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Университет | Образование | Наука | Внеучебная жизнь |
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A.M. Lokoshchenko, Deputy Director of Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University
E-mail: loko@imec.msu.ruThe article describes the basic experimental and theoretical results on creep and creep rupture of metals which are received by researchers of Institute of Mechanics (Lomonosov Moscow State University). These results are development and generalization of the kinetic theory of creep and creep rupture, which was formulated by a distinguished soviet academician Yuri Nikolayevich Rabotnov. The basic special features of creep models are described, which correspond to tests at constant and variable stresses, strain and complex stress states, aggressive media etc.
Keywords: kinetic theory, creep, creep rupture, damage, tension, vibrocreep, modeling.
- Rabotnov Yu.N. Creep of Constructional Elements. – M. Nature. 1966. – 752 p.
- Lokoshchenko A.M., Shesterikov S.A. The Method of Description of Creep and Creep Rupture at One-Axis Strain // Appl. Mech. and Techn. Phys. 1980. No. 3. P. 155–159.
- Lokoshchenko A.M., Shesterikov S.A. To Problem of Design of Creep Rupture at Stepped Stress Change // Appl. Mech. and Techn. Phys. 1982. No. 2. P. 139–143.
- Lokoshchenko A.M., Shesterikov S.A. The Model of Creep Rupture with Unmonotonous Dependence Ruptured Strain from Stress // Appl. Mech. and Techn. Phys. 1982. No. 1. P. 160–163.
- Lokoshchenko A.M., Nazarov V.V. The Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Creep and Creep Rupture of Titan Alloy BT6 at 600oC // Izvestiya VUZov. Mashinostrojenie. 2008. No. 7. P. 3–11.
- Dacheva M.D., Lokoshchenko A.M., Shesterikov S.A. Model Description of Limit Strain at Creep // Appl. Mech. and Techn. Phys. 1984. No. 4. P. 139–142.
- Veklich N.A., Lokoshchenko A.M., Veklich P.N. Modeling of Resource of Strain Ability of Materials // Appl. Mech. and Techn. Phys. 2007. No. 5. P. 183–188.
- Shesterikov S.A., Yumasheva M.A. Concretization of State Equation on Creep Theory // Mechanics of Solids. 1984. No. 1. P. 86–91.
- Shesterikov S.A., Lebedev S.Yu., Yumasheva M.A. About Creep Rupture // Problems of Solid Mechanics. Vladivostok. 1996. P. 80–85.
- Lokoshchenko A.M. The New Method of Measuring of Metal Damage at Creep // Mechanics of Solids. 2005. No. 5. P. 108–122.
- Lokoshchenko A.M. Creep and Creep Rupture at Variable Stresses // Int. Conf. “Actual Problems of Solid Mechanics” (08-12.10.2012, Zachkadzor, Armenia). Erevan. 2012. Part 1. P. 325–328.
- Lokoshchenko A.M. Creep and Creep Rupture of Metals in Aggressive Media. – M. Lomonosov Moscow State University. 2000. – 178 p.
- Lokoshchenko A.M. Modeling of Creep Process and Creep Rupture of Metals. M. Moscow State Industrial University. 2007. – 264 p.
- Shesterikov S.A., Lokoshchenko A.M. Influence of Stress Concentration on Creep Rupture // Strength Problems. 1996. No. 5. P. 39–43.
- Lokoshchenko A.M. Modeling Methods of Metal Creep Rupture at Stationary and Unstationary Complex Stress States // Elasticity and Unelasticity. Int. Symp. About Problems of Mechanics of Deformed Media (100 years of A.A.Ilyushin). M. Lomonosov Moscow State University. 2011. P. 389–393.
- Lokoshchenko A.V., Nazarov V.V. Creep Rupture of Metals at Equal-Axes Plane Stress State // Appl. Mech. and Techn. Phys. 2009. No. 4. P. 150–157.
- Dacheva M.D., Shesterikov S.A., Yumasheva M.A. Damage at Complex Unstationary Stress State // Mechanics of Solids. 1998. No. 1. P. 44–47.
