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Университет | Образование | Наука | Внеучебная жизнь |
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A. Lysenko1, Engineer of the second category, Department of Strength and Reliability of Structure
E-mail: megovatt@yandex.ru
1 Krilov State Research Center (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)The article introduces the design of the vibration-absorbing coupling made of composite materials and proposes an approximate algorithm of forecasting dissipative properties of composite structures which allows making use of commercial software packages based on numerical procedures of finite-element method. The algorithms for the calculation of structure’s strength and stability are presented. The results of numerical investigation into dissipative-stiffness properties and strength of vibration-absorbing coupling are reported.
Keywords: polymer composite materials, elastic coupling, stress-strain state, strength, dissipative-stiffness characteristics.
- Fedonuk N.N. The use of polymer composite materials in foreign shipbuilding. Review of Press 1990–2006. SPb: Publishing House of Krylov State Research Centre. 2009. – 114 p.
- Tislenko I.N., Fedonuk N.N., Yartsev B.A. The influence of the shape of the membranes on the stability of the torsional elastic coupling from polymeric composite materials. The Strength and Design of Surface Vessels Made of Composite Materials. Collection of Works of Krylov State Research Centre. 2006. Iss. 27(311). P. 126–135
- Tislenko I.N., Fedonuk N.N, Yartsev B.A. Calculation and experimental investigation of vibro-acoustic characteristics of the elastic coupling from polymeric composite materials. Acoustic and Radar Protection Means on Ships. Collection of Works of Krylov State Research Centre. 2006. Iss. 30(314). P. 58–71.
- Lysenko A.P., Yartsev B.A. Elastic vibration-absorbing couplings made from composite materials. 1. Design, loads, materials. Collection of Works of Krylov State Research Centre. 2013. Iss. 75(359). P. 51–60.
- Lee D. G., Suh N. P. Axiomatic design and fabrication of composite structures: applications in robots, machine tools, and automobiles. Oxford University Press. 2006. – 709 p.
- Lysenko A.P., Yartsev B.A. Elastic vibration-absorbing couplings made of composite materials. 2. The algorithms for the calculation of elastic-dissipative characteristics and durability. Collection of Works of Krylov State Research Centre. 2013. Iss. 76(360). P. 71–78.
- Patent №2530915 Russian Federation. Composite Vibration-Damping coupling / Zvizdun A.M, Lysenko A.P., Yartsev B.A.; published 20.08.2014.
A. Munitsyn1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines
Email: munitsyn@rambler.ru
1 National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (Russia)The article considers the problem of forced oscillations of a material point on the plane. The point is fixed by six linear weightless springs. Excitation of oscillations is generated by harmonic force, the direction of which coincides with one of the coordinate axes. The interaction between the point and the plane is taken into account by using the model of dry friction. The solution has been obtained by asymptotic method. Several stable oscillation modes have been found. Some features of solutions specific to the model of dry friction have been detected.
Keywords: non-linearity oscillations, dry friction, principal resonance, asymptotic method, relation between the modes.
- Akulenko L.D., Nesterov S.V. Forced nonlinear oscillations of a string. Izvestiya of Russian Academy of Sciences. MTT. 1996. No. 1. P. 17–24.
- Akulenko L.D., Nesterov S.V. Nonlinear vibrations of a string. Izvestiya of Russian Academy of Sciences. MTT. 1993. No. 4. P. 87–92.
- Munitsyn A.I. Nonlinear oscillations of yarn with tensioning device. Izvestiya of Russian Academy of Sciences. MTT. 2001. No. 2. P. 24–30.
- Kubenko V.D., Kovalchuk P.S. Krasnopolskaya T.S. Nonlinear interaction of forms of flexural vibrations of cylindrical shells. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1984. – 220 p.
- Munitsyn A.I. The non-linear oscillations of a rod with close values of the cross-section axial moments of inertia. Journal of Appl. Mathem. and Mech. 2009. Vol. 73. Iss. 3. P. 427–438.
