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Университет | Образование | Наука | Внеучебная жизнь |
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Внеучебная жизнь |
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A.A. Raykov1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant professor
E-mail: ors@hitv.ru
A.V. Burmistrov1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor
E-mail: burm@kstu.ru
M.D. Bronstein1, Cand. Sci. (Ph-math.), Assistant professor
E-mail: bronmich@gmail.com
S.I. Salikeev1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant professor
E-mail: salikeev_s@mail.ru
1 Kazan National Research Technological UniversityInfluence of end section specifying compression time on pumping characteristics of oil-free scroll vacuum pump is considered. With the help of scroll pump mathematical model the relationship between pumping speed and inlet pressure at different end section curvature radii and compression time was obtained. Influence of compression time on ultimate pressure and delivery rate was considered. It is shown that compression time increase results in lowering of ultimate pressure limited by number of scroll coils. The increase of number of scroll coils by half-turn results in ultimate pressure lowering more than 10 times. After compression time reaches its specified value its further increase does not result in considerable increase of delivery rate limited by number of scroll coils. If compression time is constant then end section geometry changes do not result in considerable changes of pumping characteristics.
Keywords: scroll pump, pumping characteristics, end section, orbiting scroll, fixed scroll, oil-free vacuum.
- Kapustin E.N., Kapustin A.E., Burmistrov A.V., Salikeev S.I. Creating a high-tech production of oil-free scroll vacuum pumps in Russia. Bulletin Kazan Technological University. 2014. The Vol. 17. No. 19. P. 280–283.
- Lee Y., & Wu W. On the profile design of a scroll compressor. Int. J. Refrig. 1995. Vol. 18. No. 15. P. 308–317.
- Pat 5958187 Japan, ICI F 04 С 18/02//F 01 С 1/02, Orbital compressor. Terauti Kiyoshi, Hiraga Masadzi, publ. 03.04.84.
- Pat 4678415 USA, ICI F 01 С 1/02, NCI 418/50, Rotary type fluid machine. Hirano Takahisa, Hagrmoto Kiyoshi, publ. 07.07.87.
- Raykov A.A., Yakupov R.R., Salikeev S.I., Burmistrov A.V., Bronstein M.D. All-regimes mathematical model of scroll vacuum pump working process. Compressors and Pneumatic. 2014. No. 1. P. 18–25.
- Salikeev S.I., Burmistrov A.V., Raykov A.A. A concept of calculation of pumping characteristics of non-contact oil-free vacuum pumps. Compressors and Pneumatic. 2013. No. 4. P. 37–42.
- Mamontov M.A. Questions of thermodynamics variable mass body. Tula: Priokskoe Publishing House, 1970. – 87 p.
- Fotin B.S. Working processes in piston compressors: abstract. Ph.D, 1974. – 34 p.
- Demihov K.E., Panfilov Y.V., Nikulin K.N. et al. Vacuum Technology: Handbook. Ed. K.E. Demikhov, Y.V. Panfilov, 3rd ed. Moscow.: Engineering, 2009. – 590 p.
- Raikov A.A., Yakupov R.R., Burmistrov A.V., Salikeev S.I. Power deformation working elements of oil-free scroll vacuum pump. Proceedings of the Universities. Mechanical Engineering. 2015. No. 1 (658). P. 57–63.
- Burmistrov A.V., Dautov R.Z., Karchevsky M.M., R.R. Yakupov Numerical simulation of spiral vacuum pumps working elements thermal fields. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference "Grid methods for boundary value problems and applications." Kazan: Kazan University. 2014. P. 156–161.
O.A. Rusanov1, Dc. Sci. (Eng.)
E-mail: newmalina@rambler.ru
V.V. Kochergin2, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Head of Department "Transport Mechanics"
E-mail: tdp.vniizht@mail.ru
A.A. Bukhantsev2, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory of Department "Transport Mechanics"
E-mail: tdp.vniizht@mail.ru
V.V. Brekson3, Head of the Department of design development and research
E-mail: brekson@ulkm.ru
1 Moscow State Industrial University
2 OAO "Scientific-Research Institute of Railway Transport"
3 OOO "Ural Locomotives"The paper presents a calculation method that allows to make rational choice of welded joints for locomotive bogie frames and railcars of railway rolling stock at the stages of design and finishing exercise . Initially, the method involves a study using the finite element method of the total stress state of the frame. Next, using the boundary element method the features of the three-dimensional stress state in a separate weld are studied in detail taking into account the geometric stress concentration factors. Rational design of compounds is selected on the basis of comparative analysis, in which such parameters as shape, size, location of welds, types of cutting weld, geometry of parts to be joined vary.
