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Rus / Eng
Московский политехнический университет

2009 year → Issue 2

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Bozrov V.M., Ivlev V.I.
Prospects for Developing the Plate Pneumatic Motors Performance
Ovchinnikov V.V., Kozlov D.A., Yakutina S.V.
Study of the 30ХГСН2А Steel’ Surface Properties after Cooper Ionic Implantation
Guschin N.S., Aleksandrov N.N.
Hardenability of Middle–Alloyed Cast Iron with Spherical Graphite
Shemyakin A.N., Rachkov M.Yu., Yakimov M.Yu.
Mesearement of Laser Technological Systems’ Radiation Power Operating with a Non Self-Supporting Smouldering Discharge
Kalashnikov B.A., Bokhan V.V.
Features of Dynamics Systems Amortization with Discrete Switching Parts of Elastic Elements
Shirokov L.A., Rabinovich A.E., Suvorov S.V.
Economical-Mathematical Model for Forming an Air Protection Complex in the Machine Building Manufacture
Bebenina E.V., Gladun A.D., Grebnev L.S., Kalashnikov N.P.
Features of the Independent Public–Professional Accreditation Described on the Example of Samara State Aerospace University
Batueva G.G., Papilov R.A., Chirkin D.P.
Engineering Education as a Well–Being Base for Russia