I.F. Goncharevich1, D.Sc, professor, academician-secretary
E-mail: info@imash.ru
E.G. Gudushauri2, D.Sc, professor, chief research scientist
E-mail: info@imash.ru
L.V. Gavrilina2, Research scientist
E-mail: info@imash.ru
1 Russian Academy of Engineering
2 Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of RASThe article considers examples of vibration engineering application in different branches of technology. It has been shown that application of additional vibrational impacts during minerals excavation facilitates the process of destruction of extracted array of natural resources, and that during further transportation it reduces the drag force movement of bulk material along the working body. The issue of vibration protection of both equipment and personnel while using vibrational technologies is under detailed discussion in the paper. It has been revealed that additional vibration impact of high frequency can shift the operating range of the unit into the over-resonance area; thus reducing the total levels of the excited oscillations, providing the safe work environment for an operator and a machine. There has been described a specific scheme of dynamically balanced biharmonic drive, which helps increase efficiency of the machine and reduce the harmful effects on both the machine and the human.
Keywords: vibration engineering, rotor machines, vibrational frequency, vibrational protection, biharmonic drive.
- Goncharevich I.F. Modernization of Harbor Fright Transshipment Installations. – М.: the Altair Publishers –MGAVT, 2012. –144 p.
- Goncharevich I.F. Research into Kinematical Chain Dynamics with Translational Movements of Cyclic Robot Manipulator with Pneumatic Drive. – М.: the Altair Publishers – MGAVT, 1999. – 32p.
- Goncharevich I.F., Gudushauri E.G. Protection of Man-Operator Against Vibrational Impacts and Increase of Technological Equipment Efficiency Using Vibrational Equipment // J. Engineering and Automation Problems. 2012. No. 3. P. 69–81.
- Goncharevich I.F., Gudushauri E.G. Some Modelling Approaches of Machine and Technological Facilities Using Phenomenological Models of Processed Dispersed Media // J. Engineering and Automation Problems. 2011. No. 2. P. 81–91.
- Goncharevich I.F., Kabychkin D.A. Research into Operational Modes of Chain Working Body of a Harbor Freight Transshipment Facility of the Kratzer Type // Mogilev, Inetrstroymech, 2011. P. 4–9.
- Goncharevich I.F., Nikulin K.S. Robotic systems. – М.: the Altair Publishers – MGAVT, 2011. – 60 p.
- Goncharevich I.F., Til B.A. Symmetric Oscillations – a Means for Increasing Efficiency of Vibrational Technological Processes // J. XXI c. 2005. No. 5. P. 46–54.
- Goncharevich I.F., Chetvertukhin N.V. Efficiency Increase of Harbor Bulk Cargoes Port // J. Handling Business. 2012. No. 3. P. 2–5.
- Goncharevich I.F., Chetvertukhin N.V. Rotor Cranes and Excavators with Pulse Drives // Mogilev, Interstroymech. 2011. P. 15–19.
- Goncharevich I.F., Frolov K.V. Theory of Vibratory Technology. – New York, Washington, Philadelphia, London, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation. 1990. – 540 p.
- Gudushauri E.G., Panovko G.Ya. Vibrational Technological Processes Theory under Non-Coulomb Friction. – М.: Nauka Publishers, 1988. – 145 p.
- Gusev B., Goncharevich I. Vibration and Wave Technologies // Proceedings of International Conference «Aims and Future of Engineering». Hong Kong. 2005. P. 22–31.
- Kuklev A.V., Goncharevich I.F. Computer Estimation Methods of Efficient Processing Conditions for the ccm's Casting Mold // Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Continuous Casting. Rechione, Italy. 2008. P. 36–43.
- Panovko G.Ya. Vibrational Technological Processes’ Dynamics. – М.-Izhevsk: The RKhD Publishers, 2006. – 158 p.
- Panovko G.Ya. Lecture Course on Fundamentals of Vibrational Machines and Technologies. - М.: N. Bauman MGTU Publishers, 2008. – 192 p.
- Spivakovsky A.O., Goncharevich I.F. Vibrational and Wave Machines. – М.: the Nauka Publishers, 1985. – 288 p.