Keywords: welded joint, frame, railway rolling stock, finite element method, boundary element method.
- Kochergin V.V. Research on dynamic and strength properties of railcars of traction rolling stock. Rail Transport: 2005. No. 2. P. 25–26.
- Tskipurishvili V.B., Kochergin V.V., Bukhantsev A.A., Averin N.A., Kutepov S.A. Dynamic-strength tests of railway carriages. Vestnik of the Railway Research Institute. 2002. No. 4. P. 39–41.
- Kosоv V.S., Сharkin V.A., Dоbrynin L.K., Meshсherin Y.V., Оganyan E.S. et al. Trolley with 25 ton axle load for a freight car of a new generation. Rail Transport. 2008. No, 7. P. 50–55.
- Dmitrichenko S.S., Rusanov O.A. Experience in the field of strength analysis, projecting and refining welded metalwork of mobile machines. Tractors and Agricultural Machines. 2006. No. 1. P. 8–13.
- Rusanov O.A. Strength analysis of machine designs using advanced numerical methods. Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2002. No. 2. P. 34−36.
- Rusanov O.A. Stress concentration in thin-walled structures with defects in the form of shells. Tractors and Agricultural Machines. 1999. No. 10. P. 35–37.
- Dmitrichenko S.S., Rusanov O.A. Influence of technological weld defects on the strength of the hull tractor units. Tractors and Agricultural Machines. 2001. No. 7. P. 25–27.
- Skopinsky V.N., Rusanov O.A., Nazarov N.A. Determination of stress in a pressure spherical vessel fortified by a plate near the choke assembly. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2007. No. 3. P. 23–33.
- Brebbia C.A., Telles J.C.F., Wrobel L.C. Boundary element method in engineering science. М.: Мir, 1987. – 524 p.
- Banerjee P.K., Butterfield R. Boundary element techniques. theory and applications in engineering. М.: Мir, 1984. – 494 p.
V.N. Skopinsky1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Technical Mechanics
E-mail: skopin-j@mail.msiu.ru
N.A. Berkov1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant professor, Department of Applied Mathematics
E-mail: berkow@mail.ru
N.A. Stolyarova1, Post-graduate
E-mail: denisenko_nina@mail.ru
1 Moscow State Industrial UniversityIn this research, applied methods of nonlinear analysis for shell intersection configurations is presented using the finite element method, shell theory, plasticity theory in the form of theory of flow with isotropic strain hardening and geometrically nonlinear shell theory in quadratic approximation. A quadrilateral shell finite element on the basis of mixed variational principal for nonlinear analysis of shells is described. For determining the plastic limit loads characterizing considerable increase in plastic deformation, the developed maximum criterion of rate of change of relative plastic work is employed. A specialized finite element computer program SAIS and program module Load_PL for realizing an applied method and procedure for determining plastic limit loads are presented. Tasks of determining the plastic limit loads in cases of internal pressure, bending moment at the nozzle and combined loadings are considered for models of pressure vessel with ellipsoidal head and nozzle. The obtained generalized plastic limit load curves are presented for case of proportional combined loading. Numerical analysis shows that plastic limit loads are increased for non-central position of nozzle.
Keywords: Nonlinear analysis, shell intersections, ellipsoidal head, nozzle, plastic limit load, combined loading.
- Skopinsky V.N. Stresses in intersecting shells. Moscow: FIZMATLIT, 2008. – 400 p.
- Mackenzie D. The finite element method in pressure vessel design by analysis // 8th FENet Technology Workshop. http://www.fe-net.org/meetings/budapest05 /dle1/.
- Skopinsky V.N. The problem of determining limit plastic load for intersecting shells. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2010. No. 6. P. 18–21.
