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N.A. Kostin1, Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate professor
E-mail: nikolay-kostin@yandex.ru
E.V. Trusova1, Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate professor
E-mail: ev.trusova@yandex.ru
1 Kursk State UniversityThe experimental research on cyanide carburizing of P6M5, P6M3 and P18 quick-cutting steel in the salt bath containing carbamide was carried out. It has been shown that cyanide carburizing of tungsten-molybdenum steel increases its hardness and firmness to the level of traditional steel P18, which contains three times as much of very expensive and extremely insufficient tungsten as P6M5, P6M3.
Keywords: low-temperature cyanide carburizing, quick-cutting alloy steel, hardness, tool firmness.
- Shevchuk S.A. Materials for the Machine Tool Industry and the Technological Formation of their Operational Properties // STIN. 1996. No. 2. P. 23–26. (in Russian).
- Gudremon E. Special Steel. T1. – M .: Metallurgy, 1966. (in Russian). – 1269 p.
- Zayavka na izobretenie № 2013156397/02 (087911) Sostav vanny dlya cianirovaniya metallov b splavov v zhidkikh sredakh (RF). FGBOU VPO KGU – patentoobladatel; avtory: N.A. Kostin, E.V. Trusova, V.I. Kolmykov, 2013.
- Kolmykov V.I., Roslyakov I.N. Low-Temperature Structural Steel Cyanide Carburizing Using Non-Cyanic Salt Baths // Strengthening Technologies and Covering. 2009. No. 7. P. 27–29.
- Mirkin L.N. X-ray Control of Engineering Materials: Handbook. – M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1979. (in Russian) – 134 p.
A.M. Drits1, Executive Director
E-mail: Alexander.Drits@jmail.com;
V.V. Ovchinnikov1, Professor of the department “Materials Science and Technology of Structural Materials”
E-mail: vikov1956@mail.ru
1 Privately held company “Alkoa SMZ”
2 FGBOU VPO “Moscow state industrial university”The article summarizes the results of the research into mechanical properties of 1565 aluminium alloy sheets depending on the degree of auto-frettage and heat treatment conditions after rolling. It has been shown that the annealing temperature of 315-320 °C reduces the strength and increases the plastic properties of sheets. The sheets have equal properties in the longitudinal and transverse directions of their rolling. There have been also described the mechanical properties of welded joints of 1565 alloy sheets obtained by argon-arc welding at different testing temperatures.
Keywords: aluminum alloys of Al-Mg alloy sheets, 1565 alloy sheets, zinc alloying, mechanical properties, sheets heat treatment, argon-arc welding, properties of the weld joints.
- Gureeva M.A., Grushko O.E. Aluminum Alloys in Welded Constructions of Modern Vehicles // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2009. No. 3. P. 27–41.
- Drits A.M., Ovchinnikov V.V., Rastopchin R.N. Technological Properties of Sheets Welded from 1565 Aluminum Alloy for the Tank Production// Technology of Light Alloys. 2012. No. 3. P. 20–29.
- TС 1-3-194-2011. 1565 Aluminum Alloy Sheets. Technical Conditions.
- GOST 14806-80. Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys in Inert Gases. Welded Connections. The Main Types, Features and Dimensions.
- Drits A.M., Ovchinnikov V.V., Pakhomov D.A., Gureyeva M.A. Influence of Welding Technology on Properties of Compound Alloy Sheets of Al-Zn-Mg // Blanking Production in Mechanical Engineering. 2012. No. 6. P. 10–17.
- Drits A.M., Ovchinnikov V.V., Rastopchin R.N. Study of Properties of Welded Joints of 1565 Alloy for the Construction of Welded Tanks // Non-Ferrous Metals. 2012. No. 12. P. 85–89.
- Drits A.M., Ovchinnikov V.V. Properties of Welded Joints of 1565 Alloy Sheets in Combination with Other Aluminium Alloys // Non-Ferrous Metals. 2013. No. 11. P. 84–89.
- Drits A.M., Ovchinnikov V.V., Rastopchin R.N. Specific Features of Welding of 1565 Aluminium Alloy Sheet in the production of Gas Tanks // Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education. 2013. No. 4. Р. 24–36.