- Patent of the Russian Federation № 2499099, MPK E02D3/074, H02K7/065. Vibrational Drive for Development of Oscillation Bi-harmonic Modes / Goncharevich I.F., Gudushauri E.G., Galkin M.P.; Published on November 20, 2013. Bulletin No. 32.
- Patent of the Russian Federation № 2327544, MPK B22D11/053. Method and Device for Vibrational Treatment of Continuously Cast Billets / Elansky G.N., Goncharevich I.F.; Published on June 27, 2008. Bulletin No. 18.
- Patent of the Russian Federation № 2239516, MPK 7 B22D11/051, B22D11/053. Method and Device for Vibrational Treatment of Continuously Cast Billets / Elansky G.N., Goncharevich I.F., Kosyrev A.I.,, Galkin M.P., Kakabadze R.V.; Published on November 10, 2004, Bulletin No. 14.
- Patent of the Russian Federation № 2428274, MPK B22D 11/051. Continuous Steel Casting Method /Ayzin Yu.M., Ganin D.R., Goncharevich I.F., Kuklev A.V., Longinov A.M.; Published on September 10, 2011. Bulletin No. 25.
- Patent of the Russian Federation № 2378084, MPK B22D11/051. Continuous Steel Casting Method / Kuklev A.V., Parshin V.M., Goncharevich I.F., Ganin D.R., Ayzin Yu.M.; Published on January 10, 2010, Bulletin No. 1.
A.A. Zverev1, Head of Laboratory of laser and plasma processing of materials
E-mail: lam2@mail.msiu.ru
A.M. Lyubchenko1, Assistant professor of the Department of Materials Science and Technology of Structural Materials
E-mail: lam2@mail.msiu.ru
A.D. Shlyapin1, Head of the Department of Materials Science and Technology of Structural Materials
E-mail: 6883412@mail.ru
1 Moscow State Industrial UniversityThe paper considers electro-arc metallizing of polymer composite materials, gives recommendations aimed at improving this technology and discusses the results of the research obtained on the basis of glass-fiber plastics T-10-14.
Keywords: electro-arc metallization, polymeric composite materials
- Bulanov I.M. Composite Materials – the Basis of Aircrafts of XXI Century // Polet. 2004. № 3. P. 14–21.
- Black S. Lightning Strike Protection Strategies For Composite Aircraft. (http://www.compositesworld.com/articles/lightning-strike-protection-strategies-for-composite-aircraft).
- Szatkowski G. Lightning Strike Protection for Composite Aircraft, Nasa Tech Briefs. (http://www.techbriefs.com/component/article/5358).
- Boronenkov V.N., Korobov Yu.S. The basis of Arc Metallization: monograph. – Ekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House, 2012. – 268 p.
O.F. Trofimov, professor of the department of Natural and technical Sciences of MSIU
E-mail: oleg31934@hotbox.ruThe article contains the results of experiments at random modes of stress changes for several widely-spread materials both with and without stress concentrators. It has been investigated the influence of rarely occurred voltage surge as a result of fatigue damage accumulation under the effect of a random process. It has been determined that fatigue damage accumulation is significantly influenced by voltage surge which occur in the process with the probability up to p = 10-5. There has been also considered the possibility of calculating this influence with the help of computational method and have been given the recommendations concerning the application area of the results achieved.
Keywords: fatigue damage, fatigue curve, long life of the structure, stationary random process, emission level in stationary process.
- Trofimov O.F., Krasikov V.S. Evaluation of Formation of Exploitation Loading Processes in Respect to Questions of Fatigue Damage of Automobile Construction Parts// Design, Research, Technology and Economy of Automobile Production. 1980. Issue 9. P. 141–154.
- Gladkiy V.F. Durability, Vibration and Reliability of Aircraft Constructions. – M.: Nauka, 1975. – 454 p.
- Ekimov V.V. Probabilistic Methods in Aircraft Structural Mechanics. – Leningrad.: Sudostroenie, 1966. – 325 p.
- Trofimov O.F. Influence of Nonstationary Stochastic Processes of Loading on Fatigue Damage in Construction Materials//Mechanical Industry and Engineering Education. 2013. Issue 1. P. 46–53.