- Mackerle J. Finite elements in the analysis of pressure vessels and piping – a bibliography (1976–1996). Int. J. Pres. Ves. and Piping. 1996. Vol. 69. Iss. 3. P. 279–339.
- Mackerle J. Finite elements in the analysis of pressure vessels and piping, an addendum (1996–1998). Int. J. Pres. Ves. and Piping. 1999. Vol. 76. Iss. 7. P. 461–485.
- Mackerle J. Finite elements in the analysis of pressure vessels and piping, an addendum: a bibliography (1998–2001). Int. J. Pres. Ves. and Piping. 2002. Vol. 79. Iss. 1. P. 1–26.
- Mackerle J. Finite elements in the analysis of pressure vessels and piping, an addendum: A bibliography (2001–2004). Int. J. Pres. Ves. and Piping. 2005. Vol. 82. Iss. 7. P. 571–592.
- Pietraszkiewicz W. and Konopinska V. Junctions in shell structures: a review // http://www.imp.gda.pl/files/wp/wppub/2012/Praca10.pdf.
- Hsieh M. F., Moffat D. G., Mistry J. Nozzles in the knuckle region of a torispherical head: limit load interaction under combined pressure and piping loads. Int. J. Pres. Ves. and Piping. 2000. Vol. 77. Iss. 13. P. 807–815.
- Hsieh M. F., Moreton D. N., Mistry J., Moffat D. G. Limit loads for knuckle-encroaching nozzles in torispherical heads: experimental verification of finite element predictions. J. Strain Analysis. 2002. Vol. 37. No. 4. P. 313–326.
- Skopinsky V.N., Berkov N.A., Smetankin A.B. Definition of limit pressure in joints of intersecting ellipsoidal and cylindrical shells. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2012. Iss. 2. P. 53–58.
- Skopinsky V.N., Berkov N.A. and Smetankin A.B. Plastic limit load of ellipsoidal pressure vessel head with nozzle under internal pressure loading. Int. J. Appl. Mech. Enging. 2013. Vol. 18. No. 4. P. 1263–1274.
- Mushtari H.M, Galimov K.Z. Nonlinear theory of elastic shells. Kazan: TATKNIGAIZDAT, 1957. – 433 p.
- ASME. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Sections II and VIII. New York, 2004.
- BSI. PD 5500:2006 Specification for Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels. London: British standards Institution, 2006.
- EN 13445. Unfired Pressure Vessels. Part 3: Design. European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), 2002.
- Gerdeen J.C. A critical evaluation of plastic behavior data and a unified definition of plastic loads for pressure components. WRC Bulletin. 1979. No. 254. P. 1–64.
- Muscat M., Mackenzie D., Hamilton R. A work criterion for plastic collapse. Int. J. Pres. Ves. and Piping. 2003. Vol. 80. Iss. 1. P. 49–58.
- Li H, Mackenzie D. Characterising gross plastic deformation in design by analysis. Int. J. Pres. Ves. and Piping. 2005. Vol. 82. Iss. 10. P. 777–786.
- Mackenzie D, Li H. A plastic load criterion for inelastic design by analysis. ASME J. Pres. Ves. Technol. 2006. Vol. 128. Iss. 1. P. 39–45.
- Camilleri D, Mackenzie D, Hamilton R. Evaluating plastic loads in torispherical heads using a new criterion of collapse. Proc. ASME PVP Conf., Vancouver, Canada. 2006. Vol. 3. P. 701–708.
- Naruse T., Mackenzie D., Camilleri D. Gross plastic deformation of a hemispherical head with cylindrical nozzle: a comparative study. Proc. ASME 2007 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 2007, July 22–26. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 2007. Vol. 3: Design and Analysis. P. 431–438.
- Wang W, Zou X, Yao L. A simplified strength checking approach for a header-nozzle intersection under combined piping loads. ASME J. Pres. Ves. Technol. 2013. Vol. 135. Iss. 1. P. 011203 (6 pages).
- Skopinsky V.N., Berkov N.A., Vozhova N.V. New criterion for defining of limit load in cylindrical pressure vessels with nozzles. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2011. No. 3. P. 50–57.