- Ladygina E.V., Manevitch A.I. Free oscillations of nonlinear cubic system with two degrees of freedom for close eigen frequencies. Journal of Appl. Mathem. and Mech. 1993. Vol. 57. Iss. 2. P. 40–49.
- Ganiev R.F., Kononenko V.O. Fluctuations in solids. Moscow: Nauka, 1976. – 432 p.
- Andronov V.V., Zhuravlev V.F. Dry friction in mechanical problems. Moscow-Izhevsk: "Regular and Chaotic Mechanics", Institute of Computer Science, 2010. – 184 p.
- Bogolyubov N.N., Mitropolsky Yu.A. Asymptotic methods in the theory of nonlinear oscillations. M.: Nauka, 1974. – 503 p.
- Nayfe A.H. Introduction into perturbation methods. M.: Mir, 1984. – 535 p.
- Gulyaev V.I., Bazhenov V.A., Popov S.L. Applied problems of the theory of non-linear oscillations of mechanical systems. Moscow: Higher School, 1989. – 383 p.
A. Stepanov1, Undergraduate, Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Mechatronics
E-mail: steepanov@mail.ru
E. Sbytova1, Cand. Sci. (Ph-math.), Senior Lecturer, Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Mechatronics
E-mail: sbytovaes@ya.ru
V. Podalkov1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Mechatronics
1 National Research University «MPEI» (Russia)The mathematical model of micromechanical gyroscope with a resonator in the form of four elastic rods has been designed. The solution of the nonlinear equations of the sensitive element motion of micromechanical gyroscope on the vibrating base has been constructed using of the method of two scales. Lyapunov stability of the stationary solutions has been investigated, and the areas of stability of stationary oscillations have been specified in the space of system parameters. It has been shown that nonlinear effects significantly influence the form of amplitude-frequency characteristics.
Keywords: micromechanical gyroscope, vibrating base, stationary oscillations, stability.
- Astakhov S.V., Merkuryev I.V., Podalkov V.V. Effect of finite deformations of the resonator on the dynamics and accuracy of micromechanical gyroscope of fork type. Bulletin of MPEI. 2010. No. 6. P. 148–154.
- Zhuravlev V.F. Managed foucault pendulum as a model of a class of free gyroscopes. Izvestiya RAN. MTT. 1997. No. 6. P. 27–35.
- Nayfeh A.H. Perturbation Methods. Trans. from English. Moscow: Mir, 1976. – 456 p.
- Raspopov V.Ya. Micromechanical devices: Tutorial. Moscow: Machine-Building, 2007. – 400 p.
- Strutt J. W. (Baron Rayleigh) The theory of sound. Moscow: GITTL, 1955. Vol. 1. – 484 p.
- Philippov A.P. The oscillations of deformable systems. Moscow: Machine-Building, 1970. – 733 p.
L.R. Milovanova¹, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant Professor of Department of Equipment and Materials Processing Technologies
E-mail: sarmilovanova@mail.ru
Ya.I. Baratz¹, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor
¹ Engels Technological Institute which is a branch of Saratov State Technical University named after Yuri Gagarin (Russia)The article analyzes the effectiveness of finishing and strengthening treatment by surface plastic deformation method to form a regular micro-relief as a finishing operation performed in order to improve the performance properties of components operating under friction-slip conditions. The design of a tool that allows applying a regular micro-relief on the hole surface with high-performance is proposed. The data of experimental research on the effectiveness of this method of treatment are presented.
Keywords: surface plastic deformation, regular micro-relief, wear, plastic deformation.
- State standard (GOST) 24773-81. Surfaces with regular micro-relief. Classification, parameters and characteristics. Moscow: Publishing House of Standards, 1981. – 13 p.
- Schneider Yu.G. Tool for metal finishing treatment under pressure. Leningrad: Machine-Building, 1971. – 134 p.