- Methodical Guidelines. Methods of Calculations of Machine Parts Durability in Probabilistic Aspect. – M.: Publishing House of Standards, 1980. – 32 p.
- Trofimov O.F. Forecasting of Fatigue Damage in Construction Materials under Stochastic Loading Modes// Mechanical Industry and Engineering Education. 2012. Issue 3. P. 17–23.
- Trofimov O.F. Influence of Broadbandness of Loading Processes on Fatigue Life of Automobile Constructions// Design, Research, Technology and Economy of Automobile Production. 1978. Issue 8. P. 126–145.
- Evaluation of Fatigue Strength and Life of Automobile Parts. РТМ., State Register №73032356-76. – 240 p.
F.B. Andreev1, PhD student
E-mail: fedor.andreev@ec-lyon.fr, fedrun@yandex.ru
A.M. Gouskov1,2, Professor of the department of applied mechanics
E-mail: gouskov_am@mail.ru
F. Thouverez3, Professor of Ecole Centrale de Lyon
E-mail: fabrice.thouverez@ec-lyon.fr
L. Blanc3, Lecturer of Ecole Centrale de Lyon
E-mail: laurent.blanc@ec-lyon.fr
1 BMSTU, Department of applied mechanics, Russia
2 SIC " Kurchatov Institute", Russia
3 Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes, UMR CNRS 5513,Equipe Dynamique des Systèmes et des Structures, FranceThe present work studies the dynamics of the gas flow in the labyrinth seal of the rotor with the stator. The main attention is paid to the evaluation of rotordynamic coefficients taking into account the movement of gas through the labyrinth seal. Leak flow and pressure distribution is calculated using a modified Newman method, and the circumferential velocity distribution – with the use of a friction-factor model of Papaevangelou. The resulting calculation of the rotordynamic coefficients is compared with those given by other researchers.
Keywords: labyrinth seal, rotordynamic coefficients, friction-factor model, rotor dynamics
- Traupel V. Thermal Turbomachine. M.: Gosenergoizdat, 1961. – 344 p.
- Eser D., Kazakia J. Air Flow in Cavities of Labyrinth Seals // International Journal of Engineering Science. 1995. No. 33. P. 2309–2326.
- Childs D. W., Scharrer J. K. An Iwatsubo-Based Solution for Labyrinth Seals: Comparison to Experimental Results // Trans. ASME J. of Engr. for Gas Turbines and Power. 1986a. No. 108. P. 325–331.
- Picardo A. M. High Pressure Testing of See-Through Labyrinth Seals // Technical report for Mechanical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University. 2003. P. 27.
- Banakh L., Panovko G. Oscillations of Shaft on Vibrating Foundation // Journal of Vibroengineering. 2009. Vol. 11. No. 3. P. 415–420.
- Panovko G.Y. Lections on the Basics of Vibratory Machines and Technologies. M.: BMSTU, 2008. – 192 p.
- Gouskov A.M., Panovko G.Y. On Parametric Oscillations of Pendular and Rotor Systems // Journal of Vibroengineering. 2008. Vol. 10. No. 3. P. 277–282.
- Alford J. S. Protecting Turbomachinery from Self-Excited Rotor Whirl // Trans. ASME J. of Engineering for Power. 1965. No. 87. P. 333–344.
- Benckert H., Wachter J. Flow Induced Spring Coefficients of Labyrinth Seals for Application in Rotor Dynamics // NASA Conf. Pub. 2133: Rotordynamic Instability Problems in High-Performance Turbomachinery. Texas, 1980. P. 189–212.
- Kanki H., Morii S. Destabilizing Force of Labyrinth Seal // NASA Conf. Pub. 2443: Rotordynamic Instability Problems in High-Performance Turbomachinery. Texas, 1986. P. 205–224.
- Iwatsubo T. Evaluation of Instability Forces of Labyrinth Seals in Turbines or Compressors // NASA Conf. Pub. 2133: Rotordynamic Instability Problems in High-Performance Turbo Machinery. Texas, 1980. P. 139–168.
- Merkin D. R. Introduction to the Theory of the Stability of Motion. M.: Nauka, 1987. – 304 p.
