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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2012 year → Issue 2

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V. Svistunov, V. Chubukov, A. Matveev, A. Hartwig
Overload protection of crank sheet-stamping automatIC Press
B.B. Bobovich
Molding of parts of the car body from reinforced polymer composites by spraying
I. V. Sidko, E.S. Fomenko
Diagnostics of details superficial layer condition under the processing by superficlal plastic warping
O.V. Taratynov, V.V. Klepikov
Efficiency improvement of hardening grinding method
V.P. Krasin, S.I. Sojustova, A.A. Verner
The particle size effect on the phase boundaries in the systems consisting of immiscible components
A.A.Potapova, V.V.Stolyarov, A.B.Bondarev, V.A.Andreev
Investigation of use of electroplastic rolling technique TiNi bars production
D. P. Alekseev, A. A. Sheypak
Mathematical model of calculation of leak through end clearance of double action guided-vane pump
S.E. Lyuminarsky, I.E.Lyuminarsky
Matematical model of a harmonic drive with the disk wave generator
V.N. Skopinsky, N.A. Berkov, A.B. Smetankin
Defininf of limit pressure in connections of ellipsoid-cylinder shell intersections
M. V. Lukyanenko, O. A. Polezhaev, N. P. Churlyaeva
The prospects of the university education and development of continuing training systems of engineers at enterprises