- Schneider Yu.G. Performance characteristics of details with regular micro-relief. Leningrad: Machine-Building, 1982. – 248 p.
- Baratz Ya.I., Shaposhnik R.K., Varchev V.M. Optimizing a combination of regular micro-reliefs of mating friction surfaces. Bulletin of Engineering. 1992. No. 5. P. 18–20.
- Pat. 2200080 Russian Federation. Tool for forming a partial regular micro-relief in the holes. Baratz Ya.I., Leshkenova L.R., Application 25.10.2001; publ. 10.03.2003, Bull. No. 7.
- Baratz Ya.I., Milovanova L.R. Improving the performance properties of holes surfaces using the method of surface plastic deformation to form regular micro-relief. Vestnik SGTU. 2007. Iss. 2(25). P. 60–64.
- Grachev Yu.P. Mathematical methods of experiment planning. Moscow: Food Industry, 1979. – 200 p.
O.A. Troitskiy1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Senior Researcher
E-mail: oatroitsky@rambler.ru
V.I. Stashenko1, Cand. Sci. (Ph.-math.), Leading Researcher
E-mail: vis20-11@rambler.ru
V.S. Savenko2, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor
E-mail: savenko-vl@rambler.ru
1 Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of RAS (Russia)
2 Mozyr State Pedagogical University (Belarussia)The article demonstrated the influence of microwave radiation on the processes of active deformation and relaxation of mechanical stresses in loaded samples of stainless steel under the action of current pulses and the orientations of the electric field vector of microwave radiation longitudinally and transversely to the axis of the deformable model. The longitudinal orientation of the electric field vector of microwave radiation and the electrical current have led to the increase in metal softening effect from 22% to 30%. The analysis of the samples microstructure has shown significant influence of external energy impacts on the deformation of steel grains.
Keywords: deformation, softening, stainless steel, current pulses, microwave radiation, microstructure.
- Troitsky O.A. Electromechanical effects in metals. JETP Letters. 1969. Vol. 10. P. 18–22.
- Baranov Yu.V., Troitsky O.A., Avramov Yu.S., Shlyapin A.D. Physical Basis of the Electric Pulse and Electroplastic Treatments and New Materials (monograph). M.: MGIU, 2001. – 843 p.
- Zuev L.B., Gromov V.E., Kurilova I.F. et all. The mobility of dislocations in single crystals of zinc under pulsed current. Reports of USSR Academy of Sciences. 1978. Vol. 239. No. 1. P. 84–87.
- Kravchenko V.Ya. The impact of a directional flow of electrons on moving dislocations. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 1966. Vol. 51. No. 5. P. 1676–1681.
- Fix V.B. About the interaction of conduction electrons with single dislocations in metals. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 1981. Vol. 80. No. 6. P. 2313–2316.
- Roschupkin A.M., Bataronov I.L. On the effect of the electron-phonon drag defects in crystals. Proceedings of Russian Academy of Sciences. Physical Series. 2004. Vol. 68. No. 7. P. 998–1007.
- Bataronov I.L., Gorlov S.K., Roschupkin A.M. Formation of thermoelastic stresses by pulse of electric shock and their role in the electroplastic deformation of metals. Izvestiya of Vuzov. Ferrous Metallurgy. 1992. No. 6. P. 105–108.
- Troitsky O.A. Plastic deformation of metal caused by the pinch-effect. Proceedings of Russian Academy of Sciences. Physical Series. 1977. No. 6. P. 118–122.
- Spitsyn V.I., Troitsky O.A. Modeling of heat and pinch-effect of pulse current on the metal plastic deformation. Reports of USSR Academy of Sciences. 1975. No. 5. P. 1070–1073.
- Bataronov I.L., A. Roshсрupkin A.M. Electroplastic deformation of metals and dynamic pinch effect. News of Higher Education Institutions. Ferrous Metallurgy. 1993. No. 8. P. 57–61.
