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Московский политехнический университет

2011 year → Issue 4

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M.V. Kuklin
Joint-stock Company Northern Machine Building Enterprise
I.V. Kuznetsov
On the caclulation of mixture formation in the internal combustion engine with a spark-ignition and blown prechamber
S.J.Elkin, V.V.Safonov, I.T.Polupanov
Technology of restoration of spring teeth by means of electromechanical processing
I.O. Averyanova
Determination of the composition of the park of metal-cutting machine tools with cnc for the processing of the workpiece variety
A.G. Batischev, K.F. Vlasik, S.S. Grabchikov, V.M. Grachev, V.V. Dmitrenko, E.E. Zemskov, N.P. Kalashnicov, S.S. Muravyev-Smirnov, S.E. Ulin, Z.M. Uteshev, V.F. Fedorov
Film nanostructures multilayer magnetic screens
Anatoly D. Shliapin, Victor V. Rybalchenco, Dmitry A. Ivanov, Azat Kh. Khairi, Asif Yu. Omarov
Physico-mechanical properties of new ceramic material
O.V. Alekhin, V.P. Alekhin
Features of plastic flow of surface layers of molybdenum and ironat the initial stage of deformation
N.S. Volskaya, J.Y. Levenkov, O.A.Rusanov
Modelling of automobile wheel interaction with uneven ground contact area
A.Sheypak, V. Poroshin
Roughness influence mechanism on hydraulic losses during laminar flow
I.V. Demyanushko, N.P. Velikanova
Influence of operational factors on the durability of rotary parts of gas-turbine engines
N.I.Avdeev, A.M.Guskov, G.J.Panovko
On the placement of vibration isolators under the frame of the technological machine