F. B. Andreev1,2, PhD student
E-mail: fedor.andreev@ec-lyon.fr
A. M. Gouskov1,3, Professor
E-mail: gouskov_am@mail.ru
F. Thouverez2, Professeur
E-mail: fabrice.thouverez@ec-lyon.fr
L. Blanc2, maître de conferences
E-mail: laurent.blanc@ec-lyon.fr
1 BMSTU, Department of applied mechanics, Russia
2 Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes, UMR CNRS 5513,Equipe Dynamique des Systèmes et des Structures, France
3 RSC "Kurchatovsky", Department of Robotics and Microsystems, RussiaThe article introduces a model of the rotor system in the form of a central disc with flexible blades on it and flexible stator with labyrinth seals located on the tip of the blades. The interaction between the rotating rotor and the stator is adjusted through the gas flow in the straight-through labyrinth seal. The stability of stationary motion of the coupled system of the rotor – stator – labyrinth seal is studied. It has been shown that in the presented model there is a stability loss of the stationary motion in the system because of the presence of a labyrinth seal. The model proposed provides a new approach to modeling rotor systems with labyrinth seals where the stator is modeled as a flexible body and the rotor as a bladed disk.
Keywords: labyrinth seal, rotor dynamics, stability of the rotors.
- Childs D.W. Turbomachinery Rotordynamics: Phenomena, Modeling, and Analysis. N.: Wiley Interscience, 1993. – 312 p.
- Andreev F.B., Gouskov A.M., Thouverez F., Blanc L. Modeling of a Gas Flow Dynamics in the Labyrinth Seal of a Rotor and a Stator // Mechanical Industry and Engineering Education. 2014. № 2. Pp. 45–53.
- Merkin D. R. Introduction to the Theory of the Stability of Motion. M.: Nauka, 1987. – 304 p.
- Legrand M. Modeles de Prediction de l’Interaction Rotor / Stator dans un Moteur d’Avion: PhD Thesis. N., 2005. – 247 p.
M.G. Voynovskiy1, Ph.D. student
E-mail: mak3989@yandex.ru
1 Bryansk State Technical University, Department of Dynamics and strength of machines, RussiaThe article discusses the construction of static characteristics for elastomeric shock absorber. The comparison of experimental and computational characteristics is given. Laminar and turbulent schemes for modeling static characteristics in a dynamic setting are compared.
Keywords: elastomer, draft gear, static testing, turbulent and laminar model.
- OST 32.175-2001. Absorbing Devices of Automatic Coupler of Freight Cars and Locomotives. General Technical Requirements. – Moscow: Russian Ministry of Railways, 2001.
- Goryachev S.A. Development of Methodology for the Design and Selection of Parameters for Freight Wagons Elastomeric Draft Gear: author. PhD dissertation. Ekaterinburg, 1999. – 26 p.
- Stupin D.A. Determination of Rational Parameters of Elastomeric Draft Gear of Coupler of Freight Wagons: author. PhD dissertation. Moscow, 2001 – 22 p.
- Vasiliev A.S. Improving the Efficiency of the Friction Draft Gear of Coupler through the Use of Elastomeric Spacer Nodes: PhD dissertation. Bryansk, 2013. – 142 p.
- Gurov A.M. Estimation of Influence the Parameters of Modern Shock Absorbers on the Longitudinal Dynamics of the Train: author. PhD dissertation. Bryansk, 2007. – 20 p.
- Fatkov E.A. Mathematical Modeling of the Modern Draft Gear of Coupler and the Development of Software for the Calculation of Their Characteristics: author. PhD dissertation. Bryansk, 2009. – 20 p.
- Boldyrev A.P., Keglin B.G. Calculation and Design of Shock Absorbers in Rolling Stock: – M.: Engineering-1, 2004. – 198 p.
- Keglin B.G.,Voynovskiy M.G. Improvements in Mathematical Model of Elastomeric Shock Absorber / / Herald BSTU. 2013. № 1. P. 27–35.
