particles, collision.
- Fuchs N.A. The mechanics of aerosols. N.Y.: Pergamon Press, 1964. – 422 p.
- Piskunov V.N. The dynamics of aerosols. М.: Physmatlit, 2010. – 296 p.
- Friedlander S.K. Smoke, dust and haze, fundaments of aerosol dynamics. Oxford University Press, 2000. – 432 p.
- Seinfeld J.H., Pandis S.N. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. – N.Y.: Wiley, 2006. – 1203 p.
- Agranovskiy I.E., Aloyan A.E., Biryukov Yu.G., Kalashnikov N.P., Lushnikov A.A., Maksimenko V.V. Monitoring atmospheric aerosol radioactive contamination: facilities and modelling support. Bulletin of National Research Nuclear University MephI. 2013. Vol. 2. № 1. P. 5–12.
- Zagaynov V.A., Сhurkin S.L., Ogorodnikov B.I. Study of disperse contents and concentration of inert atmospheric aerosols within 30 kilometre zone at Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Issues of Ecology and Product Quality Control. Series: Environment Protection. 1992. № 1. P. 25–31.
- Zagaynov V.A., Lushnikov A.A., Osidze I.G., Smidovich K.P. Numeric modelling of coagulation kinetics in a mixed cloud. Proceedings of Academy of Science of USSR. Series: Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean. 1988. Vol. 24. № 6. P. 622–629.
- Lushnikov A.A. Evolution of Coagulating Systems. Coagulating Mixtures. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 1976. Vol. 54. No. 1. P. 94–101
- Lushnikov A.A. Composition distribution of particles in a gelling mixture. Phys. Rev. E. 2014.Vol. 89. P. 032121.
- Voloshchuk V.M. Kinetic theory of coagulation. L.: Hydrometeoizdat, 1984. – 284 p.
- Zhulanov Yu.V., Zagaynov V.A., Lushnikov A.A., Lyubovtseva Yu.S., Nevskiy I.A., Stulov L.D. Highly disperse and submicrometer aerosol of arid zone. Proceedings of Academy of Science of USSR. Series: Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean. 1986. Vol. 22. № 5. P. 488–495.
- Zagaynov V.A., Lushnikov A.A. Modelling of coagulating processes in the atmosphere. Lecture Notes on Physics. 1988. P. 93–96.
- Piskunov V.N., Golubev A.I., Goncharov E.A., Ismailova N.A. Kinetic modeling of composite particles coagulation. J. Aerosol Sci. 1997. Vol. 28. P. 1215–1231.
- Piskunov V.N., Petrov A.M. Condensation/coagulation for mixture of liquid and solid particles: analytical solutions. J. Aerosol Sci. 2002. Vol. 33. P. 647–657.
A.M. Lokoshchenko¹, Dr. Sci. (Ph.-math.), Professor, Head of laboratory, Laureate of State prize of RSFSR
E-mail: loko@imec.msu.ru
V.V. Teraud¹, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Researcher
E-mail: ldrnww@gmail.com
¹ Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityThis paper considers the upsetting of circular cylinders under a high-temperature creep. We present a study of deformation of the cylinder without considering the formation of "barrels" with various programs loading. There has been determined the optimal loading program that provides upsetting of cylinder by a predetermined amount for certain time with the lowest possible level of energy expended. It has been shown that the difference between the deformation energy in the case of optimal loading program and the deformation energy in the case of kinematic program is less than 1%. Therefore, in the manufacturing processes of cylinder upsetting it is appropriate to apply the kinematic loading program.
Keywords: creep, high temperature, upsetting, cylinder, variational calculation, the optimal program of loading.
- Archakov A.T., Nekrasov V.A.. Experimental studies of upsetting with torsion. Forging and stamping production. Metal Forming. 2003. No. 3. P. 21–26.
- Archakov A.T. Determination of stress-strain state of the contact layer of a cylindrical body with draft torsion. Forging and stamping production. Metal Forming. 2002. No. 1. P. 21–28.
- Sivak I.O., Ogorodnikov V.A., Pekhov G.F., Sirnev B.V. The calculation of the limit change forming blanks from hard alloy at axisymmetric upsetting. Forging and stamping production. Metal Forming. 1980. No. 2. P. 2–5.
- Burov Yu.G. The method of calculating the temperature of the metal workpiece during hot upsetting. Forging and stamping production. Metal Forming. 1984. No. 11. P. 14.
- Malinin N.N. Creep in the metal processing. M .: Mechanical Engineering. 1986. – 216 p.
- Lokoshchenko A.M. Simulation of creep and creep rupture of metals. M.: Moscow State Industrial University, 2007. – 264 p.
- Lokoshchenko A.M., Demin V.A., Nosov V.V. (Teraud V.V.) Upsetting of circular cylinder under steady creep. Proceedings of the Universities. Mechanical Engineering. 2007. No. 4. P. 3–10.
- Lokoshchenko A.M., Mossakovskii P.A., Teraud V.V. The study of upsetting of circular cylinder under creep with and without barrel shape. Computational Continuum Mechanics. 2010 Vol. 3. No. 1. P. 52–62.
- Lokoshchenko A.M., Teraud V.V. Experimental confirmation of modeling of upsetting of cylinder under creep. Mechanical Industry and Engineering Education. 2011. No. 1. P. 49–53.
- Lokoshchenko A.M., Teraud V.V. Experimental and theoretical study of upsetting of circular cylinder under creep. Journal of the Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod University. 2011. Part 5. No. 4. P. 2314–2315.
- Krasnov M.L., Makarenko G.I., Kiselev A.I. Calculus of Variations, tasks and exercises. M.: Nauka, 1973. – 190 p.
- Boytzov Yu.I., Danilov V.L., Lokoshchenko A.M., Shesterikov S.A. The study of metals tensile creep. M.: Bauman Moscow State Technical University. 1997. – 99 p.
V.V. Selivanov1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Honoured Scientists of the Russian Federation, Head of the department «High Accuracy Aircraft»
E-mail: vicsel@list.ru
Yu. D. Ilyin1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Researcher, Leading Analyst of Scientific Production Centre «Special Equipment»
E-mail: ydilyin@mail.ru
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityPaper represents the analysis of the problems of university training of engineering personnel for science intensive industries and national defense. Structure and development plan of the concept of engineering education progress, as well as actions for improving its effectiveness are proposed.
Keywords: university science, concept, science-intensive industry, technological safety, defense-industry sector, management by objectives, engineering education system.
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- Selivanov V.V., Ilyin Yu. D. University science as a vector for solution of a defence scientific-technological and personnel tasks. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2014. No. 3. P. 55−63.
- Selivanov V.V., Ilyin Yu.D. Innovations in higher school: problems, transformation processes, mechanism of progress acceleration. Innovations. 2013. No. 5. P. 56–65.
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T.Yu. Skakova1, Cand. Sci. (Ph.-math.), Associate Professor
E-mail: tanya.skakova@mail.ruProfessor, Doctor of Engineering Science Yuriy Aleksandrovich Skakov has been a major specialist in the area of phase and structural transformations in alloys, a founder of fundamental principles of steel and alloy development. He has significantly contributed to the study of amorphous and noncrystalline state of alloys. Yu.A. Skakov was the first in our country to acquire and apply the method of transmission electron microscopy to study the structure of metallic materials and to create a number of X-ray methodologies. He has been a brilliant teacher. He headed the department “X-ray Diffraction and Physics of Metals” at the National University of Science and Technology “MIS&S” for more than thirty years. He is a laureate of the State Prize and an author of more than 250 scientific works, 20 monographs and textbooks.
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