- Skopinsky V.N. and Berkov N.A. New criterion for the definition of plastic limit load in nozzle connections of pressure vessels. ASME J. Pres. Ves. Technol. 2013. Vol. 135. Iss. 2. P. 021206 (6 pages).
- Skopinsky V.N., Berkov N.A., Vozhova N.V., Smetankin A.B. Plastic limit load in pressure vessel with nozzle under combined internal pressure and bending moment loading. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2013. Vol. 49. Iss. 7. P. 549–554.
O.F. Trofimov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of Department of Technical Mechanics, Moscow State Industrial University
E-mail: oleg31934@hotbox.ruThe paper shows that if there are several stress concentrators in the tested object, the fatigue curve, even when obtained using regression analysis method, may give a distorted view about the structural durability which is predicted with its help. The analysis procedure which eliminates the prediction inaccuracy for these cases has been proposed. The recommendations for this procedure propagation and for the computational methods of assessment of structure fatigue life have been presented.
Keywords: structure test, fatigue strength, fatigue curve, durability, resource prediction.
- Feodosyev V.I. Material strength. M.: Science, 1986. – 512 p.
- Kogaev V.P., Drozdov Yu.N. Strength and wearability of automobile parts. M.: Higher School, 1991. – 318 p.
- Methodological guidelines. calculation methods of durability of automobile parts in probabilistic aspect. M.: Publishing House of Standards, 1980. – 32 p.
- Trofimov O.F., Krasikov V.S. Perturbation effect of road microprofile as a fatigue damage parametre of automobile structures. Issues of Automobile Calculation, Design and Research. 1975. Iss. 6. P. 235–246.
- Trofimov O.F. Prediction of fatigue damage of structure materials under stochastic loading conditions. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2012. No. 3. P. 17–23.
- Trofimov O.F. Effect of emission level on fatigue damage accumulation in structure material in random loading process. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2014. No. 2. P. 20–27.
- Zienkiewicz O.C. The finite element method in engineering science. M.: MIR, 1975. – 541 p.
- Gold B.V., Obolenskiy E.P., Stefanovich Yu.G. Trofimov O.F. Automobile strength and durability. М.: Machine Building, 1974. – 326 p.
- GOST 25.504-82. Durability calculations and tests. methods of computation of fatigue resistance characteristics. M.: Publishing House of Standards, 1982. P. 17–18.
- Trofimov O.F. Transient effect of random loading processes on fatigue damage in structure materials. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2013. No. 1. P. 46–53.
A. Taratorkin, Postgraduate student
E-mail: alexandr_tar@mail.ru
Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityThe investigation is dedicated to formation of dynamic loading in vehicle transmission and to justification of the methods to improve multiple clutch lifetime. The hypothesis about friction discs destruction due to influence of disturbance from engine and torque converter is put forward. Conditions of formation for parametric resonant oscillations are determined. The instability areas of discs parametric oscillations are identified in accordance with Mathieu equation and Ince-Strutt diagram. The actions which are aimed to increase lifetime of the discs are suggested. Results of its efficiency estimation are demonstrated.
Keywords: multiplate clutches, lined plates, parametric resonance, filtration of oscillations, durability of the powertrain.
- Krasnevsky L.G. State and prospect of development of vehicle automotive transmissions. Actual Issues of Mechanical Engineering: Collection of Scientific Papers of the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk. 2012. P. 108–114.
- Taratorkin A., Derzhanskii V., Taratorkin I., Kharitonov S. Durability increase of multiplate clutches of vehicle transmissions. Proceedings of the 35th World Automotive Congress FISITA, 2-6 June, Maastricht, the Netherlands: The Royal Dutch Society of Engineers (KIVI). 2014. P. 151–157.
- Taratorkin А., Derzhanskii V., Taratorkin I., Kharitonov S. Dynamic loading reduction of multiplate clutches lined plates of the vehicle powertrain. SAE Technical Paper, 2014-01-2332, 2014, SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles. 2014. P. 1–8.
- Taratorkin А.I., Derzhanskii V.B. Increase of lifetime of multiplate clutches of vehicle transmissions. Proceedings of 17th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Congress of RARAN (2014 1st – 4th of April), St. Petersburg, 2014. P. 185–192.
