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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2010 year → Issue 3

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S. Briot, V. Arakelian, V.A. Glazunov
Conditions of motion transmission in planar parallel structure manipulators
I.M. Borzov, E.J. Levintan, A.A. Shejpak
Dynamic air drive with an ejector nozzle
B.A. Sentjakov, K.P. Shirobokov, V.M. Svjatsky
Method for calculating the avaredge speed of air stream in a working zone of the fibre formation device
N.P. Kalashnikov, A.S. Olchak
Energy of Coulomb explosion in thin metal strings
V.V. Stolyarov
Features of nanostructured alloys’ mechanical properties
A.M. Gouskov, E.A. Korovaytseva, A.E. Shokhin
Features of numerical modeling the quartz plate eigenvibrations
O.A. Rusanov, I.G. Pankratova
Calculated and experimental studies of eigenvibration in electric train car bodies
B.B. Bobovich
Issues of the cars and treir components utilization
L.A. Shirokov, A.E., Rabinovich, S.V. Suvorov
Automated information system for optimum forming the atmosphere control complexes in mechanical industry
D.P. Ilyaschenko, A.V. Tischenkova, A.B. Efremenkov
Student practical work – the major link in training of highly qualified engineers
A.N. Yandovsky
Tourism industry development in postcrisis period
