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Московский политехнический университет

2009 year → Issue 4

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A.A. Sheypak
Technological tolerances for the dimentions and their influence on the dynamical drive efficiency
V.A. Glazunov, Nguyen Ngoc Hue, Nguyen Minh Thanh
Singular configuration analysis of the parallel mechanisms
Yu.F. Ivanov, S.V. Konovalov, O.A. Stolboushkina, V.E. Gromov
Formation of fine structure and surface of fracture Al under the action of the weak electric potentials
V.V. Stolyarov
Tribological behavior of the nanostructured and coarse grained metals
A.N. Kravchenkov, A.D. Shlyapin
Contact alloying by fusible elements
A.Kh. Khayri, A.Yu. Omarov
Bohmit structure and properties obtained as a by-product at hydrogen production
I.A. Razumovsky, A.S. Chernyatin
Methodology and software for analysis of stress-strain state by means of interference optical and numerical techniques
N.V. Vozhova, B.S. Volfson
Static strength evaluation of separator’s point by means of 3D finite-element modeling
K.A. Palaguta, S.Y. Chirkin, A.V. Kuznetsov
Synthesis of systems for internal combustion engine control using hybrid and neural networks
N.A. Onanko, M. A. Khonchev
Standardization of information resources for remote education as the decision of problem of creation of the distributed networks
A.B. Yurasov, R.M. Tretyakov
Methods and technologies for unifyed sources development using in distance learning distributed networks
A.V. Dobrovolski
World movement of Russia's higher schools foriegn alumni