- Molotskii M.V. Fleurov V. Magnetic effects in electroplasticity of metals. Physical Review B. 1991. Vol. 52. No. 22. P. 311–317.
- Molotskii M. The possible mechanism of the magnetoplastic effect. Physics of the Solid State. 1991. Vol. 33. No. 10. P. 3112–3114.
- Golovin Yu.I., Morgunov R.B. Magnetic-resonance softening of crystals. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 1999. Vol. 115. No. 2. P. 605–621.
- Watson G. Microwave Semiconductor Devices and Their Applications: translated from English. M.: Mir, 1972. – 660 p.
- Sapunov G.S. Repair of Microwave Ovens. M.: Publishing House Salon-press, 2003. – 272 p.
- Carlton C.E., Ferreira P.J. What is behind the inverse Hall–Petch effect in nanocrystalline materials? Acta Materialia. 2007. Vol. 55. P. 3749–3756.
F.Z. Badaev1, Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Head of Chemistry Department
E-mail: bfz05@mail.ru
A.Kh. Khairi1, Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Assistant Professor
E-mail: hah2@mail.msiu.ru
R.A. Novoselov1, Postgraduate Student
E-mail: deemalfy@gmail.com
V.P. Tarasovskiy1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant Professor
Е-mail: tarasvp@mail.ru
1 Moscow State Industrial University (Russia)Experimental data on the kinetics of the reaction between aluminium-copper alloys with aqueous sodium hydroxide solution are presented. It has been shown that the dependence of the reaction initial rate on sodium hydroxide concentration have a maximum near CNaOH = 6 mol/l. It has been found that the reaction rate of AlCu6, AlCu12 and D16 alloys with a sodium hydroxide solution is greater than the reaction rate between aluminium and sodium hydroxide solution. The temperature dependence of reaction rate of aluminium-copper alloys with sodium hydroxide solution have been examined. The assessment of the effective activation energy of the reactions under consideration have been made.
Keywords: chemical kinetics, aluminium, copper, aluminium alloys, production of hydrogen, sodium hydroxide solution, ceramic materials.
- Nazarov R.S., Kushch S.D., Kravchenko O.V., Fokina E.E., Tarasov B.P. Hydrogen-generating materials for hydrogen sources of hydrolytic type. Alternative Energy and Ecology - ISJFEE. 2010. No. 6 (86). P. 26−32.
- Dmitriev A.L., Ikonnikov V.K., Ryzhkin V.Yu., Rumyantsev A.I. Aluminum application technologies in hydrogen energetics. Alternative Energy and Ecology − ISJFEE. 2010. No. 6 (86). P. 127−129.
- Lukashchuk T.S., Larin V.I., Pshenichnaya S.V. Electrothermografic study of the aluminium dissolution reaction in solutions of sodium hydroxide with different additions. Bulletin of Novgorod State University. 2013. Vol. 2. No. 3. P. 33−37.
- Badaev F.Z., Tarasovskiy V.P., Novoselov R.A., Khairi A.Kh., Reznichenko A.V. Production of precursors of aluminium oxide ceramics by chemical dispergating of aluminium alloy D16. New Refractory Materials. 2015. No. 1. P. 10−13.
- Khairi A. Kh., Badaev F.Z., Omarov A.Yu., Airikh A.I. Investigation of kinetics of interaction of aluminum-magnesium alloys with aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide. Proceedings of Moscow State Industrial University. 2012. No. 1(25). P. 42−45.
- Badaev F.Z., Rybalchenko V.V., Khairy A.Kh., Kasatova N.A., Airikh A.I. Determination of kinetic parameters of reaction of aluminum-magnesium alloys with an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2013. No. 1(34). P. 17−20.
- Badaev F.Z., Khairy A.Kh., Kasatova N.A., Airikh A.I. Kinetics of interaction between aluminum-silicon alloys and aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2013. No. 2(35). P. 44−48.