- Hirs G. G. A Bulk-Flow Theory for Turbulence in Lubricating Films // ASME Journal of Lubrication Technology. 1973. No. 95. P. 137–146.
- Nelson C. Rotordynamic Coefficients for Compressible Flow in Tapered Annular Seals // ASME Journal of Tribology. 1985. No. 107. P. 318–325.
- Nelson C., Nguyen D. Comparison of Hirs' Equation with Moody's Equation for Determining Rotordynamic Coefficients of Annular Pressure Seals // ASME Journal of Tribology. 1987. No. 109. P. 144–148.
- Papaevangelou G., Evangelides C. and Tzimopoulos C. A New Explicit Relation for Friction Coefficient f in the Darcy – Weisbach Equation // In Proceedings of PRE10: Protection and Restoration of the Environment. Thessaloniki, 2010. P. 166–173.
- Neumann K. Zur Frage der Verwendung von Durchblickdichtungen im Dampfturbinenbau // Maschinenbau-technilc. 1964. No. 13. P. 188–195.
- Childs D. W. Turbomachinery Rotordynamics: Phenomena, Modeling, and Analysis. N.: Wiley Interscience, 1993. – 312 p.
- Malvano R., Vatta F. and Viglianti A. Rotordynamic Coefficients for Labyrinth Gas Seals: Single Control Volume Model // Meccanica. 2001. No. 36. P. 731–744.
- Scharrer J. A Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Results for Rotordynamic Coefficients for Labyrinth Gas Seals // Technical report SEAL-2-85, Texas AM University. 1985.
V.I. Erofeev1,2, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of the department Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
E-mail: erof.vi@yandex.ru
D.A. Kolesov1,2, PhD student
E-mail: alandess@yandex.ru
E.E. Lissenkova3 , Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, associate professor of Mathematics and Systems Analysis
E-mail: EELissen@yandex.ru
1 Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, Russia
2 Nizhny Novgorod State University, Russia
3 Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management – Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian FederationThe article considers the self-consistent dynamical problem, which includes a one-dimensional deformable guideline (string), the elastic-inertial base (system of oscillators) and moving oscillating load. It has been shown that in this system the moving load even at low ("subcritical") speed causes the generation of elastic waves. The frequencies and wave numbers of the excited waves have been determined.
Keywords: deformable guide, moving source, the elastic-inertial base, wave generation
- Klepikov S.N. Calculation of Structures on Elastic Foundation. – Kiev: PH «Budivelnik», 1967. – 185 p.
- Vesnitskiy A.I. Waves in Systems with Moving Boundaries and Loads. – Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2001. – 320 p.
- Erofeev V.I., Kolesov D.A., Lissenkova E.E. Study of Wave Processes in One-dimensional System on an Elastic-Inertial Base with Moving Source // Bulletin of Science and Technology Development. 2013. No. 6. P. 18–29.
- Vesnitskiy A.I. Selected Works on Mechanics. – N. Novgorod: PH «Our house», 2010. – 248 p.
- Mandelstam L.I. Lectures on Optics, Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. – Moscow: Science, 1972. – 438 p.
E.N. Aristova1, Leading Researcher
E-mail: aristovaen@mail.ru
G.A. Pestryakova1, Senior Researcher
E-mail: pestraykova@mail.ru
S.G. Ponomarev2, Leading Researcher
E-mail: psgpsg1@ya.ru
М.I. Stoynov1, Senior Researcher
E-mail: misuka@mail.ru
1 Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia
2 Moscow State Industrial University, RussiaThe article investigates the interaction of synthetic diamonds of different density (monocrystal, powders, speck and others) with neutrons. Numerical calculations were performed in the active zone of the reactor IR-8 with a beryllium, diamond and mixed diamond-beryllium reflectors. For different types of reflectors the critical dimensions of the reactor, flows and neutron spectrum have been calculated and compared. The results obtained have shown that the application of new carbon materials for reactor reflectors can significantly improve the efficiency of working research installations.
Keywords: reflector of nuclear reactor, numerical modeling, neutron flows, carbon materials.
