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Московский политехнический университет

2015 year → Issue 2

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Dynamics and Strength of Machines
A. Lysenko
Elastic vibration-absorbing coupling from polymeric composite materials
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
A. Munitsyn
Nonlinear oscillations of the system with two degrees of freedom allowing for dissipation using the model of dry friction
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
A. Stepanov, E. Sbytova, V. Podalkov
Dynamics of micromechanical gyroscope with resonator in the form of elastic rods on vibrating base
Mechanical Engineering Technologies
L.R. Milovanova, Ya.I. Baratz
Tool and technology to improve operational properties of holes by surface plastic deformation
Mechanical Engineering Technologies
O.A. Troitskiy, V.I. Stashenko, V.S. Savenko
The effect of microwave radiation on the plastic deformation of stainless steel
Constructional Materials
F.Z. Badaev, A.Kh. Khairi, R.A. Novoselov, V.P. Tarasovskiy
The kinetic features of interaction between aluminium-copper alloys and aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide
Constructional Materials
V.V. Teraud, N.E. Valisovskiy
Experimental research of particularities of strain localization in the plane tensile specimens at high temperature creep
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
L.T. Dvornikov, S.P. Gerasimov, E.V. Dvornikova
The problem of power studies of planetary gear three satellite broadcasts
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
S.M. Kaplunov, N.G. Valles, O.A. Marchevskaya, A.V. Samolysov
Analysis of hydroelastic mechanism of tube-bundle excitation