- Badaev F.Z., Khairy A.Kh., Kasatova N.A. Kinetics of interaction between aluminum-titanium alloys and aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. 2014. No. 1(35). P. 3−7.
- Inorganic Chemistry, Ed. by Yu.D. Tretyakov. Volume 3: Chemistry of transition elements. Moscow: Publishing Centre "Academia", 2004. − 400 p.
- Zhuk N.P. Theoretical course of corrosion and metal protection. Moscow: Metallurgy, 1976. − 472 p.
- CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 90th Ed, 2010.
- Sysoeva V.V., Artyugina E.D., Gorodilova V.G., Berkman E.A. Revising corrosion of aluminium in alkali. Journal of Applied Chemistry. 1985. Vol. 58. No. 4. P. 921−924.
- Lurie B.A., Chernyshov A.E., Perova N.N., Svetlov B.S. Kinetics of interaction of aluminium with water and aqueous alkali solutions. Kinetics and Catalysis. 1976. Vol. 17. No. 6. P. 1453−1458.
V.V. Teraud¹, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Researcher
E-mail: ldrnww@gmail.com
N.E. Valisovskiy², Engineer-Programmer
E-mail: wne3-v@rambler.ru
¹ Institute of Mechanics at Lomonosov Moscow State University
² Academician Pilyugin CenterThe paper presents the results of experimental research into creep of flat specimen of aluminum alloy at a temperature 400˚C. Specimens were tested under creep conditions at different initial tensile stress. A problem of deformation localization in tensile specimens is discussed. The use of the developed non-contact measurement system allowed obtaining dependences of change of sample's form, surface points displacement, sample true stress upon time, etc. The dependence of the width and thickness of the fracture point upon the initial stress and the proximity to the neck site is investigated as well. A relative time interval of deformation, during which the sample is stretched uniformly, and the time of formation of deformation localization are obtained. The concepts of "fast" and "long" localization are introduced. A comparison results with data with similar tests on cylindrical samples have been made.
Keywords: creep, experiments, high temperature, flat specimen, deformation localization, neck.
- 1. Klokov N.P. Resistive-strain gages. Moscow, Mechanical Engineering, 1990. – 230 p.
- 2. Tretyakova T.V. The use of the vic-3d software implementing a method of correlation of digital images in application to the study of inelastic deformation fields. Computational Continuum Mechanics. 2014. Vol. 7. No. 2. P. 162–171.
- 3. Lokoshchenko A.M., Teraud V.V. Study of strain localization in cylindrical samples at high-temperature creep using a method of photographic registration. Deformation and Fracture of Materials. 2013. No. 11. P. 43–46.
L.T. Dvornikov1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department
E-mail: tmmiok@yandex.ru
S.P. Gerasimov1, Postgraduate at the Department of Theory of Machine Design Principles
E-mail: extend42@yandex.ru
E.V. Dvornikova2, Postgraduate
E-mail: grom.pen@yandex.ru
1 Sibirian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk)
2 Kyrgyz State Technical University after I. Razzakov (Bishkek)The article is devoted to the problem of multisatellite toothed planetary gears. When using a traditional method of setting all satellites on a single link which is called the carrier it is not possible to provide uniform loading of the satellites. In reality, in such gears the main loading is carried out by a single satellite, that’s why the calculations of the strength of such gears are done approximately. The detailed study of the statics of the planetary gear with three satellites mounted on a carrier, first, has shown that this kind of transmission is efficient only if two out of three satellites do not have gearing with at least one of the main wheels, and, second, has justified the method of satellite installation in the gearing structure through additional units-levers used for providing the participation of all three satellites in the gearing with the uniform distribution of the load between them. The technological applicability of the recommended satellites installation method has been confirmed by the invention patent and by the detailed proof of its technical viability. The proposed method for the construction of planetary gears when the number of satellites is more than one allows a wide practical usage of multisatellites gear with equal distribution load between all of them which will significantly improve the efficiency of the planetary gears and their mass-dimensional parameters.