- Taratorkin A.I. Derzhanskii V.B. Improvement of the method for multiplate clutches lined discs calculation of the vehicle transmissions. Actual Issues of Mechanical Engineering: Collection of Scientific Papers of the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk. 2014. P. 81–84.
- Taratorkin A.I., Derzhanskii V.B., Taratorkin I.A., Kharitonov S.A. Investigation of parametric resonance oscillations drive friction knots of transmissions of transport cars. Proceedings of Anniversary 25th International Innovation-Oriented Congress of Young Scientist and Students (MIKMUS-2013. Moscow, 2013, 13th–15th of November. M.: Publ. IMASh RAN, 2013. P. 346–351.
- Taratorkin A., Derzhanskii V., Taratorkin I. Decrease in dynamic loading of transmission elements of the vehicle. Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress, Vol. 10: Chassis Systems and Integration Technology. Beijing, 27th–30th November, 2012: Institute of Technology Press, Beijing, 2012. P. 495–504.
- Rinkevich S.A. Effect of Drift. Collection of Belarusian–Russian University. 2013. No. 38. P. 38–45.
- Krukov A.P., Zhuchkov M.G., Zaitsev V.A., Levit G.B. Increase of durability of steel base of metal-ceramic friction plates. Bulletin of Armoured Academy. 1966. No. 6. P. 24–41.
- Zaitsev V.A., Zhuchkov M.G. To issues of protection of friction plates from torsional oscillations in tanks transmissions. Bulletin of Amoured Academy. 1967. No. 6. P. 1–7.
- Zhuchkov M.G., Sarichev B.M. Increase of fatigue resistance and durability of friction plates. Bulletin of Armoured Academy. 1969. No. 2. P. 38 – 40.
- Zaitsev V.A. Research of dynamic loading of tracked and wheeled vehicles transmissions caused by friction plates torsion oscillations: PHD Diss. L.: Machine-Building, 1964. – 260 p.
- Derzhanskii V. B. Taratorkin I.A. Prediction of dynamic loading of vehicle hydromechanical transmissions. Ekaterinburg: UrO RAN, 2010. – 176 p.
- Grishkevich A.I. Design of vehicle transmission. Edited by A.I. Grishkevich. M.: Machine-Building, 1983. – 263 p.
- Kolesnikov K.S. Oscillation theory: University Textbook. Edited by K.S. Kolesnikov M.: Publ. Bauman MGTU, 2003. – 272 p.
- Panovko Ya.G. Introduction into theory of mechanical oscillations: study guide. – 2nd edition, revised. Edited by Ya. G. Panovko, M.: Nauka. Main Editorial of Physical and Mathematical Literature, 1980. – 272 p.
- Popov. E.P., Paltov I.P. Approximate Methods for Research of Nonlinear Automative Systems. Edited by O.S. Sobolev. M.: Nauka. Main Editorial of Physical and Mathematical Literature, 1960. – 792 p.
L.A. Shirokov1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Automation and Control in Engineering Systems
E-mail: eduarlev@gmail.com
O.L Shirokova2, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
E-mail: ol.shirokova@gmail.com
1 Moscow State Industrial University, Russia
2 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, RussiaThe article presents an optimization algorithm for regulators adjustment for Computer Aided Design of automatic control systems with constraints on the controlling coordinates imposed, for example, by actuators or regulators. The applications of different methods of optimization under constraints have been compared; the use of non-linear programming with penalty functions has been justified. This has allowed reducing the problem of conditional extremum to a sequence of tasks with an unconditional extremum. A gradient method of nonlinear programming with the Hessian matrix has been applied to accelerate the convergence of optimization processes. A sensitivity analysis has been used in order to determine the searchless vector-gradient. The effective functioning of the optimization algorithm has been illustrated by examples. Convergence is provided for different initial values of the vectors settings. The resulting regulatory processes have high qualitative characteristics. The study, which revealed the dependence of the optimal regulatory processes on different levels of restrictions, has been carried out.
Keywords: Automatic control systems, transient regulation, process optimization, CAD, parametric synthesis.
- Krasovskii A.A. Handbook of automatic control theory. Moscow: Nauka, 1987. – 712 p.
