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Московский политехнический университет

2015 year → Issue 3

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Dynamics and Strength of Machines
A.N. Romanov, P.V. Tarakanov, Shashurin
Fracture of structure components with cracks due to hydrogen embrittlement
Mechanical Engineering Technologies
E.A. Gladkov, R.A. Perkovskiy, Yu.O. Toloknov, P.S. Demidov
Television tracking module of joints during argon arc welding of important products
Automation of Designing and Production
L.A. Shirokov
Quasiasymptotic management of control of quality in automatic optimization and adaptation of control systems
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
A.V. Goroshko, V.P. Royzman
Inverse problems of providing the desired level of quality of complex technical systems
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
V.A. Zagaynov, V.V. Maksimenko, A.B. Leontyev, N.V. Trubicina, D.V. Vodyanik
Specialties of aerosol particles coagulation with radioactive admixtures
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
A.M. Lokoshchenko, V.V. Teraud
Comparison of effectiveness of different programs of cylinders upsetting under creep
Problems of Engineering Education
V.V. Selivanov, Yu.D. Ilyin
Conceptual basics of engineering education system
Memories About Scientists
T.Yu. Skakova
Vivid trace in science and education. To mark the 90th anniversary of Yu.A. Skakov outstanding scientist in the field of material physics
