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Московский политехнический университет

2010 year → Issue 2

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N.V. Gulia, E.A. Petrakova
Influence of disc’s rolling velocity on main parameters of the planetary friction (disk) variator
N.A. Makarenko, V.N. Lastovirya, A.A. Bogutsky, N.A. Granovsky
Hydro-press rods renovation with plasma-MIG surfacing
A.M. Lokoshchenko, D.O. Platonov
Long-term strength of nickel alloy EI437BU-WA at the complex stress state
I.B. Rudenko
Electrical-pulse alloying of ferrum with the high-density fusible elements
V.V. Stolyarov
Structure and properties of ultrafine-grained VT6 alloy, processed by equal channel angular pressing
K.B. Alekseev, A.A. Malyavin, R.V. Yafutov
System for fuzzy control of distance between driving cars
L.N. Krainova, A.I. Munitsyn
Three-dimensional non-linear oscillations of the pipeline at harmonic excitation
O.A. Rusanov
Iterative solution for systems of linear algebraic equations in the finite element analysis
N.P. Kalashnikov, S.G. Rubin, D.A. Samarchenko
Test technology in the «MEPhI» NRNU educating
