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Московский политехнический университет

2013 year → Issue 1

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V.Z. Melnikov
Quality assurance of gear transmission using multiple tooth contact
O.A. Troitsky, V.I. Stashenko
Rolling equipment modernization and features of electroplastic rolling technology
F.Z. Badaev, V.V. Rybalchenko, A.Kh. Khairi, N.A. Kasatova, A.I. Airikh
Determination of kinetic parameters of interaction of aluminum-magnesium alloys with an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide
A.Yu. Omarov, O.L. Sidortsova, Yu.G. Trifonov, A.D. Shlyapin
Structure and phase composition of powders obtained by chemical dispergating of aluminum-magnesium alloys
B.L. Krasny, V.P. Tarasovsky, Yu.M. Mosin , A.B. Krasny, A.Yu.Omarov
Research of properties of aluminium hydroxide powders
V.N. Skopinsky, N.A. Berkov, N.V. Vozhova, M.R. Gilazov
Alculated determination of plastic limit load for piping tees subjected to combined loading
O.F. Trofimov
Effect of nonstationarity of stochastic loading processes on material fatigue damage
А.S. Gorobtsov, N.V. Chigirinskaya
Problems and prospects of implementation of the federal state educational standards in engineering education
L.V. Kremlyova, V.I. Malygin, V.T. Kharitonenko, N.V. Lobanov
Methodology of engineering staff training in scientific-educational centers
