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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2015 year → Issue 1

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Machines and Machine Systems
A.A. Raykov, A.V. Burmistrov, M.D. Bronstein, S.I. Salikeev
Influence of compression time on pumping characteristics of scroll vacuum pump
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
O.A. Rusanov, V.V. Kochergin, A.A. Bukhantsev, V.V. Brekson
Calculating analysis of welded joints bearing structures of railway rolling stock
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
V.N. Skopinsky, N.A. Berkov, N.A. Stolyarova
Nonlinear analysis and determining the plastic limit loads for pressure vessel with ellipsoidal head and nozzle under combined loading
Analysis and Synthesis of Machines
O.F. Trofimov
Characteristics of assessment of structural durability based on the results of fatigue test of physical objects
Analysis and Synthesis of Machines
A. Taratorkin
Parametric oscillations of multiplate clutches lined plates of the vehicle powertrain
Automation of Designing and Production
L.A. Shirokov, O.L Shirokova
Automatic parametric optimization of regulatory systems with constraints on controlling coordinates
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
A. Artyunin, A. Khomenko, S. Eliseev, Julia Ermoshenko
Generalized model of vibrational nonlinear mechanics and relationship between mechanical system vibration frequency and angular rate of pendulum rotation
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
V. P. Krasin
Theoretical investigation of thermodynamic properties of tritium in LI-PB-LA melts
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Machines and Systems
I.S. Chabunin, V.I. Shcherbakov
Computer simulation of random road microprofile for two lane transport machine movement
