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Московский политехнический университет

2011 year → Issue 1

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Averianova I.O., Prodan R.K.
Features of technology for machining the diversified fine-sized parts
Barmina O.V., Volokhovskaya O.A.
Methods of vibration analysis for multistage immersion pumps for oil extraction
Kheylo S.V., Glazunov V.A., Vo Dinh Tung
Solving the velocity and special position problem for a spherical parallel manipulator
Kalashnikov N.P., Olchak A.S.
Change of metal physical properties at the local violation of electrical neutrality
Mordovin V.P., Kutzev S.V.
Production of the TiFe hydrogen accumulating alloy and its application in the hydride refrigerating plants
Shemjakin А.N., Rachkov M.Yu., Solovjev N.G.
Radiation power research of the laser technological complex with non-self-maintained discharge
Lokoshchenko A.M., Teraud V.V.
Experimental verification of cylinders shortening modeling results under creep
Lukianova N.V.
Оne-class classifier based on the SVDD algorithm
Skopinsky V.N., Smetankin A.B., Vozhova N.V.
Choice of approximation stress-strain curve for elastic-plastic analysis of intersecting shells
Chernyatin A.S., Razumovsky I.A.
Complex analysis of constructions’ elements with surface cracks