I.V. Demiyanushko1, Professor
E-mail: demj-ir@mail.ru
E.M. Loginov1, PhD student
E-mail: evgeny.m.loginov@gmail.com
V.V. Mironova1, Associate professor
E-mail: violettmir@gmail.com
A.M. Vakhromeev1, Associate professor
E-mail: ilka92@mail.ru
1 Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI), Department of Structural Mechanics, RussiaThis research is dedicated to the problem of the influence of assembly technology of high dimension stamped wheels, used in tractors, combine harvesters, road construction machines and other mechanisms, on the product fatigue strength and durability. The peculiarity of these wheels is their assembly construction. During the assembly process the disc is fixed into the rim under interference fit, with the welding following it. Stress-strain state analysis is performed using the finite element method (FEM). The analysis is performed under loads which correspond to wheel fatigue test under the bending with rotation performed in quasi-static problem statement. Stress values received in the framework of the calculation are used for the comparative evaluation of the construction fatigue strength depending on the versions of technological assembly of the wheel. Fatigue parameters of the wheel material are determined by means of testing the templates, which are cut out of the wheel, on the electrodynamics vibration stand. The methodology introduced allows performing comparative analysis of constructional and technological versions of wheel production to solve the task of increasing fatigue durability of the wheels.
Keywords: stamped wheels, fatigue strength, finite element method, bending with rotation, technology.
- Demiyanushko I.V. Aluminum Light Alloy Wheels for Passenger Cars: Design and Production / I.V. Demiyanushko, Yu.K. Esenovskiy, A.M. Vakhromeev // Automobile Industry. No. 9. 2002. P. 35–39.
- Demiyanushko I.V. IT and Creating Automotive Constructions / I.V. Demiyanushko, M.N. Yudin // Automobile Industry. No. 9. 2003. P. 3–5. EUWA ES 3.12. Test Requirements for Agricultural Wheels. 2004.
- GOST R 52390-2005. Road Vehicles. Disc Wheels. Technical Requirements and Test Methods. Мoscow.: Gosstandart, 2007. – 30 p.
- Zienkewicz O. Finite Element Method in Engineering Science. Мoscow.: Mir, 1975. – 544 p.
- Demiyanushko I.V. 'State-of-the-Art and Trends of Development of Reliability of Machines and Mechanisms', Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2011, pp. 173-183. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-1300-0_14.
- MSC. Patran 2012 User’s Guide. Available at: www.mscsoftware.com.
- MSC. Nastran 2012 Quick Reference Guide. Available at: www.mscsoftware.com.
- Batrak N.I., Vakhromeev A.M. Methodical Peculiarities of Passenger Car Wheels Fatigue Testing // Questions of Structural Mechanics and Constructions’ Reliability: Volume of MADI Scientific Works. – Мoscow.: MADI, 2010. P. 5–19.
I.A. Litvinov1, graduate student
E-mail: i.a.litvinov1@gmail.com
Yu.G. Matvienko2, deputy Director for Science, Doctor Science (Mech. Eng), Professor
E-mail: matvienko7@yahoo.com
I.A. Razumovsky2, head of Laboratory, Doctor Science (Mech. Eng), Professor
E-mail: murza45@gmail.com
1 Moscow State Technical University n.a. N.E. Bauman
2 Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of SciencesThe paper deals with the methodology of the determination of singular and nonsingular components of the stress field in the crack area when there are errors in the initial data, which is due to experimental or modelling inaccuracies. Numerical experiments have shown that the Williams’s functions allow determinating the required fracture mechanics parameters with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes, even in the presence of a significant error. The article presents a way of the approximate evaluation of the size of the area where the conditions of the modeling of a plane elastic problem associated with the presence of plastic strain, geometrical peculiarities or other factors are not fulfilled.
Keywords: crack, two-parameter fracture mechanics, evaluation methods of singular and nonsingular components of stress fields; modeling error, ductility area.
- Matvienko Yu.G. Models and Criteria of Fracture Mechanics. Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2006. – 328 p. [in Russian].
- Liu S., Chao Y.J. Variation of Fracture Toughness with Constraint // International Journal of Fracture. 2003. Vol. 124. P. 113–117.
- Matvienko Yu.G. Maximum Average Tangential Stress Criterion for Predication of Crack Path//International Journal of Fracture. 2012. Vol. 176. P. 113–118.
- Matvienko Yu.G., Muravin E.L. The Fracture Mechanics Parameters under Combined Loading by Normal Separation and the Shear // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2009. Vol. 38. N 5. P. 438–442.
- Meliani H.M., MatvienkoYu.G., Pluvinage G. Two-Parameter Fracture Criterion (Kρ,c-Tef,c) Based on Notch Fracture Mechanics // International Journal of Fracture. 2011. Vol. 167. P. 173–182.
