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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2009 year → Issue 3

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Bogdanov V.N.
Studying the thermodynamic cycle for a piston ICE with injection of subsidiary working agent
Kuznetzov V.P.
Method of equipment parameter determination for the detail elastic burnishing on the basis of nonlinear dynamics modeling of the process
Gureeva M.A., Grushko O.E.
Aluminum alloys for the welded constructions of modern transportation means
Lokhansky J.K., Petrov V.Y., Sheypak A.A.
Studying the roughness influence on the working characteristics of the centrifugal stage of an immersion pump
Kalashnikov B.A.
Choice of parameters for amortization systems with discrete switching the elastic element parts
Roganova N.A., Sharafutdinov G.Z.
Approximate method for the plane problem solution of the theory
Demina L.M., Tikhonov G.V.
Big-ticket lease for reequipping the small and middle machine building enterprises
Sittzev V.M., Koshelev K.O., Rachkov M.Yu.
European standards for the engineering education and certification of specialists as Euroengineers