Keywords: gear mechanism, planetary gear, satellite, multisatellite, power calculation.
- Rudenko N.F. Planetary transmission. The theory, Application, Calculation and Design. 3rd ed., Rev. and add. M.: Mashgiz, 1947. – 756 p.
- Kudryavtsev V.N. Planetary Gears. Ed. 2nd. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1966. – 308 p.
- Artobolevsky I.I. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines. Ed. 4th. M.: Nauka, 1988. – 640 p.
- Tkachenko V.A. Planetary Mechanisms (Optimal Design). Kharkov: Nat. Aerokosm. University (Kharkov. Aviation. Institute), 2003. – 446 p.
- Tretyakov V.M. Graphic method of construction of the distribution pattern of the angular velocity of gear mechanisms. Theory of mechanisms and machines. 2011. Vol. 9. No. 2(18). P. 76–84.
- Tretyakov V.M. Use of the distribution pattern of angular velocities in the synthesis of cylindrical gear units. Theory of mechanisms and machines. 2012. Vol. 10. No. 1(19). P. 79–87.
- Pivovarov S.A., Shevchuk V.P. The study of the used planetary gears and mechanisms for redundant links. Bulletin of the Academy of Military Sciences. 2011. No. 2 (special issue). P. 316–321.
- Shevchuk V.P., Pivovarov S.A. The planetary rotation mechanism with the composite carrier. Polytransport system: mater. VII All-Russia. scientific and engineering. Conf., Krasnoyarsk, 25–27 Nov. 2010. Krasnoyarsk, 2010. P. 113.
- Shevchuk V.P., Pivovarov S.A., Lyashenko M .V., Shekhovtsov V.V., Kotovskov A.V. Planetary Gear/ P. m. 103591 Russian Federation, IPC F 16 H 1/48.; Volgograd State Technical University, 2011.
- Sidorov P.G., Shiryaev P.G. Method of formation of the simplest planetary mechanisms. News of TSU. Engineering. 2009. Iss. 2. P. 3–12.
- Abramov I.V., Osetrov V.G., Plekhanov F.I., et all. The technology of Gearboxe Manufacture. Glazov: Publishing House of the GTPI, 2005. – 202 p.
- RF Patent №2013154381. Self-aligning three-satellite planetary gear. S.P. Gerasimov, Dvornikov L.T. Priority from 06.12.2013.
S.M. Kaplunov¹, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Head of a laboratory
E-mail: kaplunov@imash.ru
N.G. Valles¹, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Researcher
E-mail: klevdr54@mail.ru
O.A. Marchevskaya2, Cand. Sci. (Ph-math.), Researcher, Assistant Professor
E-mail: klevdr54@mail.ru
A.V. Samolysov¹, Postgraduate student
E-mail: vostok-as88@mail.ru
¹ Federal Budget-funded Institute for Machine Science named after A. Blagonravov of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Russia)The work is devoted to creation of mathematical models for the most dangerous tube bundles oscillation excitation mechanisms as well as to the creation of reliable computation methods for these models description. Method of critical velocity determination which is necessary for description of the most dangerous excitation mechanism – hydro-elastic excitation – is based on application of created by authors mathematical model for excitation of elastic tube bundle oscillations in external cross flow. The task of investigation into excitation mechanism is reduced to the analyses of elastic tubes unperturbed state stability which is conducted with the assumption of linearity of destabilizing forces. On the basis of theoretical investigation of the mathematical model the necessary and sufficient stability condition is expressed through the dimensionless system parameters, and the value of critical velocity of tube bundle flow is obtained.
Keywords: hydro-elastic excitation, critical flow velocity, shedding flow, viscous vortex domains method, hydro-elastic instability, hydro-elastic interaction matrix.
- Makhutov N.A., Kaplunov S.M., Prouss L.V. Vibration and longevity of the marine power equipment . Leningrad: Sudostroyenie, 1985. – 300 p.
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