- Aristova E.N., Baydin D.F., Gol'din V.Ya. Two Variants of Economical Method for Solving the Transport Equation in R-Z Geometry on the Basis of Transition to Vladimirov’s Variables // Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie. 2006. Vol. 18. No. 7. P. 43–52.
- 2. Gol'din V.Ya., Pestryakova G.A., Troshchiev Yu.V. Control of a Fast Reactor Burning Uranium–Plutonium Oxide Fuel in a Self-Adjustable Regime without Excess Reactivity // Atomic Energy. 2004. Vol. 97. No. 1. P. 3–9.
- Gol’din V.Ya., Troshchiev Yu.V., Pestryakova G.A. Control of Fast Neutron Reactor in the Self-Regulating Regime of the Second Kind // Doklady Akademii Nauk. 1999. Vol. 369. No. 2. P. 170–172.
- Gol’din V.Ya., Pestryakova G.A., Troshchiev Yu.V. Improvement of Mathematical Model of Self-Adjustable Nuclear Reactor // Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie. 2002. Vol. 14. No. 12. P. 39–47.
- Nikolaev M.N., Cebulay A.M., Cikunov A.G., etc. Complex Programs CONSYST/ABBN - Preparation of ABBN Constants to the Calculations of Reactor and Protection. Report SSC RF IPPE №9865, 1998. – 145 p.
- Buslaev V.S., Dubovets G.G., Gigachev V.M., Karachenskiy V.F., Ryakhovsky U.S., Chervyacov A.A., Shavrov P.I., Yashin A.F. Experience in Installation Works for Reactor IR-8 in Kurchatov’s IAE Creation // Proceedings of the Meeting of Experts for the Exchange of Experience Reconstruction of Research Reactors in COMECON Countries. M. CNIIATOMINFORM, 1984. P. 78–99.
- Bat G.A., Kochenov A.S., Kabanov L.P. Research Nuclear Reactors. – Moscow, Energoizdat, 1985. – 272 p.
- Ryazantsev E.P., Nasonov V. A., Yegorenkov P.M, Yakovlev V.V., Yashin A.F., Kuznetsov I.A., Rozhkov V.N.. Experimental Possibilities and Perspectives of Using Reactor IR-8 RRC “KI” for Fundamental and Applied Research. – Moscow, Preprint IAE-6411/4, 2006. – 35 p.
- Veinberg A., Vigner E. Physical Theory of Nuclear Reactors. – Moscow, Foreign literature, 1961. – 218 p.
M.M. Semenova1, Student, technician of department “Strength, Survivability and Safety of Machines”, Russian academy of Science
E-mail: mms_litta@mail.ru
Yu.G. Matvienko2, Professor, Head of department “Strength, Survivability and Safety of Machines”
E-mail: matvienko7@yahoo.com
1 National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia
2 Institute of Machines Science named after A.A.Blagonravov of the Russian Academy of SciencesThe article contains a theoretical investigation into the criterion of the surface crack path growth under rolling-sliding contact loading by means of tangential stress averaging taking into account the nonsingular T-stress and friction coefficient. The effect of friction coefficient and the contact point on the crack path has been analyzed. It has been shown that there is strong effect of the contact point on the crack path.
Keywords: average stress, contact loading, T-stress, surface crack of mixed mode.
- Erdogan, F., and Sih, G.C. On the Crack Extension in Plates Under Plane Loading and Transverse Shear // ASME. Journal Basic Engineering. 1963. Vol. 85. P. 525–527.
- Sih G.C. Strain-Energy-Density Factor Applied to Mixed Mode Crack Problems // International Journal of Fracture. 1974. Vol. 10. P. 305–321.Parteymüller P.. Numerische Simulation Der 3D-Rißausbreiung Mit Der Randelementmethode // Fortschritt-Berichte. 1999. VDI 18(242).
- Matvienko Yu. G. Maximum Average Tangential Stress Criterion for Prediction of the Crack Path // International Journal of Fracture. 2012. Vol. 176. P. 113–118.
- Matvienko Yu. G. Models and Criteria of Mechanics of Fracture. – М.: FIZMATLIT, 2006. – 328 p.
