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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2011 year → Issue 3

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E.V. Trusova, N.A. Kostin
Wear capability of nitrocemented die steel surfacings
A.S. Jamnikov, A.A. Malikov, A.V. Sidorkin
Shaving-rolling the spur gears with circular teeth
I.V. Kuznetsov, V.I. Bazhanov
Reducing the emission indexes of the internal combustion engine with a catalyst converter
V.V. Ovchinnikov, V.V. Alekseev, V.I. Lukin, V.S. Magnitov, R.N. Rastopchin
Properties and structure of welded joints of B-1963 alloy made by electron-beam welding
A.M. Guskov, E.A. Korovaytseva, G.Ya. Panovko, A.E. Shokhin
Studying the external vibration field influence on the quartz oscillator dynamics
V.Y. Rudakov
The method for calculating the fuel jet geometric parameters for a open combustion chambers of medium-reverse engines
Rusanov O.A.
Nonlinear analysis of thin-walled structures on the base of dynamic approach
V.N. Skopinsky, N.A. Berkov, N.V. Vozhova
New criterion for defining the load limit in cylindrical pressure vessels with nozzles
Moscow State Industrial University
Mathematical modeling of flow in seals considering its 3D surface topography
K.P. Alekseev, O.Yu. Bespalov, A.V. Koshkin, A.D. Shlyapin
Network system for raising the level staff skills in nanotechnology
A.Kh. Khairy, A.Yu. Omarov
Equilibrium process at hydrogen production by interaction of aluminum and alkali solution