- Matvienko Yu.G. Two Approaches to the Integration of Non-Singular T-Stress in the Criteria of Fracture Mechanics of Bodies with Notches // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2011. Vol. 40. N 5. P. 494–498.
- Matvienko Yu.G. Nonsingular T-Stress In Problems of Two-Parameter Fracture Mechanics // Zavodskaya Laboratoriya. Diagnostica Materialov. 2012. № 2. P. 51-58. [in Russian].
- Nakamura T., Parks D.M. Determination of Elastic T-Stress along Three-Dimensional Crack Fronts Using an Interaction Integral // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 1992. Vol. 29. P. 1597–1611.
- Matvienko Yu.G., Pochinkov R.A. The Influence of Non-Singular Components of T-Stress on the Plastic Deformation Zone at the Tip of a Normal Separation Crack // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). 2013. N 4. P. 262–271.
- Matvienko Yu.G., Chernyatin A.S., Rasumovskiy I.A. Numerical Analysis of the Non-Singular Components of the Three-Dimensional Stress Field at the Tip of a Mixed-Type Crack // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2013. № 4. P. 293–299.
- Morozov E.M., Muzemnek A.Yu., Shadskiy A.S. ANSYS in the Hands of an Engineer: Fracture Mechanics. Мoscow: LENLAND. 2008. – 456 p. [in Russian].
- Pisarev V.S., Matvienko Yu.G., Odintsev I.N. Determination of Fracture Mechanics Parameters for a Small Increment of Crack Length // Zavodskaya Laboratoriya. Diagnostica Materialov. 2012. Т. 78. № 4. С. 45–51. [in Russian].
- Yates J.R., Zanganeh M., Tai Y.H. Quantifying Crack Tip Displacement Fields with DIC // Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2010. Vol. 77. P. 1682–1692.
- Rasumovsky I.A. Interference-Optical Methods of Mechanics of Deformed Solid Body/Series: Foundations of Engineering Mechanics. Springer. 2011. – 270 p.
- Timoshenko S.P., Gudjer J., The Theory of Elasticity Мoscow: Nauka, 1979. – 560 p. [in Russian].
- Razumovsky I.A., Medvedev M.V. Procedure of Stress Intensity Factors Determination from Normal Displacement Patterns // Proc. Intern. Society for Optical Eng. 1995. 2791. P. 128–133.
- Benthem J.R. State of Stress at the Vertex of a Quarter-Infinite Crack in a Half-Space // Int. J.Solid and Struct. 1977. Vol. 13. No. 5. P. 479–492.
- Benthem J.R. A Quarter-Infinite Crack in a Half-Space; Alternative and Additional Solution // Int. J.Solid and Struct. 1980. Vol. 16. No. 2. P. 119–130.
M.V. Yumashev1, Senior researcher
E-mail: yumashevmikhail@gmail.com
V.B. Bednova2, Post-graduate student
E-mail: nicky-2005@mail.ru
M.M. Vergazov1, Junior researcher
E-mail: marat.vergazov@gmail.com
M.A Yumasheva1, Senior researcher
E-mail: marina.yum@ya.ru
1 Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
2 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, RussiaThe article considers the problem of determining the stress-strain state of a disk with a central hole and its destruction in the context of rapid pulse heating. This task simulates the behavior of the material after holes have been punched in it with a laser beam. Initially the material of the irradiated sample is assumed to be elastic-brittle, but in the local area with a strong influence of the laser when the surface is being heated, the occurrence of plastic flow is possible. On the basis of the approximate method of solving the heat equation, analytical expressions for the stress field have been obtained. It has been shown that there is a possibility of the nucleation of radial microcracks in a "cold" area of the disk, in which the temperature has almost no time to change. It has also been proved that the inclusion of plastic deformation in the heating zone has a significant influence on the formation and growth of cracks.
Keywords: plasticity, microfracture, energy flows.
- Gazuko I.V., Gryaznov I.M., Mirkin L.I. Blow-Zirconium Carbide Laser Beam // Problems of Strength. 1978. No. 2. P. 105–107 (in Russian).
- Redi J. The Action of Powerful Laser Radiation with Matter. M. World. 1975. P. 360 (in Russian).