- Matvienko Yu. G. Two-Parameter Mechanics of Fracture in the Modern Problems of Strength // Problems of mechanical engineering and reliability of Machines. 2013. Vol. 5. P. 37–46.
- Zafošnik B., Ren Z., Flašker J., Mishuris G. Modelling of Surface Crack Growth under Lubricated Rolling–Sliding Contact Loading // International Journal of Fracture. 2005. Vol. 134. P. 127–149.
V.B. Bulanov1, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, associate professor of «Applied Mechanics»
E-mail: bulanov1937@mail.ru
I. Е. Semenov-Ezhov1, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, associate professor of «Applied Mechanics»
E-mail: semenovezhov@mail.ru
А. А. Shirshov1, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, associate professor of «Applied Mechanics»
E-mail: chirchovaa@mail.ru
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityThe article contains a brief overview of the experimental and theoretical work on stress concentration in force-fit joints of parts. There has been performed an analysis of the works which have solved the problem of the washers, solid discs and pin press fitting in plates of different shapes with and without taking into accounts surface roughness. The issue of external load effect on the stress concentration in bolt joint with radial force-fit has been analyzed as well.
Keywords: stress concentration, coefficient of concentration, tightness, force-fit connection, contact pressure.
- Savin G.N., Tulchiy V.N. Reference Book on Stress Concentration. – Kiev: Vischa Shkola, 1976. – 410 p.
- Peterson R. Stress Concentration Coefficients. – M.: Mir, 1977. – 302 p.
- Kagaev V.P., Makhutov N.A., Gusenkov A.P. Calculation of Machine Parts and Constructions for Strength and Durability. – Reference Book. – M.: Machinostroenie. 1985. – 224 p.
- Iosilevich G.B. Stress and Damage Concentration in Machine Parts. - M.: Machinostroenie, 1981. – 223 p.
- Iosilevich G.B. Details of machines. - M.: Machinostroenie, 1988. – 367 p.
- Birger I.A., Shorr B.F., Iosilevich G.B. Calculation of Machine Parts for Strength. Reference Book. – M.: Machinostroenie, 1993. – 640 p.
- Stresses Due to Interference-Fit Pins and Bushes in Plants, Strips or Lungs // Engineering Sciences Data Unit. 1971. – 8 р.
- Tarabasov N.D. Calculation of Force Fitting in Machine-Building. – M.: Machgiz, 1961. – 364 p.
- Tarabasov N.D. New Approach to Solving the Task of Force-Fit Joints // Calculations on Strength. 1969. Issue 14. P. 63–75.
- Antipin P.K. Stress Determination of Force-Fitting Round Discs into the Plate with Curved Contour // Calculations on Strength, Rigidity, Stability and Vibraions. 1965. P. 43–47.
- Krukova N.M. On One Plane Task of Theory of Elasticity for Isotropic Piece-Homogeneous Medium // Izv. AN USSR. Mechanics of Solid Body. 1966. No. 5. P. 43–51.
- Ugodchikov A.G. On Calculations of Fitting Stress in Some Types of Force-Fitting Joints // Works of Gorkiy Engineer-Constructional Institute. 1956. Issue 25. P. 28–43.
- Ignashov I.A. Tension State of Square Plate with Force-Fitted Round Plain Washer of Different Material // Izv. Vuzov. Machinostroenie. 1969. No. 9. P. 49–53.
- Ignashov I.A. Tension State of Plate Limited by Particular Curve with Several Force-Fitted Round Plain Washer from Different Material // Izv. AN USSR. Mechanics of Solid Body. 1971. No. 1. P. 86–89.
- Ignashov I.A. Tension State of Round Plate with Force-Fitted Round Plain Washer of Different Material // Elasticity and Nonelasticity. Works of MSU. No. 2. 1971. P. 74–82.
- Semenov-Ezhov I.E. Modelling of Contact Stress in Force-Fitted Joints // Izv. Vuzov. Machinostroenie. 1979. No. 5. P. 20–24.
- Semenov-Ezhov I.E. Stress Concentration in Pressure Coupling // Reference Book. Engineer Journal. 2000. No. 4. P. 21–25.
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