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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2012 year → Issue 3

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V.V. Gusarov, S.V. Gazialiev
Improving the balance single-cylinder engine by selecting the position of its mass centre
V.I. Malygin, Ph.V. Cherepenin, S.M. Skovpen, N.V. Lobanov, D.A. Ulyanichev
Method of feeding program control in turning-and-boring profiling machines with asynchronous drive
O.F. Trofimov
Forecasting material fatigue damage of the structures under stochastic regime of their loading
V.I. Bazhanov, M.V. Marchenkov, A.V. Ryabukhin
Computer simulation of occurrence of gaseous cavitation in vortex devices
A.M. Lokoshchenko, K.A. Agakhi, L.V. Fomin
Beam bending under creep considering the damage and multimodulus behavior of the material
K.A. Palaguta, A.A. Alekseev
Construction of the kinematic trajectory of the vehicle in extreme conditions
V.N. Skopinsky, A.N.Berkov, S.A. Gavrenkov, A.K. Fokin
Parametric stress analysis of piping with conical branch under moment loading