- Skelton R.P., Miles L. Crack Propagation in Thick Cylinders of ½ CrMo v Steel during Thermal Shock. High Temp. Technol. 1984. V. 2. N 1. P. 23–34.
- Shesterikov S.A., Yumasheva M.A. To the Problem of the Temperature Fracture with the Fast Heating // A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences, Mechanics of Solids. 1983. No. 1. P. 128–135 (in Russian).
- Dimitrienko Y.I., Minin V.V., Syzdykov E.K. Numerical Modeling of Heat and Mass Transfer and Stress Kinetics of in Thermally Destructive Composite Membranes // Computational Technologies. 2012. Vol. 17. No. 2. P. 43–59 (in Russian).
- Barenblatt G.I. On some Approximate Methods in the Theory of One-Dimensional Unsteady Filtration in the Elastic Drive Regime // A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences, Division of Technical Sciences. 1954. No. 9. P. 108–112 (in Russian).
- Shesterikov S.A., Yumasheva M.A. Approximate Method for Assessing Non-Stationary Temperature Fields. Deformation and Fracture of Solids. M. Moscow University Press. 1973. P. 63–68 (in Russian).
- Lokoshchenko A.M. The Creep and the Long-Term Strength of Metals in the Aggressive Medium. M. Moscow University Press. 2000. – 178 p. (in Russian).
- Biot M.A. New Method in Heat Flow Analysis with Application to Flight Structures // Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences. Vol. 24. 1957. P. 857–873.
- Yumashev M.V., Yumasheva M.A., Krasnova P.A. Simulation of the Heating Process of the Body under Intense Thermal Effects on the Surface // Moscow University bulletin. 2010. No. 4. P. 44–54 (in Russian).
- Timoshenko S.P., Goodier J.N. Theory of Elasticity, Nauka, Moscow, 1975 (in Russian).
- Mirkin L.I., Shesterikov S.A., Yumashev M.V., Yumasheva M.A. Instability of Thermal Fracture under the Conditions of Constrained Deformation // Physico-Chemical Mechanics of Materials. 2006. No. 6. P. 55–60 (in Russian).
- Baharev M.S., Mirkin L.I., Shesterikov S.A., Yumasheva M.A. Structure and Strength of Materials with the Laser Action. M. Moscow University Press. 1988. – 224 p. (in Russian).
- Grigorian S. S. Some Problems of the Mathematical Theory of Deformation and Fracture of Hard Rocks. PMM, 1967. Vol. 31. No. 4. P. 643–669 (in Russian).
L.A. Shirokov1, Professor of the Department of Automation and control in engineering systems
E-mail: eduarlev@gmail.com
O.L. Shirokova2, Associate professor of the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics
E-mail: ol.shirokova@gmail.com
1 Moscow State Industrial University, Russia
2 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), RussiaThe article discusses a nonsearch method for automatic determination of optimal settings of regulators ensuring transition processes by means of specified boundary or reference points, for example, by means of dynamic error (first amplitude), overregulation (second amplitude), etc. Nonsearch method in the algorithm is provided by the application of sensitivity analysis for calculating a vector-gradient of the setting. Reference point automatic regulation is grounded on the utilization of a criterion which is based not on a usual integral evaluation of the whole transition process but on the direct evaluation of meeting the requirement for specified reference points. This has been made possible on the basis of sensitivity analysis.
Keywords: automatic control system, optimization, parametric synthesis, reference points, transition process.
- Nesterov A.L. Design PCS. - Publisher: DEAN, 2006. – 544p.
- Bundy B. Optimization Techniques - M .: Radio and Communication, 1988. – 128 p.
- Chernorutskii I.G. Optimization Methods in Control Theory – SPb .: Peter, 2004. – 256 p.
- Shtoyer R. Multiobjective Optimization: Theory, Computation and Application. – M.: Radio and Communication, 1992. – 504p.
- Shirokov L.A., Kokotovich P.V. On the Application of the Amplitude Quality Criterion to Automatically Determine the Optimal Parameters of Regulators // Electromechanics. 1968. No. 6. P. 653–660.
- Shirokov L.A. Synthesis of Compact Sensitivity to Automate the Parametric Design of Linear Control Systems // Engineering and Engineering Education. 2008. No. 3. P. 22–29.