- The theory of optimization of automatic control systems. Ed. K.A. Pupkova, N.D. Yegupova. Moscow: Publisher Bauman MSTU, 2004. – 742 p.
- Polyak B.T. Introduction to optimization. Moscow.: Nauka, 1983. – 384 p.
- Rastrigin L.A. Extreme control system. Moscow: Nauka, 1974. – 316 p.
- Solodovnikov V.V., Shramko L.S. Calculation and design of adaptive systems with analytical reference models. Moscow: Engineering, 1972. – 232 p.
- Shirokov L.A. Synthesis of compact sensitivity for automation of parametric design of linear control systems. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2008. Iss. 3. P. 22–29.
- Shirokov L.A. Automatic optimization system. AS 485412 (USSR), BI, 1975, No. 33.
- Shirokov L.A. Synthesis of reference models in optimization algorithms using sensitivity functions. Precision Electronic Equipment. 1971. P. 17–27.
A. Artyunin1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, the First Vice-rector
E-mail: ananina_ev@irgups.ru
A. Khomenko1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Rector
E- mail: homenko@irgups.ru
S. Eliseev1, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Director of Research and Educational Center
E-mail: eliseev_s@inbox.ru
Julia Ermoshenko1, Ph.D., Dean
E-mail: ermosh_emf@irgups.ru
1 Irkutsk State Transport UniversityIn this article, generalized model of vibrational mechanics is obtained as a system of differential equations. The generalized problem of nonlinear vibration mechanics is formulated. Special cases of considered problem are the following: effect of Sommerfeld, phenomenon of stability of the upper position of the pendulum on a vibrating base, the crawling phenomenon of pendulum at the resonant frequencies of the mechanical system, automatic balancing phenomenon, etc. The experimental results of the mechanical system oscillation frequency effect on pendulum angular motion are presented.
Keywords: non-linear mechanics, dynamic model, differential equations, mechanical system, resonant frequency, pendulum.
- Sommerfeld A. Beitrage zum dinamischen Ausbay der Festigkeislehre. Zeitschriff des Vereins Deutsher Jngeniere. 1904. Bd. 48(18). P. 631–636.
- Kapitza P. Dynamic stability of a pendulum with a vibrating suspension point. "JETP". 1951. Vol. 21. Iss. 5. P. 588–597.
- Chelomei V. Paradoxes in mechanics caused by vibrations. Reports of Academy of Science, Mechanics. 1983. Vol. 270. No. 1. P. 62–67.
- Blechman I. Vibrational mechanics. Moscow: Fizmatlit, 1994. – 400 p.
- Artyunin A. Study of the motion of the rotor with autobalancing. Proceedings of the Universities. Engineering. 1993. No. 1. P. 15–19.
V.P. Krasin, Dr. Sci (Ph-Math), Professor, Head of Department, Moscow State Industrial University
E-mail: vkrasin@rambler.ruThe coordination-cluster model was used to estimate the influence of small lanthanum admixtures on the thermodynamic activity of tritium in the whole range of lithium and lead concentrations in Li-Pb-La-T melts at 400-800°C. As follows from the calculation results that lanthanum shiftes the boundary between melts with negative and positive deviations from ideality toward higher lead concentrations. It is shown that the derived equations are useful to provide understanding of a relationship between thermodynamic properties and local ordering in the Li-Pb-La-T melt. The effectiveness of lanthanum admixtures was compared with that of similar yttrium admixtures studied earlier.
Keywords: coordination-cluster model, the first coordination sphere, thermodynamic activity coefficient
- Moriyma H., Tanaka S., Sze D.K. Tritium recovery from liquid metals. Fusion Engineering and Design. 1995. Vol. 28. P. 226–239.
- Aiello A., Benamati G., Chini M. Hydrogen permeation through tritium permeation barrier in Pb-17Li. Fusion Engineering and Design. 2001. Vol. 58–59. P. 737–742.
- Lyublinskiy I.Ye., Kalin B. A., Chernov I.I., Krasin V.P. Requirements for the phase composition of chromium-nickel austenitic steel as the material of the first wall and fusion system with lithium as a coolant and tritium breeder. Fizika i khimiya obrabotki materialov. 1987. No. 1. P. 107–110.
