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Московский политехнический университет

2012 year → Issue 4

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Averyanova I.O., Vinogradov A.V., Prodan R.K., Varfolomeev A.A.
Automated database of processing mode parameters for electrical discharge machining
V.A. Artem’ev, V.I. Koshkin, V.A. Sazonov, V.N. Fridlyanov, A.L. Proskuryakov, Yu.M. Borovin
Research of the development of nanotechnology in the nuclear industry and technology
V.P. Krasin, S.I. Sojustova
Thermodynamics of processed on the interface of system phases «solid niobium – liquid sodium» in the presence of oxygen additive
L.A.Shirokov, O.L.Shirokova
Formation of the optimization algorithms of control systems for minimizing the consumption of resources
Grib V.V., Jukov R.V., Petrova I.M.
Simulation of technical state alteration of complex mechanical systems
Lipanov A.M., Makarov S.S.
Numerical solution of the problem of cooling high-temperature solid metal cylinder
Misyurin S.Y., Nelyubin A.P.
Multiobjective parameter optimization of mechanical systems on the example of a planar mechanism
Shirokov L.A., Shirokova O.L.
Mathematical modeling of the companies’ buffer stock