- Shirokov L.A., Shirokova O.L. Formation of Optimization Algorithms for Control Systems to Minimize the Costs of Production Resources // Engineering and Engineering education. 2012. No. 4. P. 24–27.
O.A. Gorlenko1, Professor
E-mail: goa-bgtu@mail.ru
T.P. Mozhaeva1, Assistant Professor
E-mail: goa-bgtu@mail.ru
1 State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Bryansk State Technical University», RussiaThis article discusses the approach to improving the monitoring of educational process in the quality management system of the University on the basis of statistical justification of the appropriateness of the measuring instrument (test) when implementing this process.
Keywords: quality management system, monitoring of educational processes, measurement instrument (test), quality indicators of measuring instrument, estimation algorithm.
- Kremer N.S. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics: Textbook for Universities. M: UNITY-DANA, 2000. – 543 p.
- Crocker L., Algina J. Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory. – M.: Logos, 2010. – 668 p.
- Mozhaeva, T.P, Proskurin A.S. Quality Management of Lecture Form of Teaching: textbook / under the editorship of Professor O.A. Gorlenko. Bryansk: BSTU, 2011. – 80 p.
A.V. Maystruk, Professor of Moscow State Industrial University
E-mail: maisav2981958@mail.ruThe article presents a mathematical model of optimization problem of specialists training plans for enterprises with regard to security requirements on the basis of the minimum cost criterion. The paper considers the features of its formalization in the form of a two-index modified integer linear programming problem, as well as methodological approaches to bring non-standard linear programming problems to the standard form. The model efficiency is confirmed by the results of simulation models. The article also contains an example and ways of solving the optimization problem using the spreadsheet program MS Excel.
Keywords: workplace safety, education, risk, specialists, competence, potentially dangerous objects, optimization, mathematical modeling.
- On the Implementation of the State Policy in the Field of Working Conditions and Safety in the Russian Federation in 2013. – M .: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, 2014. – 54 p.
- GOST R 12.0.007-2009. SSBT. OSH Management System in the Organization. General Requirements for the Development, Implementation, Assessment Improvement. Date of Introduction – 2010-07-01. – M .: Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, 2009. – 34 p.
- Maystruk A.V. Safety Management of Complex Technical Systems: Mathematical Methods and Their Practical Application. – M .: VA Strategic Missile Forces. Peter the Great, 2007. – 256 p.
- Segal I.H., Ivanova A.P. Introduction to Applied Discrete Programming: Models and Computational Algorithms: Proc. Benefits. – 2nd ed. Corr. and add. – M.: FIZMATLIT, 2007. – 304 p.
- Greshilov A.A. Mathematical Methods of Decision-Making: Proc. Manual for Schools. – M .: Publishing House of the MSTU. NE Bauman, 2006. – 584 p.
- Holstein E.G., Yudin D.B. Linear Programming Problem of Transport Type. – M .: Nauka, 1967. – 384 p.
- Kornienko V.P. Optimization Methods: Tutorial / Kornienko V.P. – M .: Higher. wk., 2007. – 664 p.
- Ostreikovskiyi V.A. Reliability Theory: Proc. for Schools / Ostreikovskiyi V.A. – M .: Higher. wk., 2003. – 463 p.
- Leonenkov A.V. Solving Optimization Problems in the Medium MS Excel. – SPb.: BHV-Petersburg, 2005. – 704 p.
I.N. Volnov1, Director of the Center for Technology Support of Education
E-mail: ilja-volnov@yandex.ru
V.S. Nikolskiy1, Head of the Chair of Philosophy and History
E-mail: logos101@yandex.ru
E.L. Pustovalova2, postgraduate student
E-mail: epustovalova@strf.ru
1 Moscow State Industrial University, Russia
2 Moscow State University, RussiaThe article discusses some of the new trends in the global economic situation, shows the change in the role and content of engineering and engineering education in the near future and describes the concept of the Russian engineering competition as a mechanism for the development of engineering Olympiad movement in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: engineering education, Russian engineering competition.
- Stepin V.S. Philosophy of Science. Common Problems. – M., 2006. [in Russian].
- Ulanovskiy A.M. Constructivist Paradigm in the Humanities // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. 2006. Vol. Х. No. 4. P. 129–141. [in Russian].
- http://vso-mon.ru.
- http://vso-mon.ru/files/upload/pages/dokumenty/2015/plan_vso.pdf.
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