- Chan Y.C., Veleckis E.A. Thermodynamic investigation of dilute solutions of hydrogen in liquid Li-Pb alloys. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 1984. Vol. 122–123. P. 935–940.
- Saboungi M.-L., Marr J., Blander M. Thermodynamic properties of quasi-ionic alloy from electromotive force measurements: the Li-Pb system. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1978. Vol. 68. P. 1375–1384.
- Krasin V.P., Soyustova S.I. Comparison of liquid metal solution model prediction with compatibility data of niobium with liquid sodium. Journal of nuclear materials. 2014. Vol. 451. P. 24–27.
- Krasin V.P., Soyustova S.I., Lyublinskiy I.Ye. Coordination-cluster model for the calculation of the Sievert’s constant of hydrogen solutions in Pb-Bi-Li melts. Perspektivnye materialy. 2010. No. 3. P. 38–43.
- Krasin V.P., Soyustova S.I. Analysis of interactions in Na-Nb-O melts using coordination-cluster model. Perspektivnye materialy. 2013. No. 8. P. 40–44.
- Blander M., Saboungi M.L., Cerisier P. A statistical mechanical theory for activity coefficients of a dilute solute in a binary solvent. Metallurgical Transactions B. 1979. Vol. 10. P. 613–622.
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- Lupis C.H.P. Chemical thermodynamics of materials. New York, North-Holand, 1989. – 503 p.
- Kubaschewski O. and Alcock C.B. Metallurgical Thermochemistry. Oxford.: Pergamon, 1979 (Moscow, Metallurgiya, 1982). – 393 p.
- Krasin V.P., Lyublinski I.E. Influence of the fourth component on tritium behavior in Li-Pb melts. Fusion Science and Technology. 2002. Vol. 41. P. 382–385.
- Lyublinski I.E., Evtikhin V.A., Krassine V.P. Effect of solutes on thermodynamic activity of tritium in liquid lithium blanket of fusion reactor. Fusion Technology. 1995. Vol. 28. P. 1223–1226.
I.S. Chabunin1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant professor, E-mail: tchabunin@rambler.ru
V.I. Shcherbakov2, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, E-mail: visherbakov@mail.ru
1 General Professional Disciplines Military Institute (Combined Arms)
2 Moscow State Mechanical Engineering UniversityThe article describes the equations modeling using the method of forming filter of microprofile of road surface based on two lanes of traffic machine. For its practical realization there have been obtained differential equations of forming filter of the road types that are most commonly encountered in the literature, among them such types have been considered as: road with smooth cobblestone pavement, the road with a broken cobblestone pavement, a road with asphalt coating. There has been conducted an examination of the adequacy of the obtained differential equations for the simulation algorithm of microprofiles by matching the compatibility of correlation functions, built on the simulated microprofiles of two lanes of transport machine movement.
Keywords: microprofile of road surface, forming filter, random process, correlation function, spectral density, mathematical simulation.
- Whitney C.A. Random processes in physical systems. New York: John Willey, 1990. – 320 p.
- Tarasik V.P. The theory of the motion of the car: the Textbook for High Schools. SPb.: BHV-Petersburg, 2006. – 478 p.
- Shalygin A.C., Palagin Y.I. Applied methods of statistical modeling. L.: Mashinostroenie. Leningrad div., 1986. – 320 p.
- Rykov S.P. Fundamentals of the theory and methods of assessment of absorbing and smoothing ability of the pneumatic tire for calculations of suspension, oscillation and smoothness of the car. Dis. ... Doctor of Technical Sciences. M., 2005. – 430 p.
- Chabunin I.S. Simulation of random microprofile of road surface by the method of shaping filter. Izvestiya MGTU «MAMI». 2013. Vol. 1. No. 1 (15). P. 218–225.
- Chabunin I.S., Shcherbakov V.I. Application of spectral representations method for solving problems of statistical dynamics of the vehicle. Journal of Automotive Engineers. 2013. No. 4 (81). P. 28–32.
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- Gusev A.S., Karunin A.L., Kramskoy N.A., Starodubtsev S.A. Reliability of mechanical systems and structures under random effects. M.: MGTU «MAMI», 2001. – 284 p